You may find that the repositories are adequate to launch you into the world of experiential learning with multimedia and making. Alternatively, you may use Virginia Tech's Digital Literacy Framework and Toolkit (below), or you may contact us.
Ideally this process begins prior to the start of the semester with a rough outline of your desired learning objective(s) and activity idea. Pick one from a repository, or create your own. We also have a list of past Baylor faculty projects to draw from (you may have a colleague who has already worked with us). We can help sharpen the project and provide both resources and training for you and your class to accomplish it.
Please reach out with any questions!

University Libraries at Virginia Tech have an excellent "Digital Literacy Framework" with companion "Digital Literacy Framework Toolkit." Also view their libguide,

Framework and Toolkit by Julia Feerrar and Kelsey Hammer. Used with permission under CC BY 4.0.