EndNote is a bibliographic citation management software offered by Thomson-Reuters. It allows you to
For more information see the EndNote website.
EndNote is available through the links below. You will need an active Bear ID and password in order to access this software. You should be able to install the software on your home computer as well as on a laptop in a wireless environment.
Please note that when installing all Microsoft products (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, etc.) need to be closed.
If you would older versions of EndNote, please email here.
The Find Full Text feature no longer works to access the Baylor Libraries subscriptions.
The Libraries and ITS do not provide direct support or training for EndNote other than helping with basic installation as the Baylor software service level (http://www.baylor.edu/its/index.php?id=44650) for Endnote is Level C. However, you can get support directly from EndNote through
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