The following resources are provided from personnel in the Graduate School and are available from their website.
Since Fall 2005, the Graduate School at Baylor University has required that all theses and dissertations be electronic only and submitted online to the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection in the BEARdocs institutional repository. The purpose of this guide is primarily to provide general information related to ETD issues and information about the process of submitting ETDs to BEARdocs. The primary audience is graduate students who are preparing to submit their thesis to BEARdocs and the faculty who work with these students.
Advantages of holding theses and dissertations in an open and online environment include:
For detailed information on the practices of other institutions with ETDs, the ETD community maintains this spreadsheet. To find electronic theses and dissertations at other institutions use the Global ETD Search provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
The submission of your thesis to the ETD submission system, is a simple process and should require very little time. Below are the basic steps for this process. If you have any questions or encounter any problems, contact
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