A good place to begin your search art dictionaries or encyclopedias. These can provide valuable background information on basic concepts and ideas as well identify specific artists associated with certain art movements. Though the terms "dictionary" and "encyclopedia" are at times used interchangeably, dictionaries are primarily short definitions or descriptions of the topic whereas encyclopedias have lengthier articles on the topic.
Art, Modern - 20th Century - Dictionaries
OpenBibArt is a bibliographic database born out of a collaboration between the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA), the Getty Research Institute (GRI) and the Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the CNRS (Inist-CNRS). OpenBibArt reviews the literature on arts from Late Antiquity to the present day, providing access to close to 1.2 million of bibliographic records of periodicals, books, exhibition and auction catalogues, published between 1910 and 2007.
Provides full-text coverage to over 600 full-text journals, over 200 full-text books, and over 60 000 images in art and architecture from 1929-present. Combines content from Art Index/Art Index Retrospective and Art & Architecture Complete.
Provides access to mid 20th-century art history literature and contemporary criticism of art through periodicals, yearbooks, and select museum bulletins. Cumulates citations to Art Index volumes 1-32 (published between 1929 and 1984).
Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on topics in art history. Very useful for introductions to the scholarship of a field and key critical works.
Provides access to more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences.
Provides full-text coverage to over 600 full-text journals, over 200 full-text books, and over 60 000 images in art and architecture from 1929-present. Combines content from Art Index/Art Index Retrospective and Art & Architecture Complete.
Art & Architecture in Video -- "Modern Art related videos"
Collection of documentaries and interviews illustrating history, theory, and practice of art, design, and architecture. Includes biographies, profiles of artists and architects, surveys of art history, aesthetics, theory, criticism, etc. Alexander Street Press.
A catalogue raisonné is a publication representing an artist's work, either in total or by medium, or of a certain period. This type of catalogue usually includes a high quality reproduction of each work, along with important information about the work such as its history, provenance (where it was created and the history of of its historical and/or current custody), and technical aspects (medium, materials, dimensions, etc.). Catalogues Raisonné also provide important bibliographic information on the the works, the artists, and exhibitions.
Click here to find catalogues raisonné in the Baylor Libraries. Not all publications will include the term in the title, so this link will search the term as a subject heading in the library catalog. These are located on the third floor of Moody Library. Some of these will be in the reference collection and some in the circulating collection (either will be indicated in the location/call number, but you can also get assistance at the Arts & Special Collections Research Center in Moody Library, 3rd floor.
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