Input Data Tool
One of the easiest ways to get your data into Alteryx is by using the Input Data tool. Follow these steps to bring your datafile into Alteryx:
If you look in the configuration pane, you should see the first few columns of your datafile. Click on the "Run" button in the right corner of the workspace. After running the workflow, you should see the first several rows of your data in the results pane. If you can see this, you have accomplished the first step and your datafile is in the work canvas and ready to go. Save this workflow for the next section where you will work with the Data Cleansing tool.
Text Input Tool
Text input is another way to get data into Alteryx but requires a bit more work from you. Text input involves creating a text table, then entering your data.
After you fill in your data, you can use the "Output Data" tool and send your data table into Excel.
Output Data Tool
Locate the "Output data" tool in your tool bar and drag it onto your workspace. Select "Set Up a Connection" in the configuration pane. This allows you to select a name and location for the file where you will output your data. Next, in the dialog box, specify a location in your excel sheet for the data and click OK.
When the above box appears in your configuration pane, you will be able to set file format, output options, etc.
Once this is done, hit the "Run" button.
Browse Tool
The Browse tool can be used to look at a dataset you have just brough into your workspace or later in a workflow to view the resulting dataset. Note that the Browse tool has only one anchor. Once you have connected the Browse tool to another tool and run your workflow, that is the end of the process (unless you remove the Browse tool).
Drag the Browse tool onto your workspace and connect it to your Input Data tool.
Once you have the Browse tool connected to the Input Data tool, click the Run button.
Now in the Configeration pane, you should be able to see the "Profile" of your dataset.
Column headers in your Excel spreadsheet = section names in your dataset profile.
You can click on any one of the section hames to see more about that column of data in your spreadsheet.
The Browse tool provides a view of data in table format at the point it is connnected to a tool.
The Results Pane will display your Data table.
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