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Music - Intro to String Research

How to find

Journals offer content that is typically more current than books or other reference material.  They can be found in print or online.


Some music journals are still only available in print.  Many databases will index these print journal articles.  For example the database listed on this page, Music Index, indexes many of the libraries print and online journals.  If you find an article that we have in print, they are located on Moody 3rd floor and are shelved alphabetically.  Check out the map on the tab 'Plan and start.." on this guide to see where the music periodicals are shelved.


The best way to locate an article for your research is to go to one of the suggested databases on this page.  The tricky part is that OneSearch (the library's catalog) also picks up some articles and databases will often contain more than just journal articles.  So how do you know you've found a journal article?

There are filters in OneSearch and in the databases that help you chose 'Articles' or 'Scholarly articles/journals'.  When you find a reference to or citation, look for the following:

  • Seriality - regular and frequent publications, usually monthly
  • Volume or issue #s
  • page #s 

Example from OneSearch


Example from Music Periodicals Database

Evaluating Articles

Try out this Quizlet on 'Scholarly vs. Popular'

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