OneSearch is a discovery tool that provides a single place to search most of the content available from the Baylor University Libraries, including:
If you would like to extend your search past Baylor holdings, the next place to go is Worldcat. Use Osofast to order items through Interlibrary loan.
Contains an online catalog to the book, media, archival, journal, map, music, and special collections holdings of libraries across the United States and internationally.
Allows you to find books to request through OsoFast/InterLibraryLoan
Indexes Ph.D. dissertations and Master's theses in the collection of OCLC member libraries around the world.
Use America: History and Life for articles on the United States and Canada, and Historical Abstracts for the rest of the world.
Scholarly and peer reviewed articles on the history of the United States and Canada.
Indexes and provides abstracts to scholarly journal articles, conference papers, dissertations, books and book reviews in history for all countries except the United States and Canada.
Indexes scholarly writing by historians on the British Isles, the British Empire, and the British Commonwealth.
Contains records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia and published worldwide
Indexes popular and scholarly journal articles, essays, indigenous/First People's newspapers, books, and book reviews on all aspects of indigenous people of the United States and Canada.
Covers scholarship on the middle ages (500 - 1400), content is International in scope and in languages.
Indexes research on the middle ages and renaissance (400 - 1700) in journals, books, conference papers, catalogs, discographies, and dissertations.
Provides an index to materials in the field of Classical Studies covering especially topics in Greco-Roman history and civilization, archaeology, language and literature.
Offers access to the full text of selected scholarly and popular journals covering the issues of war, terrorism, and defense policy.
Provides online access to important scholarly journals and books in many different disciplines.
For journals, JSTOR mainly serves an archival function, it contains recent issues for some titles, but for most titles the available issues are two years old or more.
Offers indexing and abstracts for journals in all academic subjects.
Browzine will allow you to access the electronic journals Baylor subscribes to and keep current with scholarly journals in your field. Follow these steps to sign up for a Browzine account:
Videos below describe some of the useful features.
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