To find primary sources, perform an author search in OneSearch.
You can use OneSearch to find primary sources. You can do a keyword search for the name of the person, but a more focused way to search for their works is to choose "Library Catalog" at the top of the search page, choose "Author/Creator" from the drop down list, and then put the name of the person in the search box in this format "LastName, FirstName" (ex. "Austen, Jane").
The results will be all the materials we have in the library that are authored by that person.
However, you can often find works that are adaptations, or retellings of works of literature. If the work of literature has been made into a film, you might even find novelizations of the script. Even though the primary author might be someone different, the original author is given credit, so these works also show up in your search.
To find a specific work, you can add another line to your previous search: choose "Title" from the drop down list and then add the name of the work. Remember, we may have multiple editions, films, or versions in different languages, so you can always use the filters on the left hand side to narrow your search down even more.
When you find a book that we have in print, note the location and call number so you can find it on the shelf. You can also easily use the icon to find its exact location in the library. When you get to that specific shelf, note that all the other books by your author are in the same area.
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