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CSS 3316 Persuasion and Communication


In this research guide you can find links to library resources for each aspect that you need to research for your campaign paper:

  • Research on theory
  • Research on your audience/market
  • Research on a campaign model

I Can Be Persuaded

Researching Theory


In the database Communication & Mass Media Complete or Academic Search Complete you can search for the different theories using the subject headings.

For example, choose "SU Subject Terms" from the drop down box and then search:

  • "Social Judgment Theory"
  • "Elaboration Likelihood Model"
  • "Cognitive Dissonance Theory"
  • "Narrative Paradigm Theory"

Researching Audience/Market

LT - Presentations - Audience Participation

These databases provide access to all sorts of statistical data - on population, economics, employment, agriculture & food, industry,etc.  You can use them to find information on the target audience or market that your campaign is aimed towards.


Researching Model (Means/Method)

3 Fascinating Marketing Campaign Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow

Using business databases can be helpful in finding articles that discuss similar marketing campaigns.  LexisNexis searches through recent news publications, and can be useful in seeing trends in what kinds of persuasive strategies are being used.

University Libraries

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