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Environmental Humanities

Resources to support research and teaching in Environmental Humanities

Environmental Humanities: External Grants

Note that this is a partial list of potential grant opportunities in the field of Environmental Humanities.

Please notify Laura Semrau of grant possibiliites you'd like added to this list.

  • The Rachael and Ben F Vaughan Foundation Grant

    Over the past fifty-five years, the Rachael and Ben Vaughan Foundation has awarded grants in the areas of education, environmental preservation, health care, human rights, poverty reduction, religious support, and substance abuse. This year, the Foundation will again primarily support organizations working in these fields.

    The Foundation invites organizations to submit a Grant Request Application that describes a specific project in one of the above areas. Grant requests may range between $2,000 and $20,000. The implementation of the project should require no more than twelve months. While the Foundation's grants largely support work in Texas, it has no geographic limit as the location of the recipient or the project. However, no matter the location, the Foundation encourages grant requests for programs that serve local residents, do not duplicate the efforts of other organizations, minimize administrative fees and will continue to produce benefits after the official date of completion. September 1st deadline.

  • Texas Commission on the Arts -- Arts Respond Project
    This competitive grant program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project. Grants fall under the categories of Education, Health & Human Services, Economic Development, Public Safety & Criminal Justice, Natural Resources & Agriculture. 
    Projects at colleges and universities must demonstrate significant community involvement.
    January 15th and July 15th likely deadlines.


Grant Types - Government, Private, Non-Profit

There are many types of granting agencies, from the U.S. government, private foundations (large and small), local community (government and private), to the GoFundMe website for crowd sourcing and fundraising on a more personal level. All of these sources may provide opportunities for your community partner to use. You want to vet these different agencies, confirm they are still operating, what their primary interest is, how competitive they are, and what their funding and reporting cycle is like. 

Consider the following points as you search for appropriate granting agencies:

  • Locating the big and well-known foundations and granting agencies isn't difficult - The Foundation Directory listed in the box to the right will help you do that. But many of these large foundations require time to cultivate a relationship with them or that the applicant have a successful track record with previous grants.
  • Local funding agencies are often harder to discover and may have a more limited interest area (geographically, programmatically, etc.), but are often good places for smaller or newer groups to apply to.
  • Government grants are generally reserved for multi-year endeavors and have many requirements that small or more independent applicants would have difficulty meeting.

Grant Resources - Databases and Online Directories

For local or regional grants, search Google for the terms grants agencies Texas you can add non-profit if you want to narrow results, or another suitable limiting word (education, reading, literacy, housing, the specific city or county where your group's headquarters are located, etc.).

You can use the Google box below which I've already set up with what I found to be usable search terms for the state of Texas.

Google Web Search

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