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Baylor University Libraries: LibQUAL FAQ

FAQs for LibQUAL service level survey

What is the LibQUAL+ survey?

LibQUAL+® is a web-based survey that asks library users their minimum, desired, and perceived service levels in three dimensions: Library as Place, Information Control, and Affect of Service. Participating institutions may customize their disciplines and positions (user groups, i.e., undergraduate, graduate, etc.) as well as library branches.

Since 2000, more than 1,340 libraries in 35 countries have participated in LibQUAL+®, including college and university, community college, health sciences, and academic law libraries. This growing community of participants and its extensive data set of more than one million completed surveys are rich resources for improving library services.

We are participating in LibQUAL+® because it is a trusted instrument from the Association of Research Libraries. For more information about LibQUAL+®, please see:

Why are we conducting the LibQUAL+ survey?

LibQUAL+® gives Baylor University students, staff, and faculty an opportunity to tell us where library services need improvement so that we are able to align our services better to meet the needs and expectations of the academic community.

Who can participate?

The entire Baylor community is invited to participate.

  • All students
  • All faculty
  • All staff

Is there a chance to win something by filling out the survey?

Aramark donated five 15-dollar gift cards. This means 5 random survey takers will receive a $15 gift card usable at any dining or retail locations on campus. Good luck!

How and when do I complete the survey?

Yes, the survey does need to be completed in a single session.

The survey will be available from Wednesday, April 12 through Friday, May 12.


How long does it take to complete the survey?

The median response time for the LibQUAL+® survey is about 10 minutes.

Are there sample questions I can look at?

There are sample screens available here:

What is the format of the LibQUAL+ survey?

There are 44 questions.

  • 22 core questions, with three scales for each question: your minimum service level, your desired service level, and your perceived service performance (9-point scale, low to high)
  • 8 questions: general satisfaction and outcomes (9-point scale, strongly disagree to strongly agree)
  • 3 questions: library and non-library resource usage patterns (drop-down choices)
  • 5 demographic questions: library used most often, age, gender, discipline, and position (drop-down choices)
  • 5 Baylor University Libraries custom questions
  • 1 open-ended comments box

Why do the questions have three parts or scales?

Many questions will have three parts or Likert scales.

The three parts are:

  1. Minimum - The number that represents the minimum level of service that you would find acceptable
  2. Desired - The number that represents the level of service that you personally want
  3. Perceived service levels - The number that represents the level of service that you believe our library currently provides

LibQUAL+® lets us see where library services are below the minimum acceptable level; where they are better than the minimum, but less than the desired level; and even where they exceed expectations.

How is the privacy of participants protected?

The LibQUAL+® approach to confidentiality is guided by the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association ( see APA Online, note section 4). Responses do not include email addresses and other information identifying individuals. In addition, responses will only be used in the aggregate survey analyses, and will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

NO IP addresses will be captured. Baylor University (including the Libraries) have no way to link the participants’ email addresses or other personal information to individuals.

Is the survey compatable with text-to-speech web browsers?

Yes, the survey is compatible with the JAWS screen reader software.

Will participants be able to complete a print copy of the survey rather than completing it online?

Participants are asked to complete the online survey as this provides privacy and ensures confidentiality. However, a print copy is available for submission of responses, if requested. The survey is compatible with the JAWS screen reader software.

Dissemination of Results

Once the data analysis is complete and available to us, we will keep the Baylor community informed as to outcomes through postings on our website and via such channels as Promoting Discovery: The Baylor Libraries Blog.

Is there a Baylor Libraries blog post about LibQUAL+?

Is there an official LibQUAL FAQ?

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Please contact with any questions. We will be happy to help.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702