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Experiential Learning Workshops

Our team offers a growing catalogue of library workshops and trainings. This is the comprehensive list. Reach out if you'd like custom training for your class to support a creative project.

Our team offers a growing catalogue of library workshops and trainings. We have general sessions for faculty only and sessions that may include students. We can also tailor sessions to meet your specific class needs. Reach out to us if you'd like to explore custom training for your class to support a creative project (we can help with those too!).

Below is a list of past workshops. We have lesson plans for each and can deliver them on-demand.

Creative Making Grant

Creative Making Grant

Prerequisites: None

Learning Objective: Discover together details about the Creative Making Grant, its justification, the team offering it (the Experiential Learning Commons), and the range of creative activities we can support.

Prework: Read our Creative Making Grant flyer and bookmark the short online application. Both are available at our website:

Related LibGuide: n/a

Kaltura 101

Videos are increasingly becoming an important mode of communication in our society. This should be the case inside the classroom as well! Kaltura is a multimedia platform that provides easy-to-use tools to create and share media.

Lulzbot 3D printer

Prerequisites: None.

Learning Objective: Learn the ins and outs of recording and distributing videos to directly to your Canvas courses or even to wider audiences via Mediaspace!

Prework: None.

Related LibGuide: Kaltura 101

Podcasting 101

Podcasts are now a BIG THING and with more and more companies, brands, and institutions turning to podcasts to tell their story, so are schools, classrooms, and students.  In this workshop, we are going to overview the basics of podcasting from types of podcast to recording equipment and techniques.

Kaltura logo

Prerequisites: None

Learning Objective: Discover together the origins, relevance, and process of podcasting, including a basic knowledge of audio recording equipment, software, and recording techniques. Class will break into groups and record and edit an audio podcast introduction.

Prework: Listen to any podcast of your choice and be ready to discuss.

Related LibGuide: Podcasting 101

Buzzademia Brainstorm

Developing Creative Digital Media Assignments for Your Class

Buzzademia is a term used to define scholarship in the internet vernacular. This workshop will introduce you to thinking about creative assignments you can add to your course syllabus to engage students in meaningful work that provides the opportunity for creative expression through digital media and critical engagement with the learning goals and objectives of your course. This workshop is intended for faculty/graduate students developing assignments for courses.

Buzzademia graphic placeholder

Prerequisites: None

Learning Objective: Be aware of the various practices, tools, and platforms in digital media that you can incorporate into your assignments. Have at least one assignment idea for incorporating creative digital media in your course. Develop a framework for building out an assignment rubric that allows for creative student work and a meaningful assessment of learning objectives that you've set out to measure. Understand the services offered in the Experiential Learning Commons that you can utilize to fulfil the learning objectives of your assignment(s).

Prework: None

Related LibGuide: Buzzademia Brainstorm

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