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Journalism: Fact-checking Resources

SIFT: A Method for Fact-Checking

Evaluating online sources with SIFT:

SIFT is a series of actions you can take to determine the validity and reliability of claims and sources on the web. 

The SIFT method, or strategy, is quick, simple, and can be applied to various kinds of online content: news articles, scholarly articles, social media posts, videos, images, etc.

Each letter in SIFT corresponds to one of the Four Moves:

1) STOP 2) Investigate the Source 3) Find Better Coverage 4) Trace Claims, Quotes and Media to the Original Context


To learn more about fact-checking using the four moves, you can read the book Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers, by Mike Caulfield.

SIFT: Learn the Steps


Stop and ask yourself whether you know and trust the website or source of the information.

Investigate the Source

Knowing the expertise and agenda of the source is crucial to your interpretation of what they say.

Find Better Coverage

Search news databases for relevant stories. 

Use known fact-checking sites.

Use reverse image searching to find relevant sources on an image.

Trace Claims, Quotes and Media to the Original Context

Find the Original Source

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