Provides data covering the private equity deals as well as information on thousands of private equity and venture capital deals, investors, funds, LPs, startup trends, and more.
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These are resources that can help you find the basic facts about your company.
Provides company profiles, news, business and trade articles, research reports, executive profiles, and industry intelligence.
Note: Limited to 25 simultaneous users; please logout when done.
Provides information on many well known privately-held companies in addition to M&A activity, PE & VC information and funding deals.
The first time you use PrivCo, you will need to set up an account associated with your Baylor e-mail address.
Provides directory information on U.S. business and residential listings.
Provides searchable news and market research from the National Sporting Goods Association and other industry sources.
Provides online access to major publications and company information from Standard and Poor's.
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