When faced with several editions of a single piece, with no other guidance, how do you know which one to pick? You should evaluate available score editions using the following 5 categories:
- What authority does the editor(s) have on the topic of this piece/composer (scholarly or performance authority)?
- Is this publisher well known/well regarded? We’ll cover some of these publishers in the next tutorial.
- What aspects of the edition are dedicated to accuracy and clarity?
- Look for footnotes, distinguishing editor’s marks from composer’s marks, other commentary, etc.
- How well does this edition meet your needs?
- Consider: stylistic and practical editorial additions, inclusion of scholarly commentary, accessibility, cost, etc.
- What is the publication date? Are there other editions (even by the same publisher) that were put out after this?
- How does this edition compare to other editions & manuscript(s) you can access?