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Creditable information is key to making your business venture a success. Here are found resources that can help provide the information you need.

Library Research & Searching


This page will walk you through some of the basic skills (and a few more advanced ones too!) that you will need to effectively and efficiently search using the library's resources. Some of the topics covered will include using the library's website, learning about the types of resources that we have available to you through Baylor Libraries, how to connect your search terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), and even how to include phrase searching, nesting, truncation, and wildcards in your search.

Explore the tabs to learn more!

Library Research & Searching Interactive Module

Below is a short module that covers some of the basics of library research and searching. In it, you will learn more about how to use the library's website, the types of resources that you can find online and in-print at the Baylor Libraries, and the basics of searching in a library database. The module is interactive and will require you to respond to questions as you work through the content.

Please reach out to Amy James, Online Librarian for Education & Information Literacy, if you have any questions.


This page will walk you through some of the basic skills (and a few more advanced ones too!) that you will need to effectively and efficiently search using the library's resources. Some of the topics covered will include using the library's website, learning about the types of resources that we have available to you through Baylor Libraries, how to connect your search terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), and even how to include phrase searching, nesting, truncation, and wildcards in your search.

Explore the tabs below to learn more!

Using Boolean Operators to Connect Search Terms


This video explains the concept of using Boolean Operators to separate out search terms when you're searching in a library database. It includes descriptions and uses for the connector operators AND, OR, and NOT.

AND is an operator that will connect two search terms, phrases, or concepts. For example, a search for the terms college AND stress will bring you back items that contain both the word(s) college and the word(s) stress. Using AND will help you to get fewer results.

OR is an operator that will expand your results by showing you items that contain either one term, phrase, or concept OR another term, phrase, or concept. For example, a search for the terms college OR stress will bring you back items that contain the word college and items that contain the word stress. It will also bring back items that contain both the words college and stress.

NOT is an operator that tells the database to exclude a term, phrase, or concept. For example, if you want to exclude articles that talk about Covid-19 you could say NOT Covid-19.


This page will walk you through some of the basic skills (and a few more advanced ones too!) that you will need to effectively and efficiently search using the library's resources. Some of the topics covered will include using the library's website, learning about the types of resources that we have available to you through Baylor Libraries, how to connect your search terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), and even how to include phrase searching, nesting, truncation, and wildcards in your search.

Explore the tabs below to learn more!

Learn the Basics of Advanced Searching

Watch this video to learn some of the more advanced searching skills, including how to build search strings, include phrase searching, nesting, truncation, and wildcards.

Nesting involves using parentheses to clarify search terms when using more than one Boolean operator. Nesting helps group synonyms.
EX: alcohol AND (teen OR teenager OR adolescent) 

Phrase Searching narrows your search. Use quotation marks around a phrase when your search terms must be kept together in that exact order.
EX: "polar ice cap" 

Truncation involves using special symbols within a search term to improve the quantity and quality of your search results. Be careful not to truncate too early in the word.

Wildcards use a symbol within a word to provide for all possible variations within that word.
EX: wom#n (results that use women OR woman)
Be sure to check the resources of the database to see which wildcard(s) it recognizes.
EX: educat* (returns results with the terms educate, educating, education, educational, educator, educators) 


This page will walk you through some of the basic skills (and a few more advanced ones too!) that you will need to effectively and efficiently search using the library's resources. Some of the topics covered will include using the library's website, learning about the types of resources that we have available to you through Baylor Libraries, how to connect your search terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), and even how to include phrase searching, nesting, truncation, and wildcards in your search.

Explore the tabs below to learn more!

Using OneSearch to Find Books, Articles, & More

This video walks you through how to use OneSearch from the library's homepage to search for books (both in-print and online), articles, and more.

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