Discover biographies of more than 19,000 men and women — from all eras and walks of life — whose lives have shaped American history and culture.
Presents concise biographical articles on significant and representative persons in Australian history.
Covers Irish men and women from the earliest times until 2001, providing biographies and a sense of their influence on Irish history, culture, and life.
Contains biographies, criticisms and articles on literary authors and their works from throughout the world.
Provides full text of thousands of American poems from 1900 to present. Searchable by poet, by first line or title, and by keyword(s)in poems.
Provides full text of thousands of British poems from 1900 to present day. Includes works in English by poets from outside the British Isles, as well as significant translations of non-English poetry.
Provides short biographies of persons currently in the news and about whom no full-length biography exists as of the date of publication in Current Biography.
Indexes and provides full-text access to a variety of news and reference sources containing the biographies of individuals from all time periods.
A good obituary is a great source of information. You can use the two or three sources listed below, or Google your person's name followed by obituary.
Provides the full-text of nine major African American newspapers - Chicago Defender, The Baltimore Afro-American, New York Amsterdam News, Pittsburgh Courier, Los Angeles Sentinel, Atlanta Daily World, The Norfolk Journal and Guide, The Philadelphia Tribune, and Cleveland Call and Post.
Provides searching and digital access to the New York Times newspaper from its beginnings in 1851 to three years short of the current year.
Provides indexing and full-text access to the Times (London) newspaper from its inception to 2019.
Black Lives Matter
These groups and movements can all be researched, but the more recently they have occurred the more widely you will want to search. I'll demo how to research both the Black Lives Matter movement and the #MeToo campaign/movement to demonstrate how to search for "biographies of these types of groups.
These groups often have to be legitimized in some way and because of this are easier to search. They can be searched in online catalogues as you would search for people, by their name. You can add history to the search to see if there are focused works on these groups: American Red Cross history, for example.
You can also try searching in business databases for information on them. I've listed two below that might help.
Provides access to full-text business journals and scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
Provides business information from scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more.
To search for book-length, scholarly biographies about a person:
button or the link Request via Interlibrary Loan to order the book. Books will take about 7 - 10 days to arrive.