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Investment Speech

This guide provides both direction and resources that will assist in the research of a company for the investment speech as part of your speech class.

Investment Speech - General Tips

The following tips are meant as an aid for writing a speech to convince someone to invest in a company.


1. Choose your company.  This can be done in several ways.

  • Choose a company whose products or services you use.
  • Check the company listings in ValueLine (click on "Dashboard" link at top of the page, then look for "VLIS Rank Changes" in the "Quick Links" box on the right. Look under "Ranks Moving Up" for companies moving up in ranking. Look for companies who are 1,2 3 in Safety and Timeliness rankings.
  • Choose a company you see regularly on TV.
  • Choose an industry you are interested in and select a company that is in this industry.

2.  Gather your information


Now that you have gathered your information, you can begin to build your speech.  The following tips can help you to have a well organized, informative speech.

Gather your information carefully.  Some things to watch for are:

  • Be sure to check the Safety and Timeliness ratings for your company in ValueLine.  These should be a 1,2 or 3.
  • Check your company's Beta value.  This is a measure of your company's volatility (see definition)
  • Read an investment report for your company from several different investment firms.  There should be a summary section that will provide the firm's opinion of your company.
  • Read about the industry performance for the industry your company is classsified in.  This can be found in IBISWorld.  This can add valuable information to your speech.
  • Read your company's annual balance sheet to get a feel for how it is doing financially.

 Now, you begin to write. 

  • Organize your information carefully. 
  • Be decisive and up-beat in your speech.  You want to make your company sound as positve as possible while backing it up with facts.

Understanding investing

These are resources that can help you understand the investment process

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