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Intro to Alteryx

This guide provides an introduction to several of the frequently used tools in Alteryx.

Alteryx: Cleansing your data

Data Cleansing tool  

The Data Cleansing tool is used to fix any data quality issues in your dataset before you continue work with it.  This is the tool to use to fix issues like white spaces or capitalization issues.  The Data Cleansing tool can be found under Preparation.   Grab the tool and bring it onto the work canvas.  As you bring the Data Cleansing tool close to the Input Data tool, you will notice that they connect.  If this doesn't happen, click on the output anchor and drag it toward the input anchor on the Data Cleansing tool.

Once the connection is made, the Configuration pane will show a dialog box where you can select fields to be cleansed, remove/replace null sets and remove unwanted characters.

Be sure to select the "Leading and Trailing Whitespace"  Deselect the 2 "Replace Nulls" selections.  Select the "Modify Case" option and select "Title Case" from the pull-down menu.  Then click on the Run button.

All white spaces should be removed from our data and all text should be in Title case.

Unlike the Browse tool, the Data Cleansing tool has an output anchor.  We can now connect this tool to another tool in the workflow.

Save this workflow for the next section.

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