1. IPA Source: Connect via the link in the Databases tab under the heading Reference Sources
- Instructions: In the ‘Search IPA Source’ box, type in the title of one of your current vocal repertoire selections for the semester (must be a foreign-language song) If you don’t have a foreign language song, use “Caro mio ben”. Click on the title to pull up the page with the IPA.
- Report back: Title and language of your song, the name of the poet, and explain what the IPA document looks like
2. Oxford Music Online: Connect via the link in the Databases tab under the heading Reference Sources
- Instructions: Click on ‘Tools and Resources’ at the top of the page, then ‘Subject guides’ located on the left-hand side of the page. Find Grove Opera Indexes in the list. Click on ‘Index of Opera Roles’ and search for the character “Figaro”.
- Report back: How many results did you find for the character, Figaro? Tell us the names of the operas that have a character named Figaro and the composers of those operas.
3. DRAM: Connect via the link in the Find scores & recordings tab under the heading Recordings (audiovisual and streaming)
- Instructions: You will do two separate searches. In the search box, search for “Jamie Van Eyck” and follow all instructions below. Then do a second search for “Randall Umstead”. Note that you will need to change the search IN box to ‘performers’ (use the drop-down menu). Click on Dr. Van Eyck and Dr. Umstead’s names to find recordings on which they’re featured.
- Report back: Names of the albums that came up for each performer
4. Met Opera on Demand: Connect via the link in the Find scores & recordings tab under the heading Recordings (audiovisual and streaming)
- Instructions: Once you are on the page, scroll down until you see the red ‘Search by Opera’ on the right-hand side. Search for ‘Le Nozze di Figaro’
- Report back: How many audio and video clips are available for this opera? Choose one and report back the performance date and names of several of the singers in the cast.
5. Naxos Music Library: Connect via the link in the Find scores & recordings tab under the heading Recordings (audiovisual and streaming)
- Instructions: In the keyword search box, type ‘Mozart’ and pick a recording.
- Report back: Name at least one artist on the recording and share the release date of the recording.
6. JSTOR: Connect via the link in the Databases tab under the heading General Humanities Sources
- Instructions: Search the phrase ‘vocal technique’, filter by ‘Journals’ on the left-hand side of the results page, then chose an article.
- Report back: Name and author of the article, and number of pages in the article.
7. IMSLP: Connect via the link in the Find scores & recordings tab under the heading Scores (print and online)
- Instructions: Once you are on the page, find the search box on the top right-hand corner. Type in ‘Bist du bei mir’. Select the first result item, then scroll down to the items listed under ‘Sheet Music’. Chose a score. You will need to ‘ok’ the copyright disclaimer
- Report back: List the composer and number of pages in the score
8. medici.tv Connect via the link in the Find scores & recordings tab under the heading Recordings (audiovisual and streaming)
- Instructions: Once you are on the homepage, click on the ‘Masterclass’ tab. Scroll through the options, and pick a vocal masterclass.
- Report back: Who is the artist teaching the masterclass? Where is the masterclass happening?
9. LiederNet Archive Connect via the link in the Websites tab under the heading Websites for further research
- Instructions: From the homepage, click on “open menu” located on the blue bar on the left- hand side. Scroll down the menu to ‘Utilities’ and select ‘Search by Title or First Line’. Type in a foreign language song you are currently working on in your voice lessons (if you don’t have a title, use “Le Colibri"). Click on the top result of your search.
- Report back: List how many language translations are available (these are the little boxes next to the song titles, when you hover your cursor over the box, the language of the available translation will pop up). Select the English language button (ENG), list how many stanzas you see in the original language text/poem and also the English translation.