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Baylor Libraries Book Arts & Letterpress Lab

Course Collaborations

Integrating the Lab Experiences into your Courses 

Our lab team members partner with faculty and students to create curriculum-based, active-learning experiences. These may include tours, demonstrations, orientations, creative experiences, type setting activities, book arts activities, as well as  student projects in book arts and letterpress printing outside of class. Faculty from a wide variety of disciplines and departments are partnering with us for creative projects as well as demonstrations and workshops on printing history and practice. Some faculty members will schedule class visits over multiple days or schedule small-group sessions outside of class. Faculty are encouraged to plan collaborations with the Book Arts & Letterpress Lab team to best plan visits and determine learning objectives and activities. Request a collaborative experience for your students here.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702