Where to find books related to costume design and history
call numbers ranges beginning with:
NK4700-4890 (3rd floor Moody Library)
decorative arts: costume
GT500-2370 (2nd floor Jones Library)
manners/customs: costume, dress, fashion
TT490-695 (2nd floor Jones Library)
technology: handcrafts/arts and crafts - clothing manufacture, dressmaking, tailoring
Baylor Libraries floor maps
(where to find these call number areas in the libraries)
The following links show examples of how the Baylor Libraries resource portal, OneSearch, can help you find books, articles, and many other kinds of information for your research. We'll use some of these as our jumping off point in class to talk about how to use OneSearch and how to get your hands on the materials you find through OneSearch.
"costume history" (as a subject)
"costume history" (these words appearing in titles)
"costume and dress" (as a subject)
Clothing and dress -- History -- Encyclopedias (as a subject)
Clothing and dress -- History -- Dictionaries (as a subject)
Costume Design (as keywords)
Costume Design (as words in titles)
"costume institute" (browsing this term as an "author organization")
costume--periodicals (journals about costume design and history)
Sarah Mosher, costumer design for The Way of the World by William Congrieve (Directed by Jesse Berger, Set: Sarah Davidson, Lights: Paul Hancock, Produced by The University of Texas at Austin Theatre Department) Images from: http://www.sarahmosher.com/