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HIS 5369 The Historian's Craft

Resources for the graduate historiography class

Use OneSearch to find books

Extending the search past Baylor

If you would like to extend your search past Baylor holdings, the next place to go is Worldcat. Use Osofast to order items through Interlibrary loan.

Article Indexes and Bibliographies

Two largest indexes for scholarly articles

Use America: History and Life for articles on the United States and Canada, and Historical Abstracts for the rest of the world.

Indexes/Bibliographies with narrower foci
Broader databases

Browzine: How to keep up with Scholarly Journals

Browzine will allow you to access the electronic journals Baylor subscribes to and keep current with scholarly journals in your field. Follow these steps to sign up for a Browzine account:

  1. Open your favorite web browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Click Choose My Library
  4. Select Baylor University.
  5. Go to Settings.
  6. Under BrowZine Account, click Login
  7. Click Sign up create an account.

Videos below describe some of the useful features.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702