This Truett Recommended Commentaries page was created by Todd Hilkemann (Truett) and Ezra Choe.
Genesis by Bill Arnold;This commentary is an innovative interpretation of one of the most profound texts of world literature: the book of Genesis. The first book of the Bible has been studied, debated, and expounded as much as any text in history, yet because it addresses the weightiest questions of life and faith, it continues to demand our attention. The author of this new commentary combines older critical approaches with the latest rhetorical methodologies to yield fresh interpretations accessible to scholars, clergy, teachers, seminarians, and interested laypeople. It explains important concepts and terms as expressed in the Hebrew original so that both people who know Hebrew and those who do not will be able to follow the discussion. "Closer Look" sections examine Genesis in the context of cultures of the Ancient Near East. "Bridging the Horizons" sections enable the reader to see the enduring relevance of the book in the twenty-first century.
Call Number: BS1235.53 .A76 2009
ISBN: 9780521806077
Publication Date: 2008-10-13
Genesis by Walter BrueggemannIn his clear and readable, style Walter Brueggemann presents Genesis as a single book set within the context of the whole of biblical revelation. He sees his task as bringing the text close to the faith and ministry of the church. He interprets Genesis as a proclamation of God's decisive dealing with creation rather than as history of myth. Brueggemann's impressive perspective illuminates the study of the first book of the Bible. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1235.3 .B78 1982
ISBN: 9780664234379
Publication Date: 2010-01-25
Genesis by Miguel A. De La TorreThis volume in the Belief series provides a new and interesting theological interpretation of Genesis through the themes of liberation and the concerns of the poor and marginalized. De La Torre remembers Jacob's wrestling at Peniel (Gen. 32:24-32), and finds that "there are consequences when we truly wrestle with the biblical text, struggling to see the face of God." This commentary provides theological and ethical insights that enables the book of Genesis to speak powerfully today. The volumes in Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible from Westminster John Knox Press offer a fresh and invigorating approach to all the books of the Bible. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies, the history of theology, the church's liturgical and musical traditions, contemporary culture, and the Christian tradition, noted scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles in favor of a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the texts. This series is an invaluable resource for those who want to probe beyond the backgrounds and words of biblical texts to their deep theological and ethical meanings for the church today.
Call Number: BS1235.53 .D4 2011
ISBN: 9780664232528
Publication Date: 2011-10-13
Genesis by John Goldingay; Bill Arnold (Series edited by)Highly regarded Old Testament scholar John Goldingay offers a substantive and useful commentary on the book of Genesis that is both critically engaged and sensitive to the theological contributions of the text. This volume, the first in a new series on the Pentateuch, complements the successful Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms series (series volumes have sold over 55,000 copies). Each series volume will cover one book of the Pentateuch, addressing important issues and problems that flow from the text and exploring the contemporary relevance of the Pentateuch. The series editor is Bill T. Arnold, Paul S. Amos Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary.
The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50 by Victor P. HamiltonIn this volume, Hamilton expounds Genesis 18-50 verse by verse and provides linguistic, literary, and theological commentary of its overarching theme; Yahweh's faithfulness to his promised word and his covenant with those who were chosen to receive it. This evangelical, thorough work features a comprehensive introduction, copious footnotes, and references to the New Testament writers' interpretations of Genesis.
Call Number: BS1235.3 .H34 1995
ISBN: 0802823092
Publication Date: 1995-09-26
Genesis by Kathleen M. O'ConnorThe Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series, written by accomplished biblical scholars with all students of the Bible in mind, presents relevant scholarship in an accessible way. A visual generation of believers deserves a commentary series that contains not only the all-important textual commentary on Scripture but also images, photographs, maps, works of fine art, and drawings that bring the text to life. The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary features: Visually stimulating and user-friendly format, Insight from many of today's finest scholars, Accompanying CD-ROM featuring powerful searching and research tools, Format that is ideal in a college/seminary classroom or a church setting, Distinctive hyperlinks that connect special interest boxes printed in color, Thorough indexes enabling the reader to locate information quickly, Internet support for news, information, updates, and enhancements to the series Book jacket.
Call Number: BS1235.53 .O26 2018
ISBN: 9781641730525
Publication Date: 2018-06-01
Genesis by Bruce K. Waltke; Cathi J. Fredricks (As told to)This landmark commentary marshals the vast experience and brilliant insights of one of today's most revered Old Testament scholars. To those familiar with the work of Bruce K. Waltke, the significance and value of Genesis will be instantly apparent. Others who are unfamiliar with Waltke have only to read the first few chapters to understand why he has earned the reputation of a scholar's scholar, and why this masterful volume stands like a monolith among Old Testament commentaries.Exploring the first book of the Bible as "theological literature," Waltke illuminates its meanings and methods for the pastor, scholar, teacher, student, and Bible-lover. Genesis strikes an unusual balance by emphasizing the theology of the Scripture text while also paying particular attention to the flow and development of the plot and literary techniques--inclusion, irony, chiasm, and concentric patterning--that shape the message of the "book of beginnings".GenesisModels the way to read and interpret the narratives of the book of GenesisProvides helpful exegetical notes that address key issues and debates surrounding the textIncludes theological reflections on how the message addresses our contemporary theological and social issues, such as ecology, homosexuality, temperance, evil, prayer, and obedienceAddresses critical interpretive issues, such as authenticity, date, and authorshipFor all the author's formidable intellect and meticulous research, Genesis is amazingly accessible. This is no mere study tool. Lucidly and eloquently written, it is a work of the heart that helps us not only to understand deeply God's Word in its context, but also to consider how it applies to us today.
Call Number: BS1235.3 .W34 2001
ISBN: 0310224586
Publication Date: 2001-08-13
Genesis 1-15 (vol. 1) by Gordon J. WenhamRecent scholarship has shown a marked preference for a simpler analysis of Genesis, says Dr. Gordon Wenham, and with this trend his commentary identifies. Dr. Wenham has a remarkable gift for clarity of expression in discussing even the most difficult problems. His terse, crisp style serves well in his interaction with the multiciplity of arguments in primary arenas of scholarly concern-textual analysis, compositional sources, chronology, theological significance. Throughout, he effectively shares his broad knowledge of current research on Genesis and provides invaluable bibliographic information. Among the topics discussed are: Genesis in recent research and an evaluation of current critical positions An analysis of the principal source hypotheses of the early 19th century to the present The new literary criticism and its relationship to source criticism The theological relationship of Genesis 1-11 to ancient Near Eastern ideas, to the rest of the Pentateuch, and to modem thought. It would be difficult to find a more concise yet thorough discussion of technical and textual matters. At the same time, Dr. Wenham displays unusual sensitivity to the compositional artistry of Genesis and the importance of storytelling in God's self-revelation to the human family. Dr. Wenham shows the opening chapters of Genesis as describing an avalanche of sin that gradually engulfs mankind-the alienation of the first man and woman and their expulsion from the presence of God in the garden, mankind's near-annihilation in the flood, the folly of Babel and humanity's dispersal over the face of the globe teaching that without God's blessing mankind is without hope. "But the promises to Abraham and the patriarchs begin to repair that situation," says Dr. Wenham. "The covenant will benefit not just Abraham and his descendants, but in him all the nations of the earth will find blessing, and the ultimate fulfillment of the creator's ideals for humanity is guaranteed ... . Let us beware of allowing ourselves to be diverted from the central thrust of the book so that we miss what the Lord, our creator and redeemer, is saying to us."
ISBN: 0849902002
Publication Date: 1987-10-09
Genesis 16-50 by Gordon J. Wenham; Nelson Reference Staff; Thomas Nelson Publishing StaffPastors and scholars alike will herald the appearance of this second volume of Gordon Wenham's analysis of Genesis as a landmark event in the critical study of the Pentateuch. Dr. Wenham devoted fourteen years of his considerable scholarship and exegetical skills to write this exceptional work. This second volume in Wenham's Genesis study is destined to be widely acclaimed like the first volume. Dr. Moshe Greenberg, Professor of Biblical Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, praised Genesis 1-15 as "one of the richest and most informative works on Genesis in English." J. C. L. Gibson, Professor of Hebrew at the University of Edinburgh, called that volume "a very good commentary which combines meticulous exegesis with keen theological insight." Writing this second volume with both the scholar and pastor in mind, Dr. Wenham makes sure that his Comment and Explanation sections on each segment of the Genesis text can be read and appreciated by professionals without Hebrew language skills. At the same time he includes copious technical notes on Form/Structure/Setting that will challenge and instruct the most capable Hebrew experts. Out of his extensive examination of Genesis 16-50, Dr. Wenham has produced a careful commentary that interacts with contemporary scholarship in a restrained, informed manner, clearly affirming from beginning to end his underlying conclusions: that the patriarchal stories contained in Genesis are not pagan god-myths born in the Canaanite culture but, instead, are records that deal with real historical figures; that the multi-century oral transmission of the history is accurate and believable; that uncertainties about dating the patriarchal period in Genesis are not too great to keep scholars from placing these events in the centuries shortly after 2000 B.C.E.; that the Genesis picture of patriarchal life matches what we know about the family names, tribal customs, social laws, and domestic arrangements of the second millennium B.C.E. Gordon Wenham has produced a commentary destined to take a respected place in all critical studies of Genesis, challenging liberal and conservative readers alike to pay closer attention to what the Bible tells us. Serious students of Genesis will applaud Dr. Wenham's fine commentary as a genuine aid for all who seek to unravel the mysteries of Scripture and to know the mind of God.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982
ISBN: 0849902010
Publication Date: 1994-06-26
The New Interpreter's Bible (vol. 1) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
NIV Application Commentary Exodus by Peter EnnsThe NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context. To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's world, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved. This unique, award-winning commentary is the ideal resource for today's preachers, teachers, and serious students of the Bible, giving them the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God's Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
Call Number: BS1245.3 .E55 2000
ISBN: 0310206073
Publication Date: 2000-02-08
Exodus by Thomas B. DozemanIn this volume Thomas Dozeman presents a fresh translation of the Hebrew text of Exodus along with a careful interpretation of its central themes, literary structure, and history of composition. He explores two related themes in the formation of the book of Exodus: the identity of Yahweh, the God of Israel, and the authority of Moses, the leader of the Israelite people. Dozeman clarifies the multiple literary genres within the text, identifies only two separate authors in the book's composition, and highlights the rich insights that arise from the comparative study of the ancient Near Eastern literary tradition. Also treating the influence of Exodus in the history of Jewish and Christian interpretation, Dozeman's comprehensive commentary will be welcomed by Old Testament scholars.
Call Number: BS1245.53 .D68 2009
ISBN: 9780802826176
Publication Date: 2009-11-13
Interpretation: Exodus (Ebook) by Terence E. FretheimThe introduction to this book recognizes Exodus as a Christian book, although it respects its pre-Christian roots in the Hebrew Bible. The commentary then moves in a straightforward manner to review issues of faith and history, the critical and theological tasks of a commentary, and other leading theological concerns. Terence Fretheim gives special treatment to the significance of the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, the relationship between law and narrative, and the shaping of literature by liturgy. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
ISBN: 9780804231022
Publication Date: 1991-03-01
Exodus (New Cambridge Bible commentary) by Carol MeyerThis commentary views Exodus as a cultural document, preserving the collective memories of the Israelites and relating them to the major institutions and beliefs that emerged by the end of the time of the Hebrew Bible. It is intended to help the reader follow the story line of Exodus, understand its socio-cultural context, appreciate its literary features, recognize its major themes and values, and also note its interpretive and moral problems. Carol Meyers explains important concepts and terms as expressed in the Hebrew original so that those who know Hebrew as well as those who don't will be able to follow the text.
Call Number: BS1245.53 .M49 2005
ISBN: 0521807816
Publication Date: 2005-07-25
Exodus 1-18 by William H. ProppThe Book of Exodus is without a doubt one of the most eventful and important books of the Bible. William H. Propp's "Exodus 1-18" is a masterful translation, exploration, and analysis of the book's first eighteen chapters, which center around the dramatic conflict between the God of Israel and the pharaoh of Egypt over the fate of the Israelite slaves. With divine intervention and Moses on their side, the enslaved descendants of Abraham manage a harrowing escape across the parted Red Sea, leading to the birth of the nation of Israel. Threaded throughout this story of an oppressed people struggling for freedom are some of the most intriguing episodes in the Bible. From the discovery of Moses in a basket made of bulrushes to the story of the burning bush, from the plagues visited upon the Egyptians by God to water from rock and quail and manna from the skies, Exodus is filled with the miraculous and the dramatic. Doubleday is proud to be, at long last, publishing the first of two Anchor Bible Commentary volumes on Exodus. Exhaustive, meticulous, and brilliantly researched, Propp's "Exodus 1-18" will be regarded as the definitive analysis of this crucial biblical text.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385148046
Publication Date: 1999-10-05
Exodus by Douglas K. StuartTHE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include: * commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION; * the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary; * sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable research in the original languages; * interpretation that emphasizes the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole; * readable and applicable exposition.
Call Number: BS1245.3 .S78 2006
ISBN: 0805401024
Publication Date: 2006-06-15
Leviticus by Samuel E. BalentineThis volume in the popular Interpretation series presents the book of Leviticus. It focuses on the history of Israel during this time when Israel's life was marked by the various ritual sacrifices and observances commanded by God for the ordering of the nation's life. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1255.53 .B35 2002
ISBN: 0804231036
Publication Date: 2003-02-28
The New Interpreter's Bible: Leviticus (vol. 1) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Wisdom commentary: Leviticus (Ebook) by S. Tamar KamionkowskiThe book of Leviticus provides two different theologies related to God's presence within ancient Israel. Leviticus 1-16 was written by an elite caste of priests (P), and Leviticus 17-26 (H) was added to the book to "democratize" access to God. While the Priestly work has hardly inspired lay readers, the Holiness Writings provide some of the most inspiring and well-known verses from the Bible.� This volume shows how gender dynamics shift between the static worldview of P and the dynamic approach of H and that, ironically, as holiness expands from the priests to the people, from the temple to the land of Israel, gender behaviors become more highly regulated. This complicates associations between power and gender dynamics and opens the door to questions about the relationships between power, gender, and theological perspectives.
ISBN: 9780814681022
Publication Date: 2018-02-15
Leviticus by Nobuyoshi KiuchiThe Old Testament Book of Leviticus is the sequel to Exodus in that it deals with a deeper dimension of the Sinaitic covenant, giving various rules for the life of the Israelites and for the sacrifices and offerings to be performed in the sanctuary. It addresses the question of how the Israelites--human beings--can live in proximity to the holy God who has promised to dwell in their midst.In this excellent commentary, Nobuyoshi Kiuchi offers in-depth discussion of the theology and symbolism of Leviticus. He argues that its laws present an exceedingly high standard, arising from divine holiness, and the giving of these laws to the Israelites is intended to make them aware of their sinfulness, to lead them to hopelessness and ultimately to destroy their egocentric nature.To be confronted by the laws in Leviticus is to recognize the vast distance that separates the holy from the unclean and sinful, and so to appreciate afresh the grace of God, ultimately expressed in the life and work of Christ.
Call Number: BS1255.53 .K52 2007
ISBN: 9780830825035
Publication Date: 2007-04-19
Levitucus 1-16 by Jacob MilgromLeviticus served as the liturgical handbook of the Levitical Priesthood of the Israelites. From a professor of Religion and the Bible at the University of California at Berkeley comes a comprehensive commentary on Leviticus, now available with a new translation that is sure to set the standard for years to come.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385114346
Publication Date: 1998-12-01
Leviticus 17-22 by Jacob MilgromThis volume is a new translation, introduction and commentary on the book of law that shaped the religion in Israel.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300140569
Publication Date: 2000-12-05
Leviticus 23-27 by Jacob MilgromJacob Milgrom, a rabbi and Bible scholar, has devoted the bulk of his career to examining the laws of the Torah. His incisive commentary on Leviticus, which began withLeviticus 1-16, continues in this last volume of three. It provides an authoritative and comprehensive explanation of ethical values concealed in Israel's rituals. Although at first glance Leviticus seems far removed from the modern-day world, Milgrom's thoughtful and provocative comments and notes reveal its enduring relevance to contemporary society. Leviticus 23-27brings us to the climactic end of the book and its revolutionary innovations, among which are the evolution of the festival calendar with its emphasis on folk traditions, and the jubilee, the priestly answer to the socio-economic problems of their time. With English translations that convey the nuance and power of the original Hebrew, this trilogy will take its place alongside the best of the Anchor Bible Commentaries.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780385500357
Publication Date: 2001-05-22
The Book of Leviticus by Gordon J. WenhamLeviticus used to be the first book that Jewish children studied in the synagogue. In the modern church it tends to be the last part of the Bible that anyone looks at seriously. Because Leviticus is largely concerned with subjects that seem incomprehensible and irrelevant today -- rituals for sacrifice and regulations concerning uncleanness -- it appears to have nothing to say to twenty-first-century Christians. In this excellent commentary on Leviticus, Gordon Wenham takes with equal seriousness both the plain original meaning of the text and its abiding theological value. To aid in reconstructing the original meaning of the text, Wenham draws from studies of Old Testament ritual and sacrifice that compare and contrast biblical customs with the practices of other Near Eastern cultures. He also closely examines the work of social anthropologists and expertly utilizes the methods of literary criticism to bring out the biblical author?s special interests. In pursuit of his second aim, to illumine the enduring theological value of Leviticus, Wenham discusses at the end of each section how the Old Testament passages relate to the New Testament and to contemporary Christianity. In doing so, he not only shows how pervasive Levitical ideas are in the New Testament but also highlights in very practical ways the enduring claim of God?s call to holiness on the lives of Christians today.
Call Number: BS1253 1979
ISBN: 9780802825223
Publication Date: 1979-10-05
The Book of Numbers (New International Commentary on the Old Testament)) by Timothy R. AshleyThe book of Numbers tells a story that has two main characters -- God and Israel. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. In spite of the difficulties imposed by Numbers on today's readers, the main point of the book is of immense importance for God's people in any age: exact obedience to God is crucial.
This comprehensive and erudite commentary -- resulting from nearly a decade of study of Numbers by Timothy Ashley -- presents a thorough explication of this significant Hebrew text. Ashley's introduction to Numbers discusses such questions as structure, authorship, and theological themes, and it features an extended bibliography of major works on the book of Numbers, concentrating mainly on works in English, French, and German.
Dividing the text of Numbers into five major sections, Ashley's commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the book's narrative. His detailed verse-by-verse comments are intended primarily to explain the Hebrew text of Numbers as we have it rather than to speculate on how the book came to be in its present form.
Call Number: BS1265.3 .A845 1993
ISBN: 0802823548
Publication Date: 1993-07-01
Reading Leviticus-Numbers by Jonathan A. Kruschwitz"As readers of the biblical narrative know all too well, the wilderness is not in fact a barren landscape, bereft of meaning. For many biblical characters, the wilderness is a most sacred setting, a site of transformation and growth. I have come to believe that the story of Leviticus-Numbers is no different. Careful attention to its literary detail reveals an honest and hopeful spirituality, the kind that characterizes the best of the Jewish and Christian theological traditions. Its story is grounded in the promise of Gods presence and the goodness of creation. Accordingly, it invites the reader to live responsibly with God and all creation. Dramatizing this invitation are relatable characters whose fears and doubts enslave them and who consequently seek control of their surroundings. Despite their struggles, there is always before them a path of recovery, a way back to life, and, even more, a hope for the renewal of all creation"--
The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers by Jacob MilgromThe JPS Torah Commentary series guides readers through the words and ideas of the Torah. Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.
Call Number: BS1265.3 .M55 1990
ISBN: 0827603290
Publication Date: 2003-06-01
Numbers (ebook) by Dennis T. OlsonNumbers chronicles a community faced with many competing interests, groups, and issues, endeavoring to define itself and its mission in the world. Dennis Olsen offers readers a comprehensive interpretation of this often overlooked book. He provides a thoroughly contemporary reading of Numbers that enlightens the modern church as it navigates the contemporary wilderness of pluralism, competing voices, and and shifting foundations. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
ISBN: 0585314179
Publication Date: 1996-01-01
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Numbers by Carolyn PresslerThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves. The present volume gives an up-to-date, readable commentary on the book of Numbers. The commentary covers critical issues section by section while emphasizing the larger theological and literary issues in Numbers and illustrating its relevance for modern readers.
Call Number: BS1265.53 .P74 2017
ISBN: 9781501846533
Publication Date: 2017-10-17
Numbers by Katharine Doob SakenfeldAlthough little studied by most Christians, the book of Numbers offers a rich storehouse of material for reflection on the relationship between God and the human community. This excellent commentary highlights this theme in the context of interpreting the many strange and obscure stories and laws of Israel's wilderness journey.
Call Number: BS1265.3 .S25 1995
ISBN: 0802841260
Publication Date: 1995-09-01
The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 1-11 (Print & ebook) by Bill T. Arnold"The book of Deuteronomy can rightly be called a compendium of the most important ideas of the Old Testament." So begins this commentary on the book of Deuteronomy, which Bill Arnold treats as the heart of the Torah and the fulcrum of the Old Testament--crystallizing the themes of the first four books of the Bible and establishing the theological foundation of the books that follow. After a thorough introduction that explores these and other matters, Arnold provides an original translation of the first eleven chapters of Deuteronomy along with verse-by-verse commentary (with the translation and commentary of the remaining chapters following in a second volume). As with the other entries in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, Arnold remains rooted in the book's historical context while focusing on its meaning and use as Christian Scripture today. Ideal for pastors, students, scholars, and interested laypersons, this commentary is an authoritative yet accessible companion to the book of Deuteronomy.
Call Number: BS1275.53 .A76 2022
ISBN: 9781467462938
Publication Date: 2022-11-01
Deuteronomy by Mark E. BiddleDeuteronomy, the last and widely considered the most influential of the five books of the Pentateuch, preserves the three addresses Moses delivered to the people of Israel just prior to his death and their entry into the promised land. Its name, which means "second law," represented a reiteration, explication, and, to a degree, expansion, of the sole covenant between God and Israel. It was a reinterpretation of the law designed to meet the needs of a new generation facing a new future. In this volume of the groundbreaking Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series, Old Testament scholar Mark Biddle skillfully leads his readers to consider how these words which have often confounded the casual reader can help us understand and meet the needs of our own generation as well.
Call Number: BS1275.53 .B53 2003
ISBN: 1573120618
Publication Date: 2003-04-01
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Deuteronomy by Walter BrueggemannThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries series offers compact, critical commentaries on all the books of the Old Testament. In addition to providing fundamental information on and insights into Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful, critical exegesis so as to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed engagement of the biblical texts themselves. These commentaries are written with special attention to the needs and interests of theology students, but they will also be useful for students in upper-level college or university settings, as well as for pastors and other church leaders. Each volume consists of four parts: -- an introduction that addresses the key issues raised by the writing; the literary genre, structure, and character of the writing; the occasional and situational context of the writing, including its wider social and historical context; and the theological and ethical significance of the writing within these several contexts-- a commentary on the text, organized by literary units, covering literary analysis, exegetical analysis, and theological and ethical analysis-- an annotated bibliography-- a brief subject index In this volume on Deuteronomy, Brueggemann shows the significance of the Book of Deuteronomy to the shape and substance of Israel's faith in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy gave classic articulation to the main themes characteristic of Judaism, and, derivatively, of Christianity. Brueggemann emphasizes that Deuteronomy is an expression of covenant theology, whereby YHWH and Israel are pledged to exclusive loyalty and fidelity to each other; YHWH is to assure the well-being of Israel, and Israel is to live in trust and obedience to YHWH. In examining the relationship of Israel to God, Brueggemann makes suggestions on how such covenant fidelity might be lived out by believers today."Brueggemann's commentary on the Book of Deuteronomy provides an accessible exegetical and theological understanding of a crucial biblical text. The introduction presents Deuteronomy as an expression of the radical Yahwistic alternative to the political rhetoric and ideology of the Israelite monarchy in the eighth and seventh centuries. Each section consists of an introduction, exegesis, and theological and ethical analysis of the essential elements that form the core of Deuteronomy's message to the Israelite community. The choice between 'covenant' and 'idol' that forms the crux of the text's message is further interpreted in light of the concern for covenant faithfulness as expressed in the rest of the OT and in the proclamation of the NT. Brueggemann explores how this same choice is reflected in the political and ideological voices that address the community of faith today. This commentary introduces the Book of Deuteronomy to theological students, pastors and teachers and points to the relevance of its message for those who seek to bring the alternative biblical message into the current cultural conversation."--Beverly White Cushman, Calvin College, in Religious Studies Review, Volume 29 Number 3, July 2003.
Call Number: BS1275.3 .B768 2001
ISBN: 0687084717
Publication Date: 2001-10-01
The Book of Deuteronomy by Peter C. CraigieCraigie's study on the Book of Deuteronomy is part of The New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Like its companion series on the New Testament, this commentary devotes considerable care to achieving a balance between technical information and homiletic-devotional interpretation.
Call Number: BS1273 .C7
ISBN: 0802823556
Publication Date: 1976-01-01
Deuteronomy by Gordon McConvilleIn this outstanding commentary J. G. McConville offers a theological interpretation of the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy in the context of the biblical canon. He gives due attention to historical issues where these bear on what can be known about the settings in which the text emerged. His dominant method is one that approaches Deuteronomy as a finished work.McConville argues that in the context of the ancient world Deuteronomy should be understood as the radical blueprint for the life of a people, at the same time both spiritual and political, and profoundly different from every other social, political and religious programe. The book incorporates the tension between an open-minded vision of a perfectly ordered society under God and practical provisions for dealing with the frailty and imperfections of real people. Hence, it is capable of informing our thinking about the organization of societies while maintaining a vision of the kingdom of God.
Call Number: BS1275.53 .M33 2002
ISBN: 9780851117799
Publication Date: 2020-10-09
Deuteronomy by Patrick D. Miller; James L. Mays (Editor); Paul J. Achtemeier (Editor)In this theological exposition of Deuteronomy, Patrick Miller is sensitive to the character of the book as a part of scripture that self-consciously addresses different generations. He discusses the nature and character of the law as revealed in Deuteronomy, as well as the nature of the moral life under God. The treatment of Deuteronomy in the New Testament, and customary introductory issues such as authorship and date, are dealt with in terms of their significance for interpreting and understanding Deuteronomy's character and intention. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1275.3 .M54 1990
ISBN: 0804231052
Publication Date: 1990-01-01
Deuteronomy by Richard D. NelsonThis commentary on Deuteronomy, now available in a new casebound edition, meets and exceeds the high standards of the Old Testament Library series. It provides one of the most sophisticated explanations of the compositional process that produced Deuteronomy, presenting that process as a combination of large-scale redactional activity and "micro- redaction." The commentary is also attentive to the historical background of Deuteronomy's origins in the reigns of Manasseh and Josiah. The fresh translation that heads each section is followed by insightful linguistic comments that highlight Deuteronomy's famous homiletical and didactic style. The literary and rhetorical features of the final form of Deuteronomy are everywhere present, and Nelson makes a compelling presentation of their incessant claim on the reader, a claim that effectively urges the reader toward an appropriate response. What emerges most clearly from these elements of Nelson's commentary is a critical but sympathetic portrait of Deuteronomy's distinctive theology: its idealistic call for reform, its demand for the centralization of sacrifice, its demand for the eradication of rival religions, its stress on Yahweh's election of Israel and Israel's covenant duty, and its confrontation of every serious reader with a moment of existential decision.
Call Number: BS1275.53 .N45 2002
ISBN: 0664219527
Publication Date: 2002-10-30
Deuteronomy by Deanna A. ThompsonIn this fresh commentary, Deanna A. Thompson makes this important Old Testament book come to life. Recounting God's foundational relationship with Israel, Deuteronomy is set in the form of Moses' speeches to Israel just before entry into the promised land. Its instructions in the form of God's law provide the structure of the life that God wants for the people of Israel. Although this key Old Testament book is occasionally overlooked by Christians, Deuteronomy serves as an essential passing down to the next generations the fundamentals of faith as well as the parameters of life lived in accord with God's promises. Thompson provides theological perspectives on these vital themes and shows how they have lasting significance for Christians living in today's world. Thompson's sensitivity to the Jewish context and heritage and her insights into Deuteronomy's importance for Christian communities make this commentary an especially valuable resource for today's preacher and teacher.
Joshua 1-12 by Thomas B. DozemanAn acknowledged expert on the Hebrew Bible, Thomas Dozeman offers a fresh translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the book of Joshua and explores the nature, function, and causes of the religious violence depicted therein. By blending the distinct teachings of Deuteronomy and the Priestly literature, Dozeman provides a unique interpretation of holy war as a form of sacred genocide, arguing that, since peace in the promised land required the elimination of the populations of all existent royal cities, a general purging of the land accompanied the progress of the ark of the covenant. This essential work of religious scholarship demonstrates how the theme of total genocide is reinterpreted as partial conquest when redactors place Joshua, an independent book, between Deuteronomy and Judges. The author traces the evolution of this reinterpretation of the central themes of religious violence while providing a comparison of the two textual versions of Joshua and an insightful analysis of the book's reception history.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300149753
Publication Date: 2015-08-25
Joshua by L. Daniel HawkWhat does Joshua hold to be the essential marks of Israelite identity? What distinguishes Israel from all other peoples? In tracking these themes, L. Daniel Hawk reveals in Joshua a profound struggle to define the people of the God of Israel. Hawk shows that the themes surrounding Joshua express fundamental markers of national identity: religious practice (obedience to the commandments of Moses), ethnic separation (extermination of the peoples of Canaan), and possession of land ("the land that YHWH gives"). Through the medium of narrative, Joshua tests each of these markers and demonstrates that none clearly characterize the people of God. Instead, Joshua presents Israel as a nation fundamentally constituted by choosing: YHWH's choosing of Israel and Israel's choosing of YHWH. In the present day in which ideologies of religion, race, and territorial possession have given rise to countless expressions of violence, Hawk expresses the particular value of reading Joshua. The Joshua story holds a mirror up to all who regard themselves as the people of God. The reflection is both repelling and inspiring but until we confront it, what it truly means to be the chosen people of God will remain elusive. Chapters are "Rights of Passage (1:1-18)," "Who's Who in the Promised Land? (2:1-12:24)," "Strangers in the Night (2:1-24)," "Changing State (3:1-4:24)," "First Things First (5:1-15)," "Going in Circles (6:1-27)," "Ai Spy (7:1-8:35)," "Foiled Again (9:1-10:27)," "Conquering Canaanites (10:28-12:24)," "Organizing Israel (13:1-21:45)," "Altar Egos (22:1-34)," "Unfinished Business (23:1-18)," and "Decisions, Decisions (24:1-33)." Includes twelve charts that lay out structural features of the book.
Call Number: BS1295.2 .H35 2000
ISBN: 0814650422
Publication Date: 2000-12-01
Joshua by Richard S. Hess; Donald J. Wiseman (Editor)he book of Joshua memorializes a transitional episode in Israel's national history. The heroic figure Joshua, imbued with strength, courage and faith, leads the new generation of Israel across the Jordan and into the land of promise, conquering Canaanites and overseeing the allotment of the inheritance among the tribes. But the book of Joshua is foremost the story of God, who works powerfully on behalf of Israel and Joshua, fulfilling his covenant promises. It is God who leads Israel across the Jordan, defeats Israel's enemies and presides over the apportionment of the land. And so in the final chapter it is God who receives Israel's worshipful recommitment at Shechem. This commentary explores these historical, theological and literary dimensions of the book of Joshua. And in a day when grave doubts have been raised over the historicity of the "conquest" story, Richard Hess presents historical and archaeological evidence for placing the events of Joshua in the late second millennium B.C. An exceptional feature is the careful consideration of the allocation of the Promised Land and the boundary lists the book of Joshua so prominently displays.
Call Number: BS1295.3 .H47 1996
ISBN: 0830814337
Publication Date: 1996-11-01
Joshua by Gordon McConville; Stephen WilliamsThe book of Joshua is often troubling ? what should we make of the fact that the violent occupation of land is not simply presented, but celebrated? How can we reconcile that with the key role the book plays in the biblical drama of salvation? What should we make of the God of Joshua? / In this volume Gordon McConville and Stephen Williams interpret Joshua in relation to Christian theology, addressing such questions and placing the book in its proper place in the canonical whole. McConville deals specifically with the commentary and exegesis of the text. Williams then moves in to focus on issues of interpretation. He addresses key theological themes, such as land, covenant, law, miracle, judgment (with the problem of genocide), and idolatry. / The authors posit that the theological topics engaged in Joshua are not limited to the horizons of the author and first readers of the book, but that Joshua is part of a much larger testimony which concerns readers yet today.
Call Number: BS1295.53 .M43 2010
ISBN: 9780802827029
Publication Date: 2010-04-23
Joshua by Richard D. NelsonThe book of Joshua has many textual problems--primarily differences between the Hebrew and Greek texts. Much of the inconsistency stems from the varied forms of storytelling in the book, including the war narratives, folktales, sermons, and city lists. In this commentary, now available in a new casebound edition, Richard D. Nelson addresses Joshua's textual issues while offering historical, literary, and theological insights. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1295.3 .N45 1997
ISBN: 0664219411
Publication Date: 1997-08-01
Joshua, Judges and Ruth by Carolyn PresslerWho is God? How does God act in our lives? How are we to act as God's faithful people? Joshua, Judges, and Ruth represent a chorus of voices reflecting on Israel's earliest days in its land. In Joshua, God empowers an obedient Israel to conquer the promised land. In Judges, Israel's faithlessness and God's wrath lead to a downward spiral of sin, subjugation, and social disintegration. Ruth narrates a story of divine blessing worked out through human loyalty. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
Call Number: BS1295.53 .P74 2002
ISBN: 0664255264
Publication Date: 2002-04-01
Joshua by Caroyln J. SharpThe Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series, written by accomplished biblical scholars with all students of the Bible in mind, presents relevant scholarship in an accessible way. A visual generation of believers deserves a commentary series that contains not only the all-important textual commentary on Scripture but also images, photographs, maps, works of fine art, and drawings that bring the text to life. Visually stimulating and user-friendly format, Insight from many of today's finest scholars, Accompanying CD-ROM featuring powerful searching and research tools, Format that is ideal in a college/seminary classroom or church setting, Distinctive hyperlinks that connect special interest boxes, Thorough indexes enabling the reader to locate information quickly, Internet support for news, information, updates, and enhancements to the series Book jacket.
Call Number: BS1295.53 .S53 2019
ISBN: 9781641731669
Publication Date: 2019-11-01
Reading Judges by Mark E. BiddleReading the Old Testament book of Judges presents a number of significant challenges related to social contexts, historical settings, and literary characteristics. Acknowledging and examining these difficulties provide a point of entry into the world of Judges and promises to enrich the reading experience. How should we read the book of Judges? For several decades, biblical scholars have been debating the merits of two contrasting approaches to biblical interpretation: a synchronic approach, which attempts to see the text as a whole, as opposed to a diachronic approach, which asks questions about history and development of the text. This commentary draws on historical-critical methods to shed light on this historic period and the role of Judges in Israel's history. At the same time, Mark Biddle acknowledges that the relevance for modern reader lies in the text as a whole and not in the details of its developmental history. Biddle also tackles the kinds of issues (violence, patriarchy, tribalism) that may inhibit our ability to receive this text as inspired Scripture. This volume makes clear that the power of this biblical narrative derives in large part from its unvarnished portrayals of human foibles and failures-and of God's steadfast commitment to relationship with humankind nonetheless.
Call Number: BS1305.53 .B53 2012
ISBN: 9781573126311
Publication Date: 2012-08-07
Judges and Ruth (ebook) by Mary J. EvansThe book of Judges presents Israel's frailty, the nation's need for deliverance, and God's use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. The book of Ruth tells a smaller story within this narrative, showing God quietly at work in the lives of a few individuals. Mary Evans's replacement Tyndale commentary places each book in its historical and canonical context, examines key theological themes, and addresses issues facing twenty-first-century readers. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
ISBN: 9780830842575
Publication Date: 2017-11-07
Judges by Mercedes L. García Bachmann; Cristina García-Alfonso (Contribution by); Corinna Guerrero (Contribution by); Renate Jost (Contribution by); Barbara E. Reid (Editor)A woman called blessed for killing a Canaanite general; another called "Mother in Israel" for leading troops into war; several other mothers absent when their children need them; a judge, Deborah, with a proper name and a recognized place for public counseling; a single woman, Delilah, who seduces and conquers Samson. The book of Judges features an outstanding number of women, named and unnamed, in family roles and also active in society, mostly objects of violent dealings between men. This volume looks not only at women in their traditional roles (daughter, wife, mother) but also at how society at large deals with women (and with men) in war, in strife, and sometimes in peace.
Call Number: BS1305.53 .G37 2018
ISBN: 9780814681060
Publication Date: 2018-07-01
Judges by J. Clinton McCannThis volume studies the biblical book of Judges, which focuses on the period in Israel's history when the nation was ruled by a series of judges. The book describes the progressive deterioration of the nation as a result of the violence and idolatry of the people. Yet the nation also encountered the astounding graciousness of the God who remained faithful to them. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1305.53 .M33 2002
ISBN: 0804231079
Publication Date: 2003-01-31
Judges by Susan NiditchSusan Niditch's commentary on the book of Judges pays careful attention to the literary and narrative techniques of the text and yields fresh readings of the book's difficult passages: stories of violence, ethnic conflict, and gender issues. Niditch aptly and richly conveys the theological impact and enduring significance of these stories. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1305.53 .N53 2008
ISBN: 9780664220969
Publication Date: 2008-01-16
The New Interpreter's Bible: Judges (vol. 2) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Berit Olam: Judges by Tammi J. SchneiderThe biblical book of Judges contains culturally familiar stories such as that of Samson and Delilah and Deborah and Baraq. But despite the popularity of these stories, other important stories in Judges such as that of Achsah, the raped pilegesh, and the final civil war are virtually unknown to the average reader. Approaching Judges as a unified literary document, Tammi Schneider shows that the unity of the narrative reveals that when the Israelites adhere to the covenant established with their deity they prosper, but when they stray from it disaster follows. This is true not only in the Deuteronomistic refrains, as is recognized by many scholars, but in the whole book, and is reflected in Israel's worsening situation throughout its narrative time. Schneider also highlights the unifying themes in Judges. She emphasizes the role of gender, family relations, and theology expressed in the biblical narrative, and uses intertextuality to better understand the text of Judges and its context in the Deuteronomistic history and the Hebrew Bible. Tammi J. Schneider is assistant professor in the religion department at Claremont Graduate University, in Claremont, California. She received her BA in Hebrew language and literature from the University of Minnesota, and a PhD in ancient history from the University of Pennsylvania. She has excavated at a number of archaeological sites in Israel and is co-director of the excavation of Tel el-Fara' South in Israel. She is project director at the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity in Claremont and area editor for Ancient Near East for Religious Studies Review. Her publications cover topics in Assyriology, ancient Near Eastern history, archaeology, and biblical studies.
Call Number: BS1305.2 .S36 2000
ISBN: 9780814688458
Publication Date: 2020-11-15
Ruth-Esther (vol.9) by Frederick W. BushThis landmark commentary by Dr. Frederick Bush fills a void in Old Testament studies. Ruth and Esther are among the most neglected books in the canon of Holy Scripture. None of the early church fathers wrote a commentary on Esther, and the list of serious contemporary analyses of both Ruth and Esther is woefully short. So pastors and scholars alike will welcome Dr. Bush's thorough treatment of these intriguing texts. Drawing upon recent studies on the genre and discourse structure of biblical narrative, Bush shows how the loving loyalty of Ruth, the kindness and sagacity of both Boaz and Naomi, and God's gracious provision of fruitfulness for field and womb provide a son to reverse the death and emptiness that had afflicted Naomi. It was an outcome of utmost significance, for it preserved the family line that ultimately led to David. In the course of his investigation, Bush deals at length with the difficult question of the role that the social customs of the levirate law and the redemption of the land play in this powerful story. Bush's careful linguistic study sheds new light on the difficult question of the date of the book. From its earliest days, the book of Esther has posed huge problems for Bible students. What do you do with a book of the Bible that never overtly speaks of God? Does a book this secular really belong in our Bibles? Some of the ancient rabbis said no. Is it possible that a "proto" version of Esther was amended in the Masoretic Text to make a solid case for the popular feast of Purim? Bush's exhaustive analysis of the literary structure of the book of Esther provides numerous clues that this may be so. While offering numerous insights into the technicalities of language and textual transmission, Bush also uses his expertise in Near Eastern studies to stir our hearts with a fresh look at the courage of Queen Esther and her loyal kinsman Mordecai. Like all the volumes of the Word Biblical Commentary, this commentary has been written for advanced Bible scholars. The clear division of technical notes from more popular explanation and comment sections makes it a useful tool for pastors and serious students of the Word. Readers with widely varying skills will welcome: use of the literary tools of narrative poetics and discourse analysis to help determine the theme, purpose, and theology of these stories extensive bibliographical sources to aid further study application of the tools of linguistic analysis to help in dating the text of the book of Ruth perceptive assessments of how both of these books reflect the self-awareness of the Jews as a resilient, resourceful people new insights into how and why Esther has come to us in its present form Dr. Bush's perceptive exegesis of these texts will fill a gap on the shelves of Old Testament scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982 v.9
ISBN: 9780849902086
Publication Date: 1996-12-01
Who Are You, My Daughter? by Ellen F. Davis (Translator)In this annotated and illustrated translation of the book of Ruth, Ellen Davis and Margaret Adams Parker demonstrate how translation and art can be complementary forms of biblical interpretation. The three components of the book - translation, notes, and images - explore the story of Ruth as one of suffering and loss redeemed by steadfast faithfulness. The translation is loyal to the original; the notes reflect on Ruth's story, literary form, lexical choices, and theological meaning; and the woodcuts provide a stimulating running narrative.
Call Number: BS1315.52 .D38 2003
ISBN: 0664223745
Publication Date: 2003-12-01
Ruth by Andre LaCocque; K. C. Hanson (Translator)This volume provides a readable introduction to the narrative book of Ruth appropriate for the student, pastor, and scholar. LaCocque combines historical, literary, feminist, and liberationist approaches in an engaging synthesis. He argues that the book was written in the post-exilic period and that the author was a woman. Countering the fears and xenophobia of many in Jerusalem, the biblical author employed the notion of h.esed (kindness, loyalty, steadfast love), which transcends any national boundaries. LaCocque focuses on redemption and levirate marriage as the two legal issues that recur throughout the text of Ruth. Ruth comes from the despised people of Moab but becomes a model for Israel. Boaz, converted to the model of steadfast love, becomes both redeemer and levir for Ruth and thus fulfills the Torah. In the conclusion to his study, the author sketches some parallels with Jesus' hermeneutics of the Law as well as postmodern problems and solutions.
Call Number: BS1315.53 .L3313 2004
ISBN: 0800695151
Publication Date: 2004-11-18
Ruth by Alice L. Laffey and Mahri Leonard-FleckmanThis volume, using multiple methods, seeks to bring together the best scholarship and insight--Jewish and Christian, past and present--that has contributed to our understanding and appreciation of the biblical book of Ruth. As a feminist commentary, it is particularly sensitive to issues of relationship and inclusion, power and agency. In addition to the voices of the primary co-authors, Alice Laffey and Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, the volume incorporates and integrates important contributing voices from diverse contemporary social contexts and geographical locations. In sum, the commentary seeks to allow Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz to speak again for the first time.
Call Number: BS1315.53 .L46 2017
ISBN: 9780814681077
Publication Date: 2017-07-25
Ruth by Kirsten Nielsen; Edward Broadbridge (Translator)Kirsten Nielsen's commentary on the book of Ruth, now available in a new casebound edition, paints a rich and subtle portrait of its characters, carefully tracing the many connections between this story and other biblical passages, such as the stories of Judah and Tamar. This volume is a powerful addition to this critically acclaimed Old Testament Library series. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Ruth by Katharine Doob SakenfeldThe narrative of the book of Ruth is a drama of ordinary human life, but the drama unfolds against a background of the providence and purposes of God. Katharine Doob Sakenfeld has written a commentary that makes very clear why the book of Ruth has such great importance as literature and as Scripture. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1315.3 .S25 1999
ISBN: 0804231494
Publication Date: 1999-10-01
First and Second Samuel by Walter BrueggemannWith critical scholarship and theological sensitivity, Walter Brueggemann traces the people of God through the books of Samuel as they shift from marginalized tribalism to oppressive monarchy. He carefully opens the literature of the books, sketching a narrative filled with historical realism but also bursting with an awareness that more than human action is being presented. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1325 .B78 1990
ISBN: 0804231087
Publication Date: 1990-01-01
1 and 2 Samuel by Donald J. Wiseman (Editor); Joyce G. BaldwinRecipient of a 1990 Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award! The stories of Samuel, Saul and David are among the most memorable in the Old Testament. Yet the lives of these individuals are wound up in the larger story of God's purpose for his people. Looking beyond the well-known surface of these stories Joyce Baldwin explores the meaning of the biblical history of Israel's vital transition from a confederation of tribes to nationhood under a king.Bible students at all levels will find that this commentary provides an excellent introduction to the critical issues of authorship, date, composition and structure of Samuel, as well as an able discussion of its theological themes. Written in a clear and straightforward style, here is a worthy addition to the acclaimed Tyndale Commentary Series
Call Number: BS1325.3 .B35 1988
ISBN: 0830814264
Publication Date: 1989-04-01
1 Samuel by Antony F. CampbellAntony Campbell's valuable form-critical analysis of 1 Samuel highlights both the literary development of the text itself and its meanings for its audience. A skilled student of the Hebrew Scriptures and their ancient context, Campbell shows modern readers the process of editing and reworking that shaped 1 Samuel's final form. As Campbell's study reveals, the tensions and contradictions that exist in the present text reflect a massive change in the way of life of ancient Israel. Samuel, the first prophet, here emerges to preside over the rise of Saul, Israel's first king, to be the agent of Saul's rejection, and to anoint David as Israel's next king and the first established head of a royal dynasty. The book of 1 Samuel captures the work of God within this interplay of sociopolitical forces, and Campbell fruitfully explores the text both as a repository of traditions of great significance for Israel and as a paradigm of Israel's use of narrative for theological expression.
Call Number: BS1182 .F67
ISBN: 9780802860798
Publication Date: 2003-06-01
2 Samuel by Antony F. Campbell2 Samuel, by Antony F. Campbell, S.J., is Volume VIII of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of every book in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical, the FOTL volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of each textual unit in question. They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency to the terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical process so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts. Beginning where he left off in his volume on 1 Samuel, Campbell unpacks the wealth of insight inherent in 2 Samuel by paying close attention to the literary structure of the book. Following a comprehensive introduction, the commentary carefully analyzes the major sections of 2 Samuel and each passage within them. In the process, Campbell reveals the diversity of views that existed in Israel's traditions, and he highlights the primacy of theology over history in Israel's thinking.
Call Number: BS1182 .F67
ISBN: 0802828132
Publication Date: 2005-04-01
1 Samuel As Christian Scripture by Stephen B. ChapmanThis work by Stephen Chapman offers a robustly theological and explicitly Christian reading of 1 Samuel. Chapman's commentary reveals the theological drama at the heart of that biblical book as it probes the tension between civil religion and vital religious faith through the characters of Saul and David.
Call Number: BS1325.52 .C43 2016
ISBN: 9780802837455
Publication Date: 2016-04-24
Judges and Ruth (ebook) by Mary J. EvansThe book of Judges presents Israel's frailty, the nation's need for deliverance, and God's use of flawed leaders to guide his chosen people through a dark period of their history. The book of Ruth tells a smaller story within this narrative, showing God quietly at work in the lives of a few individuals. Mary Evans's replacement Tyndale commentary places each book in its historical and canonical context, examines key theological themes, and addresses issues facing twenty-first-century readers. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
ISBN: 9780830842575
Publication Date: 2017-11-07
1 Samuel (vol. 10 &11) by Ralph W. KleinThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Samuel II by P. Kyle McCarterII Samuel completes P. Kyle McCarter, Jr.'s study of the book of Samuel. Based upon the introduction and commentary of his first volume, McCarter continues the discussion of textual and literary sources as they relate to a reconstruction of historical events. A key issue for McCarter is accounting for the historical circumstances that led to the composition of the book of Samuel. In dialogue with major schools of thought pertaining to the origin and transmission of the book, the author offers his scholarly opinions on its composition. McCarter presents a unique new translation based upon the latest and most extensive textual sources available, including scrolls and fragments from Qumran. Furthermore, he resolves the complicated textual history of Samuel. P. Kyle McCarter, Jr., is William F. Albright Professor in Biblical and Near Eastern Studies at Johns Hopkins University. He holds degrees from Harvard University, McCormick Theological Seminary, and the University of Oklahoma.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385068085
Publication Date: 1984-03-13
First and Second Samuel (ebook) by Eugene H. PetersonThe power of story as God's word to the community of faith is never more clear than in the books of Samuel. Emotion, drama, complexity of character, and mystery fill the pages of these two biblical books. Eugene Peterson's commentary emphasizes the resonance and interplay between these stories of kings and prophets and the social and cultural issues that concern us today. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
ISBN: 9780664255237
Publication Date: 1999-09-01
The First Book of Samuel by David Toshio TsumuraDavid and Goliath, the call of Samuel, the witch of Endor, David and Bathsheba -- such biblical stories are well known. But the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, where they are recorded, are among the most difficult books in the Bible. The Hebrew text is widely considered corrupt and sometimes even unintelligible. The social and religious customs are strange and seem to diverge from the tradition of Moses. In this first part of an ambitious two-volume commentary on the books of Samuel, David Toshio Tsumura sheds considerable light on the background of 1 Samuel, looking carefully at the Philistine and Canaanite cultures, as he untangles the difficult Hebrew text.
Call Number: BS1325.53 .T78 2007
ISBN: 9780802823595
Publication Date: 2007-03-15
The Second Book of Samuel by David Toshio TsumuraSecond Samuel includes some of the most well-known and theologically layered episodes in the Old Testament, such as the Lord's establishment of an eternal covenant with David, David's sin with Bathsheba, and the subsequent account of Absalom's rebellion. In this second part of an ambitious two-volume commentary on the books of Samuel, David Toshio Tsumura elucidates the rich text of 2 Samuel with special attention to literary and textual issues. Tsumura interprets the book in light of the meaning of the original composition, and he provides a fresh new translation based on careful analysis of the Hebrew text.
Call Number: BS1325.53 .T783 2019
ISBN: 9780802870964
Publication Date: 2019-07-23
1 and 2 Kings by Lissa Wray BealPreaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference The books of 1 and 2 Kings cover the history of Israel from the last days of the united kingdom under David to the eventual fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Within these books, the deuteronomic code - 'doing what is right in the Lord's sight' - provides a framework by which monarchic history is measured. In the kings' cultic failures lies the apostasy of the nation and its eventual exile. This apostasy centres on Israel's commitment to worship YHWH exclusively, and to worship according to deuteronomistic norms within the Jerusalem temple as the locus of YHWH's covenant presence. To safeguard the kings' commitments, YHWH's prophets loom large in 1 and 2 Kings: they herald YHWH's purposes, warn of his judgment for apostasy and woo his people back to the full experience of covenant life. Lissa M. Wray Beal's valuable commentary examines the successes and failures of monarchy in the divided kingdoms. It works with the final form of the biblical text and pursues historiographical, narrative and theological questions, including the relation of each chapter's themes to biblical theology. While it focuses on theological and narrative concerns, the commentary gives due attention to complex historical issues. It seeks to provide a nuanced reading that is faithful to the text's message.
Call Number: BS1335.53 .W73 2014
ISBN: 9780830825097
Publication Date: 2014-03-28
1 and 2 Kings by Walter BrueggemannThe Old Testament provides peculiarly powerful ways of thinking and seeing. Brueggemann considers the artistry of 1 & 2 Kings as it mediates between history and faith. He has spent many years engaged with the artistry and imagination of the Old Testament, pondering the ways of power in church and society and he makes clear that those issues of power in the ancient texts still pertain to contemporary times.While the book proceeds text-by-text, special focus is placed upon Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, and Josiah as models of faith. Brueggemann provides a useful guide for the reader to maneuver between flat history and absolute faith. In commentary form, 1 & 2 Kings invites the reader to view fresh ways of faithful insight and wisdom.
Call Number: BS1335.3 .B7894 2000
ISBN: 1573120650
Publication Date: 2000-10-09
First and Second Kings (ebook) by Terence E. FretheimOld Testament scholar Terence Fretheim identifies the theology in the dramatic accounts of the books of Kings, which chronicles the reigns of more than forty kings over a period of nearly four hundred years. Interspersing theological reflections throughout, Fretheim trace's God's words of judgement and promise for Israel--and for us--accross the entirety of Kings. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
ISBN: 0585336660
Publication Date: 1999-01-01
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: 1 - 2 Kings by Gina Hens-PiazzaEngages the reader by amplifying the biblical resonances echoing in our own world today by disclosing how God's Word is embodied and made known by those we least expect. The Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves.This study of the Books of Kings unfolds with attention and sensitivity to the immense literary artistry that craft these narratives. While setting forth the literary and theological significance of these traditions concerning the major figures in these canonical books, i.e. Israel's Kings, this commentary consistently trains our attention upon the minor characters also resident in these stories. Fixing upon these individuals as well as the prophets, the exegetical discussion often discloses how God's Word is embodied and made known by those we might least expect. While steadfastly avoiding analogical readings, the theological and ethical exposition skillfully engage the reader by amplifying the resonances in these texts echoing in our own world today. The present volume gives an up-to-date, readable commentary on the books of 1-2 Kings. The commentary covers critical issues section by section while emphasizing the larger theological and literary issues in Kings and illustrating its relevance for modern readers.
Call Number: BS1335.53 .H46 2006
ISBN: 9780687490219
Publication Date: 2006-12-01
First and Second Kings by Richard D. NelsonRichard Nelson examines the books of Kings and treats the text as theological literature, emphasizing the literary impact of this important part of the Old Testament canon. Nelson recognizes King's as a useful though uncritical source of historical information, its purpose to transform the beliefs of its first readers, to get them to re-evaluate their identity before God. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
1-2 Chronicles by Mark J. Boda; Philip W. Comfort (General Editor)The Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series provides students, pastors, and laypeople with up-to-date, accessible evangelical scholarship on the Old and New Testaments. Presenting the message for each passage, as well as an overview of other issues relevant to the text, each volume equips pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge so they can better understand and apply God's Word. This volume includes the entire NLT text of 1 and 2 Chronicles. Mark J. Boda(Ph.D., University of Cambridge) has authored numerous articles and books in addition to editing several collections of scholarly essays on various topics related to the Old Testament and Christian Theology. He taught for nine years at Canadian Theological Seminary before joining McMaster Divinity College in 2003. Mark enjoys mentoring students and teaches with enthusiasm about the Old Testament and its continued relevance to the Christian life today.
Call Number: BS491.3 .C67 2005
ISBN: 9780842334310
Publication Date: 2010-04-01
1 Chronicles by Roddy BraunThe Old Testament book of Chronicles presents unique problems to students of the Bible. Here Dr. Roddy Braun takes a fresh look at the biblical text and sheds light upon its meaning for God's people in both Old Testament times and today. Taking careful note of Chronicles' dependency upon earlier Old Testament writings, he leads the serious Bible student through such issues as: The relation of 1 Chronicles to parallel passages in Samuel and Kings What "the Chronicler" intended to convey with his own independent contributions to Israel's history and theology The role of Solomon's temple as a uniting force for the Chronicler, who faced the reality of the division between Israel in the north and Judah in the south The book's emphasis upon God's covenant with David as reaching its goal in the construction of the temple. Dr. Braun investigates thoroughly the effect of God's covenant with David in this important part of Scripture. Did the tragic division of the kingdom following Solomon's death mean God had forsaken the covenant? Were the northern tribes too a part of that "all Israel" that was being summoned to return to faithful observance of the priestly services at Solomon's temple in Jerusalem? What was the meaning of such a summons at the time of the Exile, when both Israel and Judah lay in ruins? Such questions are explored with an expert's eye to history and background, theology, and textual considerations. The author-with his remarkable combination of scholarly insights and pastoral experience-also notes the themes of unity, joy, and generosity in worship emphasized by the Chronicler. He was apparently anxious not simply to reunite the kingdom, but also to restore spiritual depth and enthusiastic support to worship-issues that continue to be vital to the people of God today.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982
ISBN: 9780849902130
Publication Date: 1986-10-05
2 Chronicles by Raymond B. DillardThe early Christian scholar Jerome wrote, "The book of Chronicles is of such importance that without it anyone who claims to have a knowledge of the Scriptures makes himself a fool." Dr. Raymond Dillard holds similarly high regard for this portion of the Bible, but equal recognition that understanding its full import depends upon a thorough knowledge of the whole Scripture. "There are few issues in the history of exegesis," he says, "that are not in some way touched by Chronicles, so that along with their richness they involve the interpreter in a labyrinth of related questions." Among the issues and events examined in this thoroughgoing study are: The literary structure of 2 Chronicles The Chronicler's interaction with canonical texts from the Pentateuch, the Psalms, the prophets, Joshua, Samuel, and particularly with Kings The Chronicler as both historian and theologian, including perspectives on kings both faithful and unfaithful, reform-minded and decadent The building of Solomon's temple The revolt of Rehoboam The banishment of Israel to Babylon Reward and punishment in Chronicles: the theology of immediate retribution The Chronicler's concern with the themes of exile, restoration, and renewal. Dr. Dillard throughout demonstrates his commitment to the Bible as the word of God. Affirming a view of Scripture that follows the pattern of the Incarnation-that the Bible is both divine and human-he shows the Chronicler, like the other biblical writers, as having been guided by a divine hand, and, like them, in their humanity, having shaped their material through their own personalities and varying theological purposes: "Chronicles is through and through a theological essay; the Chronicler describes the put to demonstrate the validity of particular premises that addressed the needs of Israel in his own day. Chronicles is not only a writing of history; it is a tract." Dr. Dillard's lucid writing and careful study, solidly based on his familiarity with ancient languages and historical backgrounds and his use of a wide range of scholarly research materials, make his volume on 2 Chronicles an invaluable resource for preacher, teacher, and serious student.
1 Chronicles (ebook) by Ralph W. Klein; Thomas Kruger (Editor)This commentary takes full advantage of recent advances in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often ascribed to the Chronicler came in fact from the divergent copy of the canonical books he was rewriting. Klein brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler and demonstrates there have been far fewer secondary additions to the text than is normally assumed.
ISBN: 9780800660857
Publication Date: 2006-05-16
2 Chronicles (ebook) by Ralph W. Klein; Paul D. Hanson (Editor)This volume completes Ralph Klein's magisterial commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles. Klein incorporates the breakthroughs of the last half-century of research. He shows that the Chronicler used a text of Kings significantly different from the Masoretic Text; argues that the Chronicler's departures from the historical picture of Kings result from a distinctive theological agenda for fourth-century Judah; and explores the contours of that messagewhat it meant to live faithfully, to participate in temple and worship life, in the absence of political independence.
Ezrah Nehemiah by Thomas BolinThe books of Ezra and Nehemiah relate the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon during the rule of the early Persian kings. For a long time, interpretations of these two books by Christian exegetes characterized the Judaism of the post-exilic age as narrow and nationalistic. This interpretation led to a separation of post-exilic Judaism from its pre-exilic Israelite roots that allowed for a supersessionist reading of the Old Testament based on perceived deficiencies in the religious views of the post-exilic era. Informed by recent advances in our knowledge of the Persian Empire, this commentary, demonstrates that Ezra and Nehemiah offer a compelling story of a people�s attempt to reassemble the fragments of their heritage as they face the future in a greatly changed world.
Call Number: BS1355.53 .B65 2012
ISBN: 9780814628454
Publication Date: 2012-04-01
Anchor Yale commentarkes: Ezra (ebook) by Tamara Cohn EskenaziA new translation and commentary on the biblical book of Ezra by the renowned author of two award-winning biblical commentaries The book of Ezra is a remarkable testament to a nation's ability to survive and develop a distinctive identity under imperial rule. But Ezra is far more than a simple chronicle; it constitutes a new biblical model for political, religious, and social order in the Persian Empire. In this new volume, Tamara Cohn Eskenazi outlines how the book of Ezra documents the radical transformation that followed reconstruction after the fall of Jerusalem and Judah. The extensive introduction employs literary and historical methodologies to highlight the book's innovations, including its textualization of the tradition, as well as the unprecedented role of the people as chief protagonists. The translation and commentary incorporate evidence from ancient and contemporaneous primary sources from Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and Persia, along with new archaeological studies of Judah. With great care and detail, Eskenazi demonstrates how the book of Ezra creates a blueprint for survival after destruction, shaping a new kind of society and forging a new communal identity.
Ezra by Lisbeth S. FriedLisbeth Fried's commentary on Ezra is the first instalment of a projected two-volume commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah. It is the first fulllength scholarly commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah to be written since 1988 and takes advantage of recent results in archaeology, of recent historical studies on the Persian Empire, and of recent studies of the influence of Hellenistic textual and legal traditions on Judean thought. It also draws extensively on the author's own research into the mechanisms by which the Persian Empire dominated and controlled its subject populations. The present volume includes a new translation of the Book of Ezra, plus annotations on each verse that compare and contrast the Greek, Latin and Syriac variations, including the text of Greek Esdras A. It also provides an extensive Introduction and chapter commentaries that discuss larger historical and literary issues. Fried concludes that Ezra-Nehemiah was written as one book at the beginning of the Hellenistic period. Although written then, it was formed from earlier texts: an Ezra memoir, a letter to Ezra from Artaxerxes II, and a Nehemiah memoir. All of these have been heavily edited, however. Fried concludes that both Ezra and Nehemiah were Persian officials, Ezra a Persian episkopos, and Nehemiah a Persian governor, and that both acted with the goals of their Persian overlords in mind, not the goals of the subject Judean population. The Judean author, writing under Hellenic domination, transformed these men into Judean heroes in order to promote the novel idea of a long tradition of foreign imperial support for local institutions-cultic, legal and physical. Fried's commentary promises to revolutionize how one reads the book of Ezra. This is the first volume in a new series of substantial works, Critical Commentaries.
Call Number: BS1355.53 i.F75 2015
ISBN: 9781909697751
Publication Date: 2015-08-24
The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah by Hannah K. HarringtonThe books of Ezra and Nehemiah represent a significant turning point in biblical history. They tell the story not only of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem but also of the resurrection of God's people from the death of exile. Hannah Harrington thus begins her commentary with an evocative description of these books as "the story of a new Israel forged out of the old" and "the text of a people clinging to their genealogical past and attempting to preserve their heritage while walking forward into uncharted territory." Throughout this commentary, Harrington combines analytical research on the language and culture behind the books of Ezra and Nehemiah with challenging thoughts for the Christian church today, bringing to bear a unique perspective on these books not as the end of Old Testament history but as early documents of the Second Temple period. Accordingly, Harrington incorporates a wealth of information from other Jewish literature of the time to freshly illuminate many of the topics and issues at hand while focusing on the interpretation and use of these books for Christian life today.
Ezra-Nehemiah (ebook) by Donna Petter; Thomas PetterThe NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context Ezra-Nehemiah chronicles the return of the exiles to Jerusalem during the Persian Period. Empowered by the Persian authorities, Ezra and Nehemiah came on the scene in Jerusalem to restore the worship of the "God of Heaven" and the sanctity of Zion and His people. God's sovereignty over temporal powers, confession of sin and repentance, and worship according to Yahweh's holiness undergird the account. In the face of tremendous odds, opposition and betrayal, both Ezra and Nehemiah displayed selflessness and devotion by following their calling and trusting God's plan. In the commentary, Donna and Thomas Petter lead us through this narrative of restoration and help us discover how to apply Scripture to our lives today. To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's context, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved.
Ezra-Nehemiah (print & ebook) by Mark A. ThrontveitStudies in the books of Ezra-Nehemiah have tended to become bogged down with such questions as, "Who came first, Ezra or Nehemiah, and were they contemporaries? When did Ezra make his journey to Jerusalem, how many trips did he make, and which route did he take?" In this commentary, the author undertakes a theological reading which emphasizes its character as narrative and story. He avoids rearranging the text and, with the exception of chapter five of Nehemiah, he seeks to understand the narrative as it was received. In general, Mark Throntveit avoids an overly historical approach to the text and presents a clear picture of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Call Number: BS1355.3 .T47 1992
ISBN: 9780664238643
Publication Date: 2012-09-03
Ezra-Nehemiah (vol. 16) by H. G. M. Williamson; Nelson Reference StaffThe books of Ezra and Nehemiah are vital and significant records of times as tumultuous as our own, as Israel returned from the Babylonian captivity and undertook the rebuilding of the Temple, even while beset by enemies without and dissension within the community. For the student of the post-exilic period of biblical history and thought, a detailed knowledge of both books -along with the companion history in the Chronicles is essential, says Dr. H. G. M. Williamson. Based on years of intensive study and research, this new commentary provides competent guidance into the complexities of Ezra and Nehemiah. The author gives special attention to the perplexing scholarly problems associated with their form, structure, and literary history. Supporting the view that much of this material is from the fifth century B.C., just as it claims to be, he concludes that "there is good reason to approach Ezra and Nehemiah as two parts of single work and that this work is to be regarded as complete as it stands." Dr. Williamson also focuses on sections of these books commonly referred to as the "Ezra Memoir" and the "Nehemiah Memoir." He notes the specifically theological purpose of such sections, in which the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple are defended against the enemies, and the leaders of Israel plead for recognition of their faithfulness to the commission given them by God through the Persian kings. The integrity and balance in Dr. Williamson's methods, approach, and goals are apparent throughout this commentary, which strives always to give exegesis the greatest prominence rather than impose foreign, a priori categories of interpretation on the material.
The JPS Bible Commentary: Esther by Adele BerlinRecipient of the Prize of the Minister of Science, Culture, and Sport [of the State of Israel] for classical literature for the year 5762 [2001]. The commentary, which accompanies the Hebrew biblical text and the JPS translation, approaches the Book of Esther from a fresh literary point of view. It includes essays entitled "When and Where Was the Book of Esther Written?," "Sex and Spies," and "Rabbinic Interpretation."
Call Number: BS1373 .B47 2001
ISBN: 0827606990
Publication Date: 2001-01-01
Ruth-Esther (vol.9) by Frederick W. BushThis landmark commentary by Dr. Frederick Bush fills a void in Old Testament studies. Ruth and Esther are among the most neglected books in the canon of Holy Scripture. None of the early church fathers wrote a commentary on Esther, and the list of serious contemporary analyses of both Ruth and Esther is woefully short. So pastors and scholars alike will welcome Dr. Bush's thorough treatment of these intriguing texts. Drawing upon recent studies on the genre and discourse structure of biblical narrative, Bush shows how the loving loyalty of Ruth, the kindness and sagacity of both Boaz and Naomi, and God's gracious provision of fruitfulness for field and womb provide a son to reverse the death and emptiness that had afflicted Naomi. It was an outcome of utmost significance, for it preserved the family line that ultimately led to David. In the course of his investigation, Bush deals at length with the difficult question of the role that the social customs of the levirate law and the redemption of the land play in this powerful story. Bush's careful linguistic study sheds new light on the difficult question of the date of the book. From its earliest days, the book of Esther has posed huge problems for Bible students. What do you do with a book of the Bible that never overtly speaks of God? Does a book this secular really belong in our Bibles? Some of the ancient rabbis said no. Is it possible that a "proto" version of Esther was amended in the Masoretic Text to make a solid case for the popular feast of Purim? Bush's exhaustive analysis of the literary structure of the book of Esther provides numerous clues that this may be so. While offering numerous insights into the technicalities of language and textual transmission, Bush also uses his expertise in Near Eastern studies to stir our hearts with a fresh look at the courage of Queen Esther and her loyal kinsman Mordecai. Like all the volumes of the Word Biblical Commentary, this commentary has been written for advanced Bible scholars. The clear division of technical notes from more popular explanation and comment sections makes it a useful tool for pastors and serious students of the Word. Readers with widely varying skills will welcome: use of the literary tools of narrative poetics and discourse analysis to help determine the theme, purpose, and theology of these stories extensive bibliographical sources to aid further study application of the tools of linguistic analysis to help in dating the text of the book of Ruth perceptive assessments of how both of these books reflect the self-awareness of the Jews as a resilient, resourceful people new insights into how and why Esther has come to us in its present form Dr. Bush's perceptive exegesis of these texts will fill a gap on the shelves of Old Testament scholarship.
Esther by Karen H. JobesThe NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context. This commentary shows how Esther is perfect guidance for us when we find ourselves in a situation where right and wrong are not so clearly defined and every choice we have seems to be a troubling mixture of good and bad. Esther is perfect inspiration for us when we find ourselves in situations we never sought, never planned for, and don't think we have the gifts to succeed at. To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's context, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved. This unique, award-winning commentary is the ideal resource for today's preachers, teachers, and serious students of the Bible, giving them the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God's Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
Call Number: BS1375.3 .J63 1999
ISBN: 0310206723
Publication Date: 1999-06-07
Esther by Jon D. LevensonThe book of Esther has been preserved in ancient texts that diverge greatly from each other. As a result, Jews and Protestants usually read a version which is shorter than that of most Catholic or Orthodox Bibles. In this volume, now available in a new casebound edition, Levenson capably guides readers through both versions, demonstrating their coherence and their differences. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1375.3 .L48 1997
ISBN: 9780664220938
Publication Date: 1997-01-01
Esther by Jean-Daniel MacchiThe Book of Esther is one of the five Megillot. It tells the story of a Jewish girl in Persia, who becomes queen and saves her people from a genocide. The story of Esther forms the core of the Jewish festival of Purim. The commentary presents a literary analysis of the text, taking into account the inclusion and arrangement of different pericopes, and an analysis of the narration. Likewise, it will discuss the style, the syntax, and the vocabulary. The examination of the intellectual context of the book, biblical and extrabiblical textual traditions on which the book is based and with which it is in intertextual dialogue, leads to a discussion of the redactional process and the historical and social contexts in which the authors and redactors worked.
Job by Samuel E. BalentineThe book of Job is considered by many to be the crown jewel of biblical literature in its claim to speak about God. The word that defines the challenge for every reader of the book is ?struggle.' The struggle results from the fact that whatever Job's truth may be, he was neither the first nor the last to try to articulate it. In the midst of so many words in this world about God from writers within and outside the scriptural witness, this book offers a truly astonishing declaration about what it means to live in a world where order breaks down and chaos runs amok, where the innocent suffer and the wicked thrive, where cries for help go unanswered. This new commentary by biblical scholar Samuel Balentine leads readers on an in-depth and far-reaching look at the nature of the book of Jo & and the various attempts by the many who have sought to further explore Job's essential struggle.
Call Number: BS1415.53 .B35 2006
ISBN: 9781573120678
Publication Date: 2006-12-01
Job 1-20, 21-37, 38-42 (vol. 17-18b) by David J. A. ClinesThe Book of Job, among the greatest masterpieces of world literature, deserves a commentary alert both to the windings of its arguments and to the massive theological problem it raises: the conflict of faith and experience, that is, does it have to do primarily with the why of suffering, or is the chief issue rather the problem of the moral order of the world, of the principles on which it is governed? While many feel that Job is too long, full of windy and tedious words, Professor David J .A. Clines shows in detail how every element is essential and how only the interweaving of literary and theological perspectives can reveal the richness of the writing. To this end, he supplies a uniquely comprehensive General Bibliography (as well as pericope bibliographies), unrestricted by scholarly apartheid, which includes works of sermons and popular devotions valuable for their theological and spiritual insights. A verse-by-verse commentary, this volume never loses sight of the forest for the trees and, especially in the Explanation sections, constantly surveys the progress of the Book of Job. A particular focus is the unraveling of the arguments and the identification of the distinctive viewpoints of the book's speakers. The textual Notes, which center on explaining why the English versions of Job differ so amazingly from one another, support the author's carefully worded Translation. In his Introduction, Professor Clines says: "Reading and close-reading the Book of Job, the most theologically and intellectually intense book of the Old Testament, is a perennially uplifting and not infrequently euphoric experience. The craftsmanship in the finest details, the rain of metaphors, the never-failing imagination of the poet are surpassed only by the variety and delicacy of the theological ideas and the cunning of this most open of texts confronting its readers with two new questions along with any answer."
Book of Job by John HartleyIn the Old Testament we read God's word as it was spoken to his people Israel. Today, thousands of years later, we hear in these thirty-nine books his inspired and authoritative message for us. These twin convictions, shared by all of the contributors to The New International Commentary on the Old Testament, define the goal of this ambitious series of commentaries. For those many modern readers who find the Old Testament to be strange and foreign soil, the NICOT series serves as an authoritative guide bridging the cultural gap between today's world and the world of ancient Israel. Each NICOT volume aims to help us hear God's word as clearly as possible. Scholars, pastors, and serious Bible students will welcome the fresh light that this commentary series casts on ancient yet familiar biblical texts. The contributors apply their proven scholarly expertise and wide experience as teachers to illumine our understanding of the Old Testament. As gifted writers, they present the results of the best recent research in an interesting manner. Each commentary opens with an introduction to the biblical book, looking especially at questions concerning its background, authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology. A select bibliography also points readers to resources for their own study. The author's own translation from the original Hebrew forms the basis of the commentary proper. Verse-by-verse comments nicely balance in-depth discussions of technical matters textual criticism, critical problems, and so on with exposition of the biblical writer's theology and its implications for the life of faith today."
Call Number: BS1415.3 .H37 1988
ISBN: 0802823637
Publication Date: 1988-01-01
The New Interpreter's Bible: Job (vol. 4) by Carol NewsomGeneral and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994 v.4
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Job by Kathleen M. O'ConnorThe book of Job is a vivid testimony to pain, a plea for justice, and a wrenching theological debate about suffering and its causes. Central to this debate are questions about the roles that God and humans play in causing human suffering and whether divine-human relationships can proceed in the midst of overwhelming anguish. Like a riddle, the text grasps readers� minds and emotions, inviting them to participate in Job�s story and to work toward their own solution to the dilemmas of both Job and his friends.
Call Number: BS1415.53 .O26 2012
ISBN: 0814628532
Publication Date: 2012-12-01
Job 1 - 21 by C. L. SeowThe Hebrew book of Job is by all accounts an exquisite piece of literary art that holds its rightful place among the most outstanding compositions in world literature. Yet it is also widely recognized as an immensely difficult text to understand. In elucidating that ancient text, this inaugural Illuminations commentary by C. L. Seow pays close attention to the reception history of Job, including Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Western secular interpretations as expressed in theological, philosophical, and literary writings and in the visual and performing arts. Seow offers a primarily literary-theological interpretation of Job, a new translation, and detailed commentary.
Call Number: BS1415.53 .S46 2013
ISBN: 9780802848956
Publication Date: 2013-07-04
Psalms by Walter Brueggemann; William H. BellingerThis text introduces the book of Psalms and provides an exposition of each psalm with attention to genre, liturgical connections, societal issues, and the psalm's place in the book of Psalms as a whole. The treatments of the psalms feature a close look at particular issues raised by the text and the encounters between the world of the psalm and the world of contemporary readers. The exposition of each psalm provides a reader's guide to the text in conversation with relevant theological issues.
Call Number: BS1430.53 .B779 2014
ISBN: 9780521840927
Publication Date: 2014-02-17
Psalms 1-50 (vol. 19) by Peter C. CraigieThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982 v.19
ISBN: 9780849902185
Publication Date: 1983-01-15
The Book of Psalms by Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford; Rolf A. Jacobson; Beth LaNeel TannerThis work by Nancy L. deClaisse-Walford, Rolf Jacobson, and Beth Tanner is the most complete and detailed one-volume commentary available on the Psalms. Significantly, the volume reflects the combined insights of three superior (younger) biblical scholars. DeClaisse-Walford, Jacobson, and Tanner offer a succinct introduction to the Psalter, a new translation of all the psalms that takes special account of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and individual entries on each psalm unit. Throughout the book they draw on state-of-the-art research on the canonical shape and shaping of the Psalter and evidence a nuanced attention to the poetic nature of the psalms.
Call Number: BS1430.53 .D43 2014
ISBN: 9780802824936
Publication Date: 2014-12-12
Psalms, Books 4-5, Volume 22 (ebook) by Nancy Declaiss2021 Catholic Media Association Award second place award in academic studies In this close reading of Psalms 90-150, Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford discovers meanings in the Psalms that were "there all along" but hidden beneath layers of interpretation built up over the centuries. Approaching the canonical storyline of the Psalter with feminist-critical lenses, she reads against the dominant mind-set, refuses to accept the givens, and seeks to uncover a hidden/alternate/parallel set of societal norms. DeClaissé-Walford attends to how context affects the way hearers appropriate the Psalter's words: women, for the most part, hear differently than men; women of privilege differently than women living in poverty.�Her interchanges with students and scholars in post-apartheid South Africa bring the biblical text alive in new ways for today's believers.
ISBN: 9780814681213
Publication Date: 2020-10-15
Pslams (vol. 1 - 3) by John GoldingayIn this first volume of a three-volume commentary on the book of Psalms, John Goldingay, a creative and respected Old Testament scholar, considers literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions of the text as well as theological implications. Goldingay writes with a scholar's eye and a pastor's heart. The resulting commentary will bring the Psalms to life for a new generation of pastors and students. In addition to the commentary on Psalms 1-41, this volume contains Goldingay's introduction to the entire book of Psalms. Also included is an extensive glossary section treating the vocabulary of Psalms 1-41, which notes how certain words are used to convey critical concepts. This is the third volume in the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series.
Call Number: BS1430.53 .G65 2006
ISBN: 9780801027031
Publication Date: 2006-11-01
Psalms by James Luther MaysThe Psalms have been at the center of Christian faith and piety for centuries. Now, one of the foremost interpreters of the Psalms explores how they can still claim that place today. In this commentary, James L. Mays sets forth what the Psalms say about God, creation, humanity, and the life of faith. Mays proceeds with an awareness that the Psalms were originally composed for worship, and so he provides an understanding of the psalms as praise and prayer. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1430.3 .M33 1994
ISBN: 9780804231152
Publication Date: 1994-04-01
The New Interpreter's Bible: Psalms (vol. 4) by J. Clingon, Jr. McCannGeneral and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Listening in : a multicultural reading of the Psalms by Stephen Breck ReidStephen Breck Reid maintains that every reader of the biblical text views it through the lens of other contexts. That is to say, communal narratives, cultural myths and stories, and the reader's own experiences, influence what we bring to, and take away from, Scripture. Focusing on the Psalms--specifically what the Psalter has to say about what it means to be human--Reid demonstrates that many inadequate and harmful assumptions about the text, especially those drawn from the dominant culture, can be offset by readings from African American and Latino perspectives. Thus Reid draws on recent historical, critical, literary, and rhetorical scholarship of the Psalter, combined with an imaginative reading of African American, Latino, and other non-dominant cultural materials, to provide a compelling glimpse of a multicultural reading of Scripture.
Call Number: BS1430.2 .R43 1997
ISBN: 0687011949
Publication Date: 1997-11-01
Psalm by Dennis TuckerThe NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context. To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's world, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved. This unique, award-winning commentary is the ideal resource for today's preachers, teachers, and serious students of the Bible, giving them the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God's Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
Call Number: Ref. BS1430.53 .W55 2002
ISBN: 9780310206354
Publication Date: 2002-10-27
Psalms : from biblical text-- to contemporary life by Gerald H. WilsonThe NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's context. To bring the ancient messages of the Bible into today's world, each passage is treated in three sections: Original Meaning. Concise exegesis to help readers understand the original meaning of the biblical text in its historical, literary, and cultural context. Bridging Contexts. A bridge between the world of the Bible and the world of today, built by discerning what is timeless in the timely pages of the Bible. Contemporary Significance. This section identifies comparable situations to those faced in the Bible and explores relevant application of the biblical messages. The author alerts the readers of problems they may encounter when seeking to apply the passage and helps them think through the issues involved. This unique, award-winning commentary is the ideal resource for today's preachers, teachers, and serious students of the Bible, giving them the tools, ideas, and insights they need to communicate God's Word with the same powerful impact it had when it was first written.
Call Number: BS1430.53 .W55 2002
ISBN: 9780310206354
Publication Date: 2002-10-27
Proverbs by Alice Ogden Bellis2019 Association of Catholic Publishers Book of the Year In this volume, Alice Ogden Bellis considers the book of Proverbs as a structural whole, the sages having designed it in such a way as to make positive statements about women and to undercut the negative ones. By grouping Proverbs together around common issues, the reader is called to consider the perennial moral questions of wealth and poverty, diligence and laziness, and integrity and corruption, as well as the relationship among these values. The result is much more complex and has greater depth than the random list of bromides that most of Proverbs is often thought to be. This volume opens up a multi-dimensional spiritual puzzle.
Call Number: BS1465.53 .B45 2018
ISBN: 9780814681220
Publication Date: 2018-09-01
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs (ebook) by Ellen F. DavisA commentary on three book of the Bible - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs. Ellen Davis emphasizes that these three books are not only poetry but also practical reflections on the nature of reality that speak to us on multiple levels. From the confident, wise dealing instructions in Proverbs to the world weariness of Ecclesiastes to the exuberance of The Song of Songs, these books take the reader through the range of human emotion and experience. The words are carefully crafted to generate reflection on both the most ordinary and the most far-reaching experiences of life: birth and death, poverty and wealth, education and work, grief and joy, human love and the love of God.
ISBN: 0585335060
Publication Date: 2000-01-01
Proverbs 1-9 by Michael V. FoxA narration of the ever new story of the life of Jesus Christ. First published in 1949, this classic has been read by millions.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385264372
Publication Date: 2000-09-19
Proverbs 10-31 (ebook) by Michael V. FoxThis volume completes Bible scholar Michael V. Fox's comprehensive commentary on the book of Proverbs. As in his previous volume on the early chapters of Proverbs, the author here translates and explains in accessible language the meaning and literary qualities of the sayings and poems that comprise the final chapters. He gives special attention to comparable sayings in other wisdom books, particularly from Egypt, and makes extensive use of medieval Hebrew commentaries, which have received scant attention in previous Proverb commentaries. In separate sections set in smaller type, the author addresses technical issues of text and language for interested scholars. The author's essays at the end of the commentary view the book of Proverbs in its entirety and investigate its ideas of wisdom, ethics, revelation, and knowledge. Out of Proverbs' great variety of sayings from different times, Fox shows, there emerges a unified vision of life, its obligations, and its potentials.
ISBN: 9780300142099
Publication Date: 2009-07-21
Proverbs by Katherine Murphey HayesEvery culture finds ways to pass along its wisdom from one generation to the next. Old Testament Wisdom literature - comprised of the books of Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, and Wisdom - raises the big "questions for the people of Israel: Why do the righteous suffer? "Why do we die? What is the meaning of life? The book of Proverbs organizes memorable sayings that lead to insight and understanding about the world that can inform the way we live. Speaking universally of the human condition, it paints a poetic portrait of wisdom as it guides members of the community, especially the young, in how to get along in life.
Call Number: BS1465.53 .H39 2013
ISBN: 9780814628522
Publication Date: 2013-06-01
Proverbs (ebook) by Dominick S. HernandezThe book of Proverbs is a book written for people like us--parents, children, friends, and coworkers. It's a collection of biblical sayings and wisdom that are intended to help us with practical matters in our lives. Inside we encounter the wise and the foolish, and instructions for the journey to find the wisdom that comes from God alone.Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom explores the context, language, and interpretation of the book of Proverbs. Each chapter covers well known verses and examines prevalent themes throughout the book. From the fear of the Lord to the Woman of Valor in Proverbs 31, Hernández explores an array of verses and reveals literary and historical details that supply profound insight into familiar passages.Additional components for a four-week study include a DVD featuring Dominick S. Hernández and a comprehensive Leader Guide.
ISBN: 9781501894299
Publication Date: 2020-07-21
Proverbs by Tremper LongmanWith Proverbs, veteran Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman III offers an accessible commentary on one of Scripture's most frequently quoted and visited books. With his deft exegetical and expositional skill, the resulting work is full of fresh insight into the meaning of the text. In addition to the helpful translation and commentary, "Proverbs "considers theological implications of these wisdom texts, as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers. This is the second volume in the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series.
The Book of Proverbs (vol. 1 - 2) by Bruce K. WaltkeOver twenty-five years in the making, this much-anticipated commentary promises to be the standard study of Proverbs for years to come. Written by eminent Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, this two-volume commentary is unquestionably the most comprehensive work on Proverbs available. Grounded in the new literary criticism that has so strengthened biblical interpretation of late, Waltke's commentary on Proverbs demonstrates the profound, ongoing relevance of this Old Testament book for Christian faith and life. A thorough introduction addresses such issues as text and versions, structure, authorship, and theology. The detailed commentary itself explains and elucidates Proverbs as "theological literature." Waltke's highly readable style -- evident even in his original translation of the Hebrew text -- makes his scholarly work accessible to teachers, pastors, Bible students, and general readers alike.
Call Number: BS1465.53 .W35 2004
ISBN: 0802825451
Publication Date: 2004-10-14
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Proverbs by Christine R. YoderProverbs shape our moral imagination.The Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves.The book of Proverbs invites us into an ancient and ongoing conversation about what is good and wise and true in life. Yoder explores the book through literary, exegetical, and theological-ethical analysis, paying particular attention to how Proverbs shapes the moral imagination of its readers. She highlights the poetics of each proverb, considers similarities and differences between the book's sections, and ponders how the content, pedagogies, and arrangement of Proverbs contribute to its aim to form "fearers of the Lord."
Call Number: BS1465.53 .Y63 2009
ISBN: 9781426700019
Publication Date: 2009-05-01
Ecclesiastes by Craig G. BartholomewPresents a commentary on 'Ecclesiastes'. This title considers literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions of the text, offering theological reflection.
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs (ebook) by Ellen F. DavisA commentary on three book of the Bible - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs. Ellen Davis emphasizes that these three books are not only poetry but also practical reflections on the nature of reality that speak to us on multiple levels. From the confident, wise dealing instructions in Proverbs to the world weariness of Ecclesiastes to the exuberance of The Song of Songs, these books take the reader through the range of human emotion and experience. The words are carefully crafted to generate reflection on both the most ordinary and the most far-reaching experiences of life: birth and death, poverty and wealth, education and work, grief and joy, human love and the love of God.
ISBN: 0585335060
Publication Date: 2000-01-01
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Ecclesiastes by Julie Ann DuncanThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves. The present volume gives an up-to-date, readable commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes. The commentary covers critical issues section by section while emphasizing the larger theological and literary issues in Ecclesiastes and illustrating its relevance for modern readers."The unique book of Ecclesiastes requires a unique kind of commentary, one that probes its ancient wisdom with critical deference, appreciates its frustrating ambiguity, and extends its insights in ways that are profoundly relevant for contemporary readers. Julie Duncan''s treatment succeeds in every respect. Elegantly written, her commentary explores the book''s ancient Near Eastern context in fresh ways and engages Qohelet''s wisdom with some of the most pressing questions of our day, demonstrating that there may be "nothing new under the sun" after all. Highly recommended for both student and scholar." - William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary "While the literary and historical context and the exegetical analysis are first-rate, the theological/existential reflections are simply superb." - Gerald Janzen, MacAllister-Petticrew emeritus Professor of Old Testament, Christian Theological Seminary"The beauty of Ecclesiastes is a subtle and mysterious one, simultaneously profound and poetic, reticent and reluctant to yield everything too quickly or easily; it repays only the most ardent admirers. We are particularly fortunate, then, to have this commentary from Julie Duncan, whose insights into the book are equally compelling, insightful, and beautifully poetic. This is theological-existential commentary at its best, a true interpretation of (not simply observations about) the text, an elegant treatment where one encounters Qoheleth in conversation with everything from Gilgamesh and Ahiqar to Shakespeare, Camus, Tolstoy, and T. S. Eliot to William James, Woody Allen, and Etty Hillesum. This is a beautiful commentary--one to be savored." - Brent A. Strawn, Professor of Old Testament, Emory University"Julie Duncan has gifted us with a beautifully written, truly empathetic reading of Ecclesiastes. Her artful treatment breathes grace and pathos even into Qohelet''s most maddening conundrums, making Ecclesiastes more compelling than ever. Duncan''s solid scholarship will rightfully stake a place in the landscape of Ecclesiastes commentaries, yet her teacher''s voice remains accessible to students. By accenting her careful exegesis with insightful epigraphs and illustrations, she ushers our dialogue with Qohelet out of the past and into our own imaginations. Hurry, everyone! Organize your Ecclesiastes class now, because the perfect text has finally arrived!" - Lisa M. Wolfe, Professor, Endowed Chair of Hebrew Bible, Oklahoma City University"Julie Duncan''s in-depth analysis of Ecclesiastes provides provocative insights into the text''s literary and theological settings, thus averting the misunderstandings that have marred the history of this book''s interpretation. With exquisite taste in words and metaphors, and with references to ancient and modern literature and contemporary life, the author takes the reader into the ancient writer''s search for meaning, making this book a must for those who have always loved Ecclesiastes but aren''t sure why." --Osvaldo D. Vena, professor of New Testament interpretation, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
Call Number: BS1475.53 .D86 2017
ISBN: 9781501837579
Publication Date: 2017-04-18
Ecclesiastes by Peter EnnsEcclesiastes is an Old Testament book with a long history of diverse and contradictory interpretations. Even basic questions--who wrote the book, when, and for what purpose--perennially plague scholars. The book's theological message is likewise elusive, hidden in riddles and convoluted trains of thought that twist and turn back upon themselves. In this expert commentary on Ecclesiastes, Peter Enns neither disregards nor attempts to resolve the book's many theological tensions and ambiguities. Rather, he shows how these form the backdrop against which the author struggles to show readers the proper path forward in their journeys of faith--remaining true to the tradition to "fear God and keep the commands" despite the apparent futility of human existence.
Call Number: BS1475.53 .E56 2011
ISBN: 9780802866493
Publication Date: 2011-11-15
Coping with Change - Ecclesiastes by Walter C. KaiserEcclesiastes is a book filled with good news for those struggling to make sense of what is happening in life. Why does man madly pursue one thing and then another without meaning? True joy comes from the Lord himself, and for the one who has learned to fear God and keep his commandments, all of life holds purpose and delight. In Coping with Change, noted theologian Walter Kaiser mines the riches of Ecclesiastes to reveal the source of true joy.
ISBN: 9781781910627
Publication Date: 2013-05-20
The Book of Ecclesiastes by Tremper LongmanEcclesiastes is one of the most fascinating -- and hauntingly familiar -- books of the Old Testament. The sentiments of the main speaker of the book, a person given the name Qohelet, sound incredibly modern. Expressing the uncertainty and anxieties of our own age, he is driven by the question, "Where can we find meaning in the world?" But while Qohelet's question resonates with readers today, his answer is shocking. "Meaningless," says Qohelet, "everything is meaningless." How does this pessimistic perspective fit into the rest of biblical revelation? In this commentary Tremper Longman III addresses this question by taking a canonical-Christocentric approach to the meaning of Ecclesiastes. Longman first provides an extensive introduction to Ecclesiastes, exploring such background matters as authorship, language, genre, structure, literary style, and the book's theological message. He argues that the author of Ecclesiastes is not Solomon, as has been traditionally thought, but a writer who adopts a Solomonic persona. In the verse-by-verse commentary that follows, Longman helps clarify the confusing, sometimes contradictory message of Ecclesiastes by showing that the book should be divided into three sections -- a prologue (1:1-11), Qohelet's autobiographical speech (1:12-12:7), and an epilogue (12:8-14) -- and that the frame narrative provided by prologue and epilogue is the key to understanding the message of the book as a whole.
Call Number: BS1475.3 .L66 1998
ISBN: 0802823661
Publication Date: 1997-11-07
Ecclesiastes by Choon Leong SeowHerni Nouwen believes every Christian is a minister trying to live his or her life in light of the gospel. This work is a spiritual guide for every man and woman who wants to come to the aid of others.
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs (ebook) by Ellen F. DavisA commentary on three book of the Bible - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs. Ellen Davis emphasizes that these three books are not only poetry but also practical reflections on the nature of reality that speak to us on multiple levels. From the confident, wise dealing instructions in Proverbs to the world weariness of Ecclesiastes to the exuberance of The Song of Songs, these books take the reader through the range of human emotion and experience. The words are carefully crafted to generate reflection on both the most ordinary and the most far-reaching experiences of life: birth and death, poverty and wealth, education and work, grief and joy, human love and the love of God.
ISBN: 0585335060
Publication Date: 2000-01-01
Altogether Lovely (Print & ebook) by Havilah DharamrajThe frank eroticism of the Song of Songs has long seemed out of place in the Hebrew Bible. As a result, both Jewish and Christian interpreters have struggled to read it as an allegory of the relationship between God (as husband) and Israel or the church (as bride). Havilah Dharamraj approaches the Song with a clear vision of the gendering of power relationships in the ancient Near East and through an intertextual method centered not on production but on the reception of texts. She sets the Song's lyrical portrayal of passion and intimacy alongside other canonical portrayals of love spurned, lust, rejection, and sexual violence from Hosea, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. The result is a richly nuanced exposition of the possibilities of intimacy and remorse in interhuman and divine-human relationship. The intertextual juxtaposition of contrasting texts produces a third text, an intracanonical conversation in which patriarchal control and violence are answered in a tender and generous mutuality.
Call Number: BS1485.52 .D53 2018
ISBN: 9781506423203
Publication Date: 2018-06-01
The New Interpreter's Bible: Song of Songs (vol. 5) by F.W. DobbsGeneral and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Song of Songs by J. Cheryl ExumThis original commentary foregrounds at every turn the poetic genius of the Song of Songs, one of the most elusive texts of the Hebrew Bible. J. Cheryl Exum locates that genius in the way the Song not only tells but shows its readers that love is strong as death, thereby immortalizing love, as well as in the way the poet explores the nature of love by a mature sensitivity to how being in love is different for the woman and the man. Many long-standing conundrums in the interpretation of the book are offered persuasive solutions in Exum's verse by verse exegesis. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing
Song of Songs and Lamentations (vol. 23b) by Duane GarrettThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship. Overview of Commentary Organization Introduction--covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography--a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation--the author's own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes--the author's notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting--a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment--verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation--brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues. General Bibliography--occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliographycontains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982 v.23b
ISBN: 9780310522195
Publication Date: 2016-02-23
Song of Songs by Richard S. HessRichard Hess has written an insightful commentary on one of the most intriguing books of the Bible, which celebrates God's gift of love. Following an introduction to the biblical book and a history of its interpretation, Hess divides his discussion into seven major sections. Each section begins with a fresh translation, followed by paragraph-by-paragraph commentary, and concluding with a summary of the passage's theological implications. Technical questions related to the Hebrew text or scholarly debate are addressed in the footnotes. Pastors and teachers will find here an accessible commentary that will serve as an excellent resource for their study. This is the first volume in the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series.
Call Number: BS1485.53 .H47 2005
ISBN: 0801027128
Publication Date: 2005-04-01
The Song of Songs by Othmar. Keel; Frederick J. Gaiser (Translator)In addition to a comprehensive introduction and an analysis of text and form, Othmar Keel focuses on the metaphorical and symbolic language of the Song of Songs. He makes full use of parallelstextual and iconographicfrom Palestine, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. More than 160 illustrations, prepared by Hildi Keel-Leu, add to the interpretation of the songs.
Call Number: BS1485.3 .K4413
ISBN: 0800695070
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
The Song of Songs (Print & ebook) by Roland E. MurphyMurphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song's exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative in the development of Jewish and Christian exposition. Murphy examines the literary character and structure of the Song, aspects of its composition and style, and its meaning and theological significance.
Isaiah 1-39 (vol. 19) by Joseph BlenkinsoppIt may seem like one of the most difficult questions of all time. Yet the answer could not be more simple or more beautiful than it is in this elegantly illustrated gift book.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385497164
Publication Date: 2000-12-05
Isaiah 40-55 by Joseph BlenkinsoppScholars have traditionally isolated three distinct sections of what is known as the Book of Isaiah, and in Isaiah 40-55, distinguished biblical scholar Joseph Blenkinsopp provides a new translation and critical commentary on the section usually referred to as Second or Deutero Isaiah. The second volume in a three-volume commentary, it easily maintains the high standards of academic excellence established by Isaiah1-39. Second Isaiah was written in the sixth century b.c.e., in the years just before the fall of the mighty Babylonian Empire, by an anonymous prophet whom history has erroneously identified with the real Isaiah (born ca. 765 b.c.e.). Scholars know Second Isaiah was written by someone other than Isaiah because the contexts of these prophecies are so very different. When Second Isaiah was written, the prophet believed that Israel's time of suffering was drawing to a close. There was, he insisted, a new age upon them, a time of hope, peace, and renewed national prosperity. The main thrust of the prophet's argument was intended to rally the spirits of a people devastated by war and conquest. One of the most famous examples of this optimistic tone is the well-known and beloved Song of the Suffering Servant, which is found in Chapters 52-53, and about which Blenkinsopp has some challenging new ideas. The final chapters of Second Isaiah, however, are in an entirely different key as it becomes clear that the new world the prophet foresaw earlier was not going to come to pass. This despair finds its most poignant expression in the final section of the Book of Isaiah, which Blenkinsopp will address in his forthcoming third volume.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300140545
Publication Date: 2002-04-16
Isaiah 56-66 by Joseph BlenkinsoppThe worlds leading authority on the prophet Isaiah brings his distinguished three-volume commentary on the book of Isaiah to a conclusion with this new translation and critical discussion of the final eleven chapters. The concluding section of the book of Isaiah, sometimes referred to as Third or Trito Isaiah, had a profound impact on the Christian movement in its formative phase, including such central issues as the identity of the founder, the profile of the disciple, and the Gentile mission. In this thorough and informative commentary, Joseph Blenkinsopp shows that while these chapters maintain continuity with Second Isaiah, they must be considered in the light of a new set of circumstances. The texts present a community beset by severe problems, attempting to cope with disappointed expectations and trying to maintain its faith in the reality, power, and benevolence of the God of traditional religion. Blenkinsopp discusses in detail the issues that divide the community, from concerns about the efficacy of religious practices (prayer, fasting, Sabbath observance, and sacrifice) to questions about who may claim the name of Israelite and under what conditions, to what kind of relations should be maintained with outsiders. In examining each of these topics, Blenkinsopp shows that they provide evidence of an emerging Judaism seeking its own identity and self-definition and testify to the existence of a prophetic discipleship inspired by the person and teaching of the charismatic servant whose fate is described in the previous section of Isaiah. Reflecting the same standard of excellence as Blenkinsopps first two volumes on Isaiah, this is an important contribution to the prestigious Anchor Bible Commentary series.
ISBN: 9780385501743
Publication Date: 2003-04-15
Isaiah (ebook) by Walter BrueggemannIn this volume, Walter Brueggemann writes on Isaiah 1-39, which many scholars believe had a single author, Isaiah, of the eighth century BCE, who wrote in the context of the Assyrian empire between 742 and 701. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
ISBN: 9780585375601
Publication Date: 1998-01-01
Isaiah, 40-66 (ebook) by Walter BrueggemannIn this volume, Walter Brueggemann focuses on Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-55), believed to be written by a second exilic poet, and Third Isaiah (Isaiah 56-66), a third group of texts that rearticulate Isaianic theology in yet another faith situation. Brueggemann discusses both the distinctiveness of the texts and their canonical relatedness. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
ISBN: 9780664257910
Publication Date: 1998-10-01
Isaiah by Brevard S. ChildsIn this important addition to the Old Testament Library, now available in a new casebound edition, renowned scholar Brevard Childs writes on the Old Testament's most important theological book. He furnishes a fresh translation from the Hebrew and discusses questions of text, philology, historical background, and literary architecture, and then proceeds with a critically informed, theological interpretation of the text. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1515.3 .C48 2001
ISBN: 0664221432
Publication Date: 2000-11-01
Isaiah: an Introduction and Study Guide (ebook) by C. L. CrouchC. L. Crouch and Christopher B. Hays introduce the Book of Isaiah in its diverse historical contexts, tracing its origins and development over several centuries: beginning with the career of the prophet Isaiah ben Amoz in eighth century Jerusalem, continuing with a late seventh century edition and the further revisions made in the late sixth century, and concluding with final shaping during the Persian Period. At each stage Crouch and Hays pay close attention to the historical, cultural, and theological conversations that influenced the book's aims and interests. Crouch and Hays discuss the theological and literary continuities among the book's contributors, as well as where language and concerns differed from generation to generation. They also consider the reception history of Isaiah and what the text has meant to people through history. With suggestions of further reading at the end of each chapter, this guide will be an essential accompaniment to study of the Book of Isaiah.
ISBN: 0567680347
Publication Date: 2022-08-25
Isaiah by John GoldingayThe book of Isaiah depicts for its readers what happens when Isaiah volunteers to become Yahweh s gofer when he acts and speaks on Yahweh s behalf with Yahweh s authority. In this careful and insightful commentary on Isaiah, Goldingay unfolds the voices and messages of those prophetic actions and experiences. While doing this he points out that three attributes of Yahweh come into distinctive focus in Isaiah: Yahweh s majesty and authority, Yahweh s passion in anger and compassion, and Yahweh s insight and capacity to formulate a plan and put it into effect. Goldingay also examines the way Isaiah thinks about the people of God and the relationship between the vision of who they could be, the reality of who they were, the calamity of that contrast, and ultimately the promise Yahweh offers to them.
Call Number: BS1515.53 .G549 2001
ISBN: 1565632230
Publication Date: 2001-09-01
Isaiah 56-66 by John Goldingay;For over one hundred years International Critical Commentaries have had a special place among works on the Bible. They bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis - linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological - to help the reader understand the meaning of the books of the Old and New Testaments. The new commentaries continue this tradition. All new evidence now available is incorporated and new methods of study are applied. The authors are of the highest international standing. No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text: contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought. Professor John Goldingay, a noted specialist on Deutero and Trito Isaiah continues his breathtaking work of commentary, following his widely acclaimed volumes (with David Payne) of the International Critical Commentary on Isaiah 40-55.
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 40-66 by John N. OswaltThis long-anticipated work completes John Oswalt's two-volume commentary on the book of Isaiah. After opening with a valuable discussion on the state of Isaiah studies today, Oswalt provides an insightful verse-by-verse explanation of Isaiah 40-66, giving special attention to the message of the prophet not only for his own time but also for modern readers.
Jeremiah by Leslie C. AllenThis book of Jeremiah offers a remarkable range of literature, including prose, poetry, homilies, oracles, and proverbs. This commentary understands the book as a work of religious literature, to be examined in its final form and yet with careful attention to the historical contexts of writing and development through which the present text took shape. Jeremiah proclaimed a message of coming judgment, because of the people's unfaithful worship, and yet also emphasized the call to know Yahweh and to live as God's faithful people. Through it all, Allen identifies a tragectory of grace, in which the proclamations of doom can be understood within the context of promises for a renewed future. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1525.53 .A45 2008
ISBN: 9780664222239
Publication Date: 2008-11-28
A Commentary on Jeremiah by Walter BrueggemannJeremiah's poignant lament over Judah's social and religious disintegration reflects God's own pathos-laden yearning for his disobedient covenant people. In this widely praised expository commentary Walter Brueggemann, one of the premier Old Testament scholars of our time, explores the historical setting and message of Jeremiah as well as the text's relevance for the church today. Offering a fresh look at the critical theological issues in the Jeremiah tradition, Brueggemann argues that Jeremiah's voice compels us to rediscern our own situation, issuing an urgent invitation to faith, obedience, justice, and compassion. This combined edition of Brueggemann's original two-volume work, published until recently as part of the International Theological Commentary series, is an essential resource for students, pastors, and general readers alike. It is reprinted here with a new introduction by Brueggemann that surveys the current state of Jeremiah studies.
The Book of Jeremiah by John GoldingayOf the Major Prophets, Jeremiah is perhaps the least straightforward. It is variously comprised of stories about the prophet Jeremiah, exchanges between Jeremiah and Yahweh, and messages directly from Yahweh--meaning a consciousness of form is essential to the understanding of its content. At times it is written in poetry, resembling Isaiah, while at other times it is written in prose, more similar to Ezekiel. And it is without doubt the darkest and most threatening of the Major Prophets, inviting comparisons to Amos and Hosea. John Goldingay, a widely respected biblical scholar who has written extensively on the entire Old Testament, navigates these complexities in the same spirit as other volumes of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament series--rooted in Jeremiah's historical context but with an eye always trained on its meaning and use as Christian Scripture. After a thorough introduction that explores matters of background, composition, and theology, Goldingay provides an original translation and verse-by-verse commentary of all fifty-two chapters, making this an authoritative and indispensable reference for scholars and pastors as they engage with Jeremiah from a contemporary Christian standpoint.
Call Number: BS1525.53 .G649 2021
ISBN: 9780802875846
Publication Date: 2021-12-07
Jeremiah 1 (Print & ebook) by William L. HolladayHolladay's English rendering translates identical words and phrases consistent, and compares the parallel passages which are a prominent feature of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 1-25 (vol. 27) by Peter C. Craigie; Joel F. Drinkard; Paul Cedar; Page H. KelleyThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982 v.27
ISBN: 9780849902253
Publication Date: 1991-10-20
Jeremiah: pain and promise (Print & ebook) by Kathleen M. O'ConnorKathleen O'Connor shows that the intense emotional language of Jeremiah documents a community's effort to restore their collapsed social world. Both prophet and book provide language to articulate disaster; move self-understanding from delusional security to identity as survivors; constitute individuals as moral agents; and characterize God as suffering trauma along with the people.
Call Number: BS1525.52 .O26 2011
ISBN: 9780800620400
Publication Date: 2011-09-01
Jeremiah 26-52 by Carolyn J. SharpThis commentary illumines Jer 26-52 through historical, literary, feminist, and postcolonial analysis. Ideologies of subjugation and resistance are entangled in the Jeremiah traditions. The reader is guided through narratives of extreme violence, portrayals of iconic allies and adversaries, and complex gestures of scribal resilience. Judah=s cultural trauma is refracted through prose that mimics Neo-Babylonian colonizing ideology, dramatic scenes of survival, and poetry alight with the desire for vengeance against enemies. The commentary=s historical and literary arguments are enriched by insights from archaeology, feminist translation theory, and queer studies.
Call Number: BS1525.53 .S537 2022
ISBN: 9783170200838
Publication Date: 2021-12-15
Lamentations (ebook) by Wilma A. Bailey; Christina BucherLamentations, Song of Songs by Wilma Ann Bailey and Christina Bucher covers the full emotional register of biblical literature: from the anguished sorrow songs of ancient Israel to the passionate, lyric poems of lovers. Old Testament scholar Wilma Ann Bailey explores the interpretive depths of Lamentations, including questions about authorship, images of God, and depiction of a community's response to exile and its development of an identity in the wake of catastrophe. Professor of religious studies Christina Bucher then offers multiple perspectives on the Song of Songs and its imagery, characters, and allegorical and literal interpretations by readers and communities across the centuries. Both scholars build sturdy theological scaffolding to help lay readers, pastors, and scholars understand and apply the wisdom contained by these Hebrew writings of desire and exile, love and lament. Lamentations, Song of Songs is the twenty-sixth volume in The Believers Church Bible Commentary Series. Accessible to lay readers, useful in preaching and pastoral care, helpful for Bible study groups and Sunday school teachers, and academically sound, the commentary forefronts an Anabaptist reading of Scripture.
ISBN: 9780836199321
Publication Date: 2015-02-09
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Lamentations by Dianne BergantThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries series offers compact, critical commentaries on all the books of the Old Testament. In addition to providing fundamental information on and insights into Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful, critical exegesis so as to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed engagement of the biblical texts themselves. These commentaries are written with special attention to the needs and interests of theology students, but they will also be useful for students in upper-level college or university settings, as well as for pastors and other church leaders. Each volume consists of four parts: -- an introduction that addresses the key issues raised by the writing; the literary genre, structure, and character of the writing; the occasional and situational context of the writing, including its wider social and historical context; and the theological and ethical significance of the writing within these several contexts-- a commentary on the text, organized by literary units, covering literary analysis, exegetical analysis, and theological and ethical analysis-- an annotated bibliography-- a brief subject index Bergant's commentary opens to students and pastors the visceral poetry of Lamentations, a book that plumbs the depth of biblical Israel's despair over the destruction of Jerusalem. The security of Jerusalem signaled divine protection of the whole nation, so Jerusalem's destruction was perceived as a sign that God had abandoned the entire people. The book of Lamentations is a cry to God for mercy. The horrors detailed within its five short chapters reveal the extent of human cruelty and the resiliency of the human spirit to endure such cruelty. Unlike many biblical books, Lamentations ends on an unresolved note. Will God eventually hear the cry of the people? Will God, as in days gone by, step in with mercy and salvation?
Call Number: BS1535.53 .B465 2003
ISBN: 9780687084616
Publication Date: 2003-05-01
Lamentations by Adele BerlinThe Old Testament Library provides an authoritative treatment of every major and important aspect of the Old Testament. This commentary on Lamentations offers a fresh translation, discussing questions of historical background and literary architecture before providing a theologically sensitive exposition of the text.
Call Number: BS1535.53 .B47 2004
ISBN: 0664229743
Publication Date: 2002-01-01
Lamentations by F. W. Dobbs-AllsoppIn the face of suffering, agony, and the brutal realities of life; in the midst of divine silence and human pain, the Lamentations poems speak of faith and trust in God. This sophisticated yet accessible commentary makes the message of Lamentations come alive. All who preach and teach will benefit from this rich resource. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Call Number: BS1535.53 .D63 2002
ISBN: 0804231419
Publication Date: 2002-01-01
Song of Songs/Lamentations (vol. 23b) by David Allen Hubbard; Duane Garrett; Paul R. HouseThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982
ISBN: 9780849908255
Publication Date: 2004-03-10
The New Interpreter's Bible: Lamentations (vol. 7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: Ref. BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Lamentations and the Tears of the World by Kathleen O'ConnorExplores the book of Lamentations and its meaning for faith and ministry today. The five poems that comprise Lamentations tell of the community's pain in the aftermath of Jerusalem's destruction.
Call Number: BS1535.52 .O25 2002
ISBN: 1570753997
Publication Date: 2002-02-01
Lamentations by Robin ParryTraditional scholarly commentaries aspire to open up biblical texts in the light of their ancient social and cultural contexts. In this commentary Robin Parry seeks to take the insights of such works seriously yet also move far beyond them by considering Lamentations within ever-expanding canonical and contemporary contexts. How do the words of Lamentations resonate when read in the context of Jeremiah? Or in the contexts of Isaiah 40?55, the New Testament, the history of Christian anti-Semitism, or the suffering of victims today? The question at the heart of this unusual engagement with the text is ?How can Lamentations function as Christian scripture?? Parry argues that the key to answering this question is to follow the ancient liturgical tradition of the church and to see the text in the light of the death and resurrection of Israel?s Messiah ? Jesus. According to Parry, Lamentations is Israel?s Holy Saturday literature ? the cries of those caught between the death of Jerusalem and its resurrection. In this context Christians are able to make connections between this anguished Israelite poetry, the sufferings of Jesus, and the sufferings of the world. These biblical-theological links have the potential to open up fresh and imaginative theological, doxological, and pastoral encounters with a sadly neglected biblical book.
Call Number: BS1535.53 .P37 2010
ISBN: 9780802827142
Publication Date: 2010-09-03
The Book of Ezekiel (ebook & print) by Daniel I. BlockTo most modern readers the book of Ezekiel is a mystery. Few can handle Ezekiel's relentless denunciations, his unconventional antics, his repetitive style, and his bewildering array of topics. This excellent commentary by Daniel I. Block makes sense of this obscure and often misunderstood prophet and demonstrates the relevance of Ezekiel's message for the church today.
Call Number: BS1545.3 .B575 1997
ISBN: 9780802825353
Publication Date: 1997-08-26
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Ezekiel by Nancy BowenThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves.From the book, "The effects of the Judean refugees' trauma would be far reaching. Certainly an individual named Ezekiel might have experienced persistent reactions to trauma for the length of time covered by the book. Moreover, the experience and effects of exile were not limited to Ezekiel, nor even to his generation. The book's existence attests that others in the exilic community, and beyond, found their experiences reflected in its words."
Call Number: BS1545.53 .B69 2010
ISBN: 9781426704451
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
Ezekiel by Moshe GreenbergEzekiel, 1-20, is Volume 22 in the Anchor Bible series of new, book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha. This is the first of two volumes on the prophetic book of Ezekiel. It includes: A new translation of the book, followed by textual notes that give readings from such ancient translations as the Greek and the Syrian and from medieval Hebrew manuscripts. Sections titled "Comment," offering clarification of grammar, context, and other details, and "Structure and Themes," a more general literary discussion following each section of translation. Adherence to the Masoretic (traditional Hebrew) text and extensive use of Rabbinic literature. A holistic interpretation showing how many features of the text are interwoven and integrated.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385009542
Publication Date: 1983-05-17
Ezekiel 21-37 by Moshe GreenbergEzekiel was and is perhaps the most misunderstood and challenging Hebrew prophet. His prophecies and visions transport us to almost indescribable realms, completely uncharted territory this side of heaven. But as one of Israel's three major prophets, the words and symbolic actions of this mouthpiece of God were directed to a people weighed down by the realities of human experience. In this long-awaited and eagerly anticipated second volume of his commentary on the Book of Ezekiel, Moshe Greenberg exhibits the characteristic care and special sensitivity of a world-renowned scholar. He translates the text into a flowing English that captures the richness and subtleties of the problematic Hebrew original. Using illustrations from a vast array of literature on Ezekiel, Greenberg brings the book's prophecies and people alive for modern readers.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300139679
Publication Date: 1995-03-01
Ezekiel 38-48 ( vol. 22b; ebook & print) by Stephen L. CookA fresh interpretation of the final major sections of the Hebrew book of Ezekiel, chapters 38-48 Stephen L. Cook offers an accessible translation and interpretation of the final sections of Ezekiel. These chapters, the most challenging texts of scripture, describe the end-time assault of Gog of Magog on Israel and provide an incredible visionary tour of God's utopian temple. Following the approach of Moshe Greenberg, the author of the preceding Anchor Yale Bible commentaries on Ezekiel, this volume grounds interpretation of the book in an intimate acquaintance with Ezekiel's source materials, its particular patterns of composition and rhetoric, and the general learned, priestly workings of the Ezekiel school. The commentary honors Greenberg's legacy by including insights from traditional Jewish commentators, such as Rashi, Kimhi, and Eliezer of Beaugency. In contrast to preceding commentaries, the book devotes special attention to the Zadokite idea of an indwelling, anthropomorphic "body" of God, and the enlivening effect on people and land of that indwelling.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1
ISBN: 9780300218817
Publication Date: 2018-11-27
Ezekiel by JoyceThis book addresses the historical-critical agenda of Ezekiel and includes newer approaches and questions, such as psychological issues and the notion that Ezekiel should be regarded as a "character" within the book.
Call Number: BS1545.53 .J69 2008
ISBN: 9780567026859
Publication Date: 2009-09-03
Ezekiel by Margaret S. OdellWritten by accomplished scholars with all students of Scripture in mind, the primary goal of the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series is to make available serious, credible biblical scholarship in an accessible and less intimidating format. A visual generation of believers deserves a commentary series that contains not only the all-important textual commentary on Scripture, but images, photographs, maps, works of fine art, and drawings that bring the text to life.
Daniel by Joyce G. BaldwinDaniel is a difficult book. But it is a book about the meaning of history, and people today need its message. The whole church needs reassurance, especially in view of Marxist claims to be able by human effort to introduce a utopian world government. "When the church lets part of its message go by default people look elsewhere for a substitute," writes Joyce Baldwin. "All the more reason, then, why the church needs to be counting on the certainties proclaimed by Daniel, namely that God is constantly overruling and judging in the affairs of men, putting down the mighty from their seats, overthrowing unjust regimes and effectively bringing in His kingdom, which is to embrace all nations."The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series.
Daniel (vol. 30) by John E. Goldingay; Thomas Nelson Publishing StaffThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982
ISBN: 9780849902291
Publication Date: 1989-06-18
Daniel by Carol A. NewsomThe book of Daniel is a literary rich and complex story known for its apocalyptic style. Written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, the book begins with stories of Daniel and three Jewish young men Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego) who are exiles among the remnant from Judea in Babylon in sixth century b.c.e. It ends with Daniel's visions and dreams about the Jewish community that offer comfort and encouragement as they endure persecution and hope for deliverance into God's kingdom. Newsom's commentary offers a fresh study of Daniel in its historical context. Newsom further analyzes Daniel from literary and theological perspectives. With her expert commentary, Newsom's study will be the definitive commentary on Daniel for many years to come. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. The editorial board consists of William P. Brown, Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia; Carol A. Newsom, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; and Brent A. Strawn, Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Call Number: BS1555.53 .N49 2014
ISBN: 9780664220808
Publication Date: 2014-11-21
Daniel by C. L. SeowThe book of Daniel is concerned with religious persecution. Daniel's message in this apocalyptic text, however, assures that God will deliver those who trust God, refuse to worship other Gods, and keep Jewish tradition in the face of persecution. C. L. Seow examines this difficult and provocative book and explores its relevance to faith and the church today. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
Nahum--Malachi (ebook) by Elizabeth Rice AchtemeierElizabeth Achtemeier examines the often-neglected Minor Prophets and explains them as they reflect the church at worship and at work. She sets the Minor Prophets in their canonical context emphasizing the relationship between the message of these prophets and the New Testament. Unique in the use of brief quotations from great preachers' sermons on the prophets, Nahum-Malachi is enriched with the vast insightful store of homiletical interpretation available today.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
ISBN: 0585315655
Publication Date: 1986-01-01
Minor Prophets by Elizabeth R. AchtemeierThe NIBC offers the best of contemporary scholarship in a format that both general readers and serious students can use with profit. Based on widely used NIV translation, the NIBC presents careful section-by-section exposition with key terms and phrases highlighted and all Hebrew transliterated. A separate section of notes at the close of each chapter provides additional textual and technical comments. Each commentary also includes a selected bibliography as well as Scripture and subject indexes. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah are included in this volume.Professor Achtemeier is long established as a reliable, insightful interpreter of Scripture. And here she has ample textual material wherein she demonstrates, once again, her skill as an interpreter. . . . Achtemeier's theological passion is evident throughout, as she stays close to the canonical accents of judgement and hope. It is unmistakable that there is a close fit between the urgings of the prophetic texts and Achtemeier's own theological concerns. The convergence is a happy one that provides a useful, trustworthy study that exposits the main issues of Israel's faith. Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary
Call Number: BS1560 .A58 1996
ISBN: 0943575052
Publication Date: 1996-11-01
The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah by Leslie C. AllenThe eloquent and uncompromising calls for social righteousness by the Minor Prophets are familiar to many, yet the writings themselves are probably the least-studied and least-known texts of the Old Testament. Those who are familiar with these books are also aware of the historical and literary problems that plague their study. Drawing on theological, historical, and literary insights, Leslie Allen's commentary on Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah carefully and imaginatively reconstructs the context in which the original Hebrew audience received the prophets' messages. In turn, Allen shows what relevance they hold for contemporary Christians. For each of the books, Allen includes a substantial introduction, presenting and assessing a broad range of scholarship, a select bibliography, and an extensive commentary on the author's own translation of the text. Allen pays special attention to Micah, in which he treats at greater length many of the forms and motifs that also appear in Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah. The introductory material for Joel includes discussions of canonicity and textual criticism that apply to the entire volume.
Call Number: BS1560 .A65
ISBN: 9780802825315
Publication Date: 1976-04-19
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi by Joyce G. BaldwinThree neglected but important prophets receive a fresh and penetrating analysis in this introduction and commentary. For each prophet's work, Joyce Baldwin first considers the general issues of author, text and message, then offers a passage-by-passage commentary."Considerable attention has been given in the book to background material, and proper consideration is accorded to the views of those from whom the author differs," writes reviewer R. K. Harrison. "In expounding the text, Baldwin produces evidence of balanced scholarship and a high degree of spiritual insight."
Call Number: BS1655.3 .B34
ISBN: 9780877842767
Publication Date: 1972-06-01
Obadiah Through Malachi by William P. BrownTaken together, the nine prophets found in the books Obadiah through Malachi lived during a tumultuous two hundred years of Israelite history. Their communities dealt with the crisis of the impending Assyrian threat in the eighth century and the Babylonia exile in the sixth, as well as the hopeful age of restoration in the late sixth and early fifth centuries. Intimately connected to the travails and needs of their communities, these prophets had the responsibility of bringing God's message of hope--even in the bleakest times--to their people. Books in the Westminster Bible Companion series assist laity in their study of the Bible as a guide to Christian faith and practice. Each volume explains the biblical book in its original historical context and explores its significance for faithful living today. These books are ideal for individual study and for Bible study classes and groups.
Call Number: BS1560 .B75 1996
ISBN: 0664255205
Publication Date: 1996-10-01
Reading Hosea-Micah : a literary and theological commentary by Terence E. FretheimIn this new volume in the Reading the Old Testament commentary series, Terence E. Fretheim explores themes of indictment, judgment, and salvation in Hosea-Micah. The indictment against the people of God especially involves issues of abuse of the poor and needy and idolatry. The effects of such behaviors are often horrendous in their severity. While God is often the subject of such judgments the consequences, like fruit, grow out of the deed itself. Issues of indictment and judgment are not finally ends in themselves, but in the service of the salvation of God.
Call Number: BS1560 .F74 2013
ISBN: 9781573126878
Publication Date: 2013-09-01
Minor Prophets II by John Goldingay; Pamela J. ScaliseThe Minor Prophets are those dozen Old Testament books that, in the time of Jesus, were usually written on one scroll since they were all fairly brief. The late Elizabeth Achtemeier prepared the New International Biblical Commentaryon the first six: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. This second volume deals with the final six books. John Goldingay writes on Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai; Pamela Scalise takes on the longest, Zechariah, and the last, Malachi.Like the authors of other volumes in the NIBC, Goldingay and Scalise utilize what is referred to as "believing criticism" when examining the biblical texts. Based on fidelity to critical analysis and sensitivity to the faith of both ancient and contemporary readers, this balanced approach enriches both the academy and the church. Following the series guidelines, the authors clearly explain the texts with additional notes regarding interpretation and "practical" reflection. For example, Goldingay issues a reminder that when the prophets spoke against the arrogance and sins of Assyria and Babylon, the Israelites needed to hear the word of God as a caution against their own pride and wickedness. He goes on to suggest that modern readers must remember, as well, that the same attitudes and actions that led to the downfall of these ancient Middle East empires can fall upon any and all who follow their example.The New International Biblical Commentaryoffers the best of contemporary scholarship in a format that both general readers and serious students can use with profit. Based on the widely used New International Version translation, the NIBCpresents careful section-by-section exposition with key terms and phrases highlighted and all Hebrew transliterated. A separate section of notes at the close of each chapter provides additional textual, linguistic, cultural, and technical comments. Each commentary also includes a selected bibliography as well as Scripture and subject indexes.
Call Number: BS1560 .G65 2009
ISBN: 9781565632288
Publication Date: 2009-10-01
The New Interpreter's Bible (vol. 7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Hosea--Micah (ebook) by James LimburgJames Limburg introduces the first six of the minor prophets and provides a commentary that relates to today's world. He demonstrates why attention should be given to the words of these prophets as they communicate the word of God.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi by Julia M. O'BrienThe Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries provide compact, critical commentaries on the books of the Old Testament for the use of theological students and pastors. The commentaries are also useful for upper-level college or university students and for those responsible for teaching in congregational settings. In addition to providing basic information and insights into the Old Testament writings, these commentaries exemplify the tasks and procedures of careful interpretation, all to assist students of the Old Testament in coming to an informed and critical engagement with the biblical texts themselves.The six books found at the close of the Minor Prophets (Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi) present distinctive understandings of God, humanity, and the future. This commentary engages those understandings, considers what the books may have meant in the past, and describes how they resonate with contemporary readers. With attention to issues of gender, violence, and inclusivity, O'Brien explores the ethical challenges of the books and asks how faithful readers can both acknowledge the problems these biblical books raise and appreciate their value for contemporary theological reflection.
Call Number: BS1560 .O27 2004
ISBN: 0687340314
Publication Date: 2004-11-01
The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by Thomas RenzIn this commentary, Thomas Renz reads Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah as three carefully crafted writings of enduring relevance, each of which makes a vital contribution to the biblical canon. Discussing the historical settings, Renz takes up both long-standing issues, such as the relationship of Zephaniah to Josiah's reforms, and the socioeconomic conditions of the time suggested by recent archaeological research. The place of these writings within the Book of the Twelve is given fresh consideration, including the question of what one should make of the alleged redaction history of Nahum and Habakkuk. The author's careful translation of the text comes with detailed textual notes, illuminating some of the Bible's most outstanding poetry (Nahum) and one of the biblical chapters that is among the most difficult to translate (Habakkuk 3). The thorough verse-by-verse commentary is followed by stimulating theological reflection, opening up avenues for teaching and preaching from these prophetic writings. No matter their previous familiarity with these and other Minor Prophets, scholars, pastors, and lay readers alike will find needed guidance in working through these difficult but important books of the Bible.
Call Number: BS1625.53 .R46 2021
ISBN: 9780802826268
Publication Date: 2021-06-01
Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by J. J. M. RobertsThis commentary builds on the work of previous scholarship and addresses contemporary issues. It gives serious attention to questions of textual criticism, philology, history, and Near Eastern backgrounds and is sensitive to the literary conventions characteristic of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. The book is an earnest attempt to hear the message of the ancient prophets, a message that remains relevant today. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1625.3 .R62 1991
ISBN: 0664219373
Publication Date: 1991-05-01
Micah-Malachi by Ralph L. Smith; Nelson Reference StaffThe Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
Call Number: BS491.2 .W67 1982
ISBN: 9780849902314
Publication Date: 1984-03-15
Hosea by Francis I. Andersen; David Noel FreedmanHosea, volume 24 in the Anchor Bible series of new, book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha is a collaboration by world-renowned scholars Francis I. Andersen and David Noel Freedman. The authors' treatment of Hosea consists of: Introduction: A review and rethinking of Hosea research that offers a fascinating interpretation of the prophet's life and work. Translation: Based on one of the oldest of prophetic writings, this new translation of Hosea is unique insofar as the literary integrity of the text is scrupulously adhered to. Notes: For both scholar and general reader there is cultural and linguistic information which sets each passage within the sociohistoric context of eighth century B.C.E. Hebrew vocabulary, syntax, and poetic language are examined in an effort to confront one of the most obscure sections of biblical literature. Illustrations: Eight pages of photographs will take the reader through the ancient days of the Middle Bronze Age into the wonders of the Iron Age in which Hosea lived.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300139693
Publication Date: 1996-10-07
The Expositor's Bible Commentary: Hosea (vol.8)Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, the completely revised Expositor's Bible Commentary puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands. A staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide, The Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) offers comprehensive yet succinct commentary from scholars committed to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The EBC uses the New International Version of the Bible, but the contributors work from the original Hebrew and Greek languages and refer to other translations when useful. Each section of the commentary includes: An introduction: background information, a short bibliography, and an outline An overview of Scripture to illuminate the big picture The complete NIV text Extensive commentary Notes on textual questions, key words, and concepts Reflections to give expanded thoughts on important issues The series features 56 contributors, who: Believe in the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible Have demonstrated proficiency in the biblical book that is their specialty Are committed to the church and the pastoral dimension of biblical interpretation Represent geographical and denominational diversity Use a balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion Write from an evangelical viewpoint For insightful exposition, thoughtful discussion, and ease of use--look no further than The Expositor's Bible Commentary.
Call Number: BS2341.52 .E96 2006
ISBN: 9780310268932
Publication Date: 2008-12-28
The Book of Hosea by J. Andrew DearmanHere J. Andrew Dearman considers the historical context of the prophetic figure of Hosea, his roots in the prophetic activity and covenant traditions of ancient Israel, and the poetic and metaphorical aspects of the prophecy. This historical and theological commentary is a welcome addition to the NICOT series.
Call Number: BS1565.53 .D43 2010
ISBN: 9780802825391
Publication Date: 2010-08-03
Hosea by Jerry Hwang; Daniel I. Block (Editor)How a biblical author says something is just as important as what they say. Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, this series carefully analyzes the discourse of each Old Testament book and shows how the main thrust of each passage contributes to the development of the whole composition in the original Hebrew. For each passage, the ZECOT provides: The main idea of the passage. Its literary context. The author's original translation. Exegetical outline with Hebrew layout. Its structure and literary form. An explanation of the text. Its canonical and practical significance. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Hebrew, Hebrew words are always explained so that anyone who desires to understand the Old Testament and communicate its message will benefit from the depth and accessibility these volumes offer.
A fascinating commentary on one of the most difficult of the Old Testament prophets.
Joel by Joel BarkerHow a biblical author says something is just as important as what they say. Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, this series carefully analyzes the discourse of each Old Testament book and shows how the main thrust of each passage contributes to the development of the whole composition in the original Hebrew. For each passage, the ZECOT provides: The main idea of the passage. Its literary context. The author's original translation. Exegetical outline with Hebrew layout. Its structure and literary form. An explanation of the text. Its canonical and practical significance. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Hebrew, Hebrew words are always explained so that anyone who desires to understand the Old Testament and communicate its message will benefit from the depth and accessibility these volumes offer.
Call Number: BS1575.52 .B375 2020
ISBN: 9780310942382
Publication Date: 2020-05-12
Joel and Obadiah by John BartonIn Joel and Obadiah, John Barton furnishes a fresh translation of the ancient manuscripts and discusses questions of historical background and literary architecture before providing a theologically sensitive and critically informed interpretation of the text. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
The Book of Amos by M. Daniel Carroll R.In this commentary on the book of Amos, Daniel Carroll combines a detailed reading of the Hebrew text with attention to its historical background and current relevance. What makes this volume unique is its special attention to Amos's literary features and what they reveal about the book's theology and composition. Instead of reconstructing a hypothetical redactional history, this commentary offers a close reading of the canonical form against the backdrop of the eighth century BCE.
Call Number: BS1585.53 .C37 2020
ISBN: 9780802825384
Publication Date: 2020-11-19
Amos (ebook) by Göran EidevallA new translation and commentary on the book of Amos, forgoing speculation about his life to provide an innovative analysis of the book itself As part of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Amos has been studied for more than two thousand years. This much-needed new edition includes an updated English translation of the Hebrew text and an insightful commentary. While previous scholarship speculated on reconstructions of the life of Amos, Eidevall analyzes this prophetic book as a literary composition, rejecting the conventional view of the book of Amos's origin and providing a new rationalization for the form and meaning of the text.
ISBN: 9780300178784
Publication Date: 2017-10-24
The Book of Amos by Jorg Jeremias; Douglas W. Scott (Translator)In this volume, Jeremias suggests that the book of Amos was produced through various stages over time. While he does write from a critical perspective, his creativity offers a sensitivity to literary issues within the text that is often missing from critical work. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1585.3 .J47 1998
ISBN: 9780664220860
Publication Date: 2016-05-01
Amos by James Luther MaysThe Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Joel and Obadiah by John BartonIn Joel and Obadiah, John Barton furnishes a fresh translation of the ancient manuscripts and discusses questions of historical background and literary architecture before providing a theologically sensitive and critically informed interpretation of the text. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1575.3 .B37 2001
ISBN: 0664219667
Publication Date: 2001-04-01
Obadiah by Daniel I. BlockHearing the Message of Scripture: A Commentary on the Old Testament With careful analysis and interpretation rooted in a study of Hebrew, this addition to the Hearing the Message of Scripture series tracks the flow of argument in the Old Testament book of Obadiah, showing that how a biblical author says something is just as important as what they say. Through a set of distinctive features, the Hearing the Message of Scripture series serves pastors and teachers in their study of the Old Testament, helping them better understand and better convey the meaning behind each biblical text. Key features include: A Graphical Display of the Text of Each Passage, enabling readers to grasp quickly and accurately the main idea of the text, its development, and supporting ideas; and allowing them to understand how the commentator arrived at this depiction and interpretation of the passage. Identification and Discussion of the Main Idea of Each Passage, with a special emphasis on identifying and discussing the main thrust of each passage and showing how it contributes to the development of the whole composition. Help in Drawing Out the Meaning of the Hebrew for Interpretation, drawing on Hebrew grammar in the service of meaning. Theological and Canonical Significance,providing a theological and applicational discussion of the main thrust of the passage, synthesizing the theology of the passage and elaborating on it.
Call Number: BS1595.53 .B56 2013
ISBN: 9780310942405
Publication Date: 2014-01-28
Jonah by Amy EricksonThe dominant reading of the book of Jonah--that the hapless prophet Jonah is a lesson in not trying to run away from God--oversimplifies a profoundly literary biblical text, argues Amy Erickson. Likewise, the more recent understanding of Jonah as satire is problematic in its own right, laden as it is with anti-Jewish undertones and the superimposition of a Christian worldview onto a Jewish text. How can we move away from these stale interpretations to recover the richness of meaning that belongs to this short but noteworthy book of the Bible? This Illuminations commentary delves into Jonah's reception history in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic contexts while also exploring its representations in visual arts, music, literature, and pop culture. After this thorough contextualization, Erickson provides a fresh translation and exegesis, paving the way for pastors and scholars to read and utilize the book of Jonah as the provocative, richly allusive, and theologically robust text that it is.
Call Number: BS1605.53 .E75 2021
ISBN: 9780802868312
Publication Date: 2021-05-01
Jonah by James LimburgIn this volume, now available in a new casebound edition, James Limburg examines Jonah with several questions in mind: How did the story originate? What is its place in the Bible? How did the New Testament understand the story? How has the story been understood in Judaism and in Islam? What might t mean for people today? And what does it have to say about God, about the human condition, and even about God and nature? In reviewing the book, Limburg gives special attention to the many contributions of artists, musicians, painters, and sculptors who, he says, may have been the best interpreters of Jonah. He also keeps in mind literary dimension of the text and takes great care to follow the divisions of the book as they were defined by Jewish scribal tradition. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The Contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1605.3 .L565 1993
ISBN: 0664212964
Publication Date: 1993-09-01
The Message of Jonah by Rosemary NixonThe 'great fish' has probably made Jonah the best known of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament. The book bearing his name, comprising just 48 verses, has tantalized and intrigued its readers down the ages. Undue preoccupation with the fish may cause us to miss what is actually going on in the narrative. Although on the surface the story seems fairly straightforward, Rosemary Nixon explores its fascinating complexity to show how the author grapples with conflicting perceptions of God - and how, while we might question some the story's extra-ordinary features, we ourselves are questioned by the God who questions Jonah, and challenged to hear God's word afresh today.
Call Number: BS1605.53 .N59 2003
ISBN: 0851118984
Publication Date: 2003-04-18
Jonah (ebook) by Susan NiditchIn the new Hermeneia volume, the Jonah translation and commentary, renowned biblical scholar Susan Niditch encourages the reader to investigate challenging questions about ancient conceptions of personal religious identity. Jonah's story is treated as a complex reflection upon the heavy matters of life and death, good and evil, and human and divine relations. The narrative probes an individual's relationship with a demanding deity, considers vexing cultural issues of "us versus them," and examines the role of Israel's god in a universal and international context. The author examines the ways in which Jonah prods readers to contemplate these fundamental issues concerning group- and self-definition. In her technical study of Jonah's language, style, structure, content, and context, Niditch examines the text through the comparative lens of international folklore. The thread of appropriations of Jonah by post-biblical writers and artists is explored, and special attention is paid to rabbinic midrash, medieval Jewish manuscript illuminations, and Christian art of late antiquity. And in the tradition of Hermeneia volumes, the commentary evaluates and incorporates the insights of a long legacy of scholars who have explored this venerable text from varied perspectives.
ISBN: 9781506486833
Publication Date: 2023-01-03
Jonah (vol. 24B) by Jack M. SassonWere Jonah's experiences true to the history of ancient Israel? Were they meant to be read comically, philosophically, allegorically, symbolically, or realistically? And is God godly when acting beyond the comprehension of prophets, let alone ordinary human beings? These issues, and many more, are thoughtfully considered in this meticulously detailed and insightful translation of the original Hebrew text of Jonah as created by Jewish authorities during the second half of the first millennium B.C.E. In these profound and enduring tales, realistic events and miraculous incidents merge, and we never have to wait long to witness the power of God's love or wrath. One of the twelve prophets, Jonah faced more challenges in a short span of time than any other biblical hero. He went to sea and nearly drowned in the belly of a great fish. On land, Jonah journeyed east to Nineveh, where his mission was to spread the word of God in a city plagued by evil. He was tested by God at every tum. But even during his darkest hours, his faith never wavered and through all the tumult, he always listened for the comforting voice of the Lord. Author Jack M. Sasson employs the very latest information in biblical scholarship to interpret the many nuances in Jonah's seemingly simple story. Providing Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, and, occasionally, Syriac and Arabic translations, this work is an exciting addition to the world-acclaimed Anchor Bible commentaries.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385235259
Publication Date: 1990-09-01
Micah by Juan I. AlfaroAs the most forceful biblical proponent of the ideals of justice, loyalty, and kindness, Micah holds special appeal for those who are concerned about the powerlessness of the poor and humble. In this commentary Juan Alfaro examines the prophecies of Micah as they address both the internal and the external crises that faced Judah in the eighth century B.C. Throughout his exposition Alfaro stresses that Micah does not belong to a dead past; rather, Micah's challenging message of judgment and hope calls for change and conversion in our world today.
Call Number: BS1615.3 .A54 1989
ISBN: 0802804314
Publication Date: 1989-06-19
Micah by Julia M. O'BrienThis volume brings gender studies to bear on Micah's powerful rhetoric, interpreting the book within its ancient and modern contexts. Julia M. O'Brien traces resonances of Micah's language within the Persian Period community in which the book was composed, evaluating recent study of the period and the dynamics of power reflected in ancient sources. Also sampling the book's reception by diverse readers in various time periods, she considers the real-life implications of Micah's gender constructs. By bringing the ancient and modern contexts of Micah into view, the volume encourages readers to reflect on the significance of Micah's construction of the world. Micah's perspective on sin, salvation, the human condition, and the nature of YHWH affects the way people live--in part by shaping their own thought and in part by shaping the power structures in which they live. O'Brien's engagement with Micah invites readers to discern in community their own hopes and dreams: What is justice? What should the future look like? What should we hope for? From the Wisdom Commentary series Feminist biblical interpretation has reached a level of maturity that now makes possible a commentary series on every book of the Bible. It is our hope that Wisdom Commentary, by making the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available in an accessible format to ministers, preachers, teachers, scholars, and students, will aid all readers in their advancement toward God's vision of dignity, equality, and justice for all. The aim of this commentary is to provide feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. A central concern is the world in front of the text, that is, how the text is heard and appropriated by women. At the same time, this commentary aims to be faithful to the ancient text, to explicate the world behind the text, where appropriate, and not impose contemporary questions onto the ancient texts. The commentary addresses not only issues of gender (which are primary in this project) but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism, which all intersect. Each volume incorporates diverse voices and differing interpretations from different parts of the world, showing the importance of social location in the process of interpretation and that there is no single definitive feminist interpretation of a text.
Call Number: BS1615.53 .O27 2015
ISBN: 9780814681619
Publication Date: 2015-11-10
Micah by Daniel L. Smith-ChristopherConsidered one of the Minor Prophets, the book of Micah contains the famous quote "what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8). However, many of us do not know the circumstances that led the prophet to these famous words. This serious commentary by Daniel Smith-Christopher analyzes the historical, social, and literary context of the book of Micah. Smith-Christopher presents a challenging perspective on Micah, who is here represented as an angry opposition figure to King Hezekiah and the Jerusalem elite. In Micah, we hear from those Judeans who suffered Assyrian, and later Babylonian, force but who hold Jerusalem's military folly to blame as much as the Empires of his day. Smith-Christopher's fresh reading of Micah is a stimulating addition to the Old Testament Library that will well serve both the academy and the church. The Old Testament Library series provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. The editorial board consists of William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia; Carol A. Newsom, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; and Brent A. Strawn, Professor of Old Testament, Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Call Number: BS1615.53 .S65 2015
ISBN: 9780664229047
Publication Date: 2015-11-07
A Commentary on Micah by Bruce K. WaltkeIn this masterful commentary, widely respected biblical scholar Bruce Waltke carefully interprets the message of Micah, building a bridge between Micah's own ancient world and life today.Quickly distinguishing itself from other commentaries on Micah, this volume displays an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating the contribution of Micah to Christian theology. Waltke's discussion of the book's oracles of hope reveals its overall effect -- to escalate the hope of both Israel and the Christian church in the appearance of God's kingdom in history.Learned yet accessible, this is an ideal commentary on Micah for teachers, pastors, and students alike.
Call Number: BS1615.53 .W35 2007
ISBN: 9780802849335
Publication Date: 2007-01-01
A Commentary on Micah by Bruce K. WaltkeIn this masterful commentary, widely respected biblical scholar Bruce Waltke carefully interprets the message of Micah, building a bridge between Micah's own ancient world and life today.Quickly distinguishing itself from other commentaries on Micah, this volume displays an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating the contribution of Micah to Christian theology. Waltke's discussion of the book's oracles of hope reveals its overall effect -- to escalate the hope of both Israel and the Christian church in the appearance of God's kingdom in history.Learned yet accessible, this is an ideal commentary on Micah for teachers, pastors, and students alike.
Call Number: BS1615.53 .W35 2007
ISBN: 9780802849335
Publication Date: 2007-01-01
The New Interpreter's Bible (vol. 7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Nahum by Julia M. O'BrienIn its wanton celebration of violence, the book of Nahum poses ethical challenges to the modern reader. O'Brien offers the first full-scale engagement with this dimension of the book, exploring the ways in which the artfulness of its poetry serves the book's violent ideology, highlighting how its rhetoric attempts to render the Other fit for annihilation. She then reads from feminist, intertextual and deconstructionist angles and uncovers the destabilizing function of the book's aesthetics. Finally, she demonstrates how mining Nahum's ambiguities and tensions can contribute to an ethical response to its violence.
Call Number: BS1625.53 .O27 2002
ISBN: 1841273007
Publication Date: 2002-04-30
The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by Thomas RenzIn this commentary, Thomas Renz reads Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah as three carefully crafted writings of enduring relevance, each of which makes a vital contribution to the biblical canon. Discussing the historical settings, Renz takes up both long-standing issues, such as the relationship of Zephaniah to Josiah's reforms, and the socioeconomic conditions of the time suggested by recent archaeological research. The place of these writings within the Book of the Twelve is given fresh consideration, including the question of what one should make of the alleged redaction history of Nahum and Habakkuk. The author's careful translation of the text comes with detailed textual notes, illuminating some of the Bible's most outstanding poetry (Nahum) and one of the biblical chapters that is among the most difficult to translate (Habakkuk 3). The thorough verse-by-verse commentary is followed by stimulating theological reflection, opening up avenues for teaching and preaching from these prophetic writings. No matter their previous familiarity with these and other Minor Prophets, scholars, pastors, and lay readers alike will find needed guidance in working through these difficult but important books of the Bible.
Call Number: BS1625.53 .R46 2021
ISBN: 9780802826268
Publication Date: 2021-06-01
Habakkuk by Francis I. AndersenThe book ofHabakkuk(one of the twelve Minor Prophets) is an intensely personal testimony played out against a highly political backdrop. Writing as his land and his fellow Israelites were being invaded and plundered by the Chaldeans, Habakkuk questions God’s actions with a passion equal to Job’s. Habakkuk wonders, how can a God who is just and compassionate allow his people to be slaughtered? In trying to punish the Israelites and right the wrongs of his people, why did God choose the savage, infinitely more wicked Chaldeans as his instrument? The puzzles Habakkuk contemplates will stir the hearts and minds of anyone who has ever wrestled with the evils of existence. Francis I. Andersen, a well-known authority on the Minor Prophets and acclaimed for his pioneering work in the study of biblical Hebrew, examinesHabakkukboth as a work of sophisticated theological inquiry and as an artistic creation. The result is a book that illuminates the nuances of the text and brings to life the culture and values of the ancient Israelites through a compelling portrait of one the Bible’s most fascinating and most elusive prophets.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385083963
Publication Date: 2001-08-14
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah by Wilda C. M. Gafney; Carol J. Dempsey (Volume Editor); Arlene Goldstein Berger (Contribution by); Barbara E. Reid (Editor)From the Wisdom Commentary series . This volume offers a womanist and feminist analysis of the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, attending to translation and textual issues, use of power and agency, and constructions of gender and its significance for the real and metaphorical women in the texts. The unit on Nahum takes an unflinching look at God's role and rhetoric in the rape of Nineveh and considers implications for the women of Nineveh and Israel and for contemporary readers. Habakkuk is read employing a womanist stratagem, talking back to God. The section on Zephaniah explores the racialized history of interpreting "Cushi" in Zephaniah's genealogy and the figures of Daughter Zion/Jerusalem. The commentary also assesses these texts as scriptures of synagogue and church, their use and utility. A Jewish feminist reading and womanist hermeneutic accompanies each biblical book.?
Call Number: BS1625.52 .G34 2017
ISBN: 9780814681626
Publication Date: 2017-09-15
The New Interpreter's Bible (vol. 7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by J. J. M. RobertsThis commentary builds on the work of previous scholarship and addresses contemporary issues. It gives serious attention to questions of textual criticism, philology, history, and Near Eastern backgrounds and is sensitive to the literary conventions characteristic of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. The book is an earnest attempt to hear the message of the ancient prophets, a message that remains relevant today. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1625.3 .R62 1991
ISBN: 0664219373
Publication Date: 1991-05-01
The New Interpreter's Bible: Zephaniah (vol. 7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Zephaniah by Adele BerlinWith keen insight and lucid analysis, Adele Berlin brings the dramatic words of the great prophet Zaphaniah to life. Living under the tumultuous reign of King Josiah of Judah (640-609 BCE), Zephaniah predicted the final day of judgment when God would come to the fate of Israel and other nations. The book of Zephaniah is composed as a charged dialogue between God and the prophet. As their conversation unfolds, we learn of the doomed destiny which are indifferent to the Lord's power and of humans who have become too enthralled worldly riches. As piercing as any modern day social critic, Zephaniah proclaims salvation only for those who lead a life of simplicity, faith, and humility. The new translation by Adele Berlin, a literary as well as biblical scholar, celebrates the vivid and powerful language of this ancient poet. In staccato exclamations, elevated rhetoric, and a rich tapestry of metaphors and similes, Zephaniah paints a world beset by corruption, idolatry, and war. Berlin's contemporary commentary illuminates not only the beauty of Zephaniah's poetry, but also the political meaning behind his anguished verse For the biblical scholar, Berlin draws vital between Zephaniah's references and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. For general readers, Berlin's accessible Zephaniah is an invitation to explore the political and socially turbulent times of this ancient prophet's world.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780385266314
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah by Wilda C. M. Gafney; Carol J. Dempsey (Volume Editor); Arlene Goldstein Berger (Contribution by); Barbara E. Reid (Editor)From the Wisdom Commentary series . This volume offers a womanist and feminist analysis of the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, attending to translation and textual issues, use of power and agency, and constructions of gender and its significance for the real and metaphorical women in the texts. The unit on Nahum takes an unflinching look at God's role and rhetoric in the rape of Nineveh and considers implications for the women of Nineveh and Israel and for contemporary readers. Habakkuk is read employing a womanist stratagem, talking back to God. The section on Zephaniah explores the racialized history of interpreting "Cushi" in Zephaniah's genealogy and the figures of Daughter Zion/Jerusalem. The commentary also assesses these texts as scriptures of synagogue and church, their use and utility. A Jewish feminist reading and womanist hermeneutic accompanies each biblical book.?
Call Number: BS1625.52 .G34 2017
ISBN: 9780814681626
Publication Date: 2017-09-15
Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by J. J. M. RobertsThis commentary builds on the work of previous scholarship and addresses contemporary issues. It gives serious attention to questions of textual criticism, philology, history, and Near Eastern backgrounds and is sensitive to the literary conventions characteristic of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. The book is an earnest attempt to hear the message of the ancient prophets, a message that remains relevant today. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
Call Number: BS1625.3 .R62 1991
ISBN: 0664219373
Publication Date: 1991-05-01
The Books of Haggai and Malachi by Mignon R. JacobsIn this commentary on Haggai and Malachi, Mignon Jacobs offers clear and insightful interpretation of the text while highlighting themes that are especially relevant to contemporary concerns, such as honoring or dishonoring God, the responsibilities of leaders, questioning God, and hearing the prophetic word in challenging times. Engaging with the latest scholarship, Jacobs provides a thorough introduction to both prophets in which she addresses questions of authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology, followed by a new translation of the biblical text and a verse-by-verse commentary. With intertextual discussions about key aspects of the text and attention to competing perspectives, this commentary offers a rich new interpretation of Haggai and Malachi.
Call Number: BS1655.53 .J33 2017
ISBN: 9780802826251
Publication Date: 2017-11-28
Haggai, Zechariah 1-8 by Carol L. Meyers; Eric M. MeyersFrom the time it was promulgated in the 6th Century this has been one of the most influential documents of the West. The words of Benedict are a guide for work, prayer and study.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385144822
Publication Date: 1987-05-19
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi by Anthony R. PettersonThe post-exilic prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are set in times of great adversity. God's people are minnows in the vast Persian Empire, and the promises of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of Jerusalem seem far from their experience. These books, from beginning to end, restate God's intention to establish his glorious kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives of his people. For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was to rebuild the temple in view of God's return. For Malachi, the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness which had infected the people?s attitudes towards God, and how this needed to change in view of future judgment. God used each of these prophets to remind the people of the true King and to re-order their lives and their community in the light of the reality of his coming kingdom.In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony Petterson offers detailed commentary on these prophetic books, setting them in their wider biblical-theological context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic world and our own, and explains how these books contain a vital message for the church today, living in the gap between promise and reality.The Apollos Old Testament Commentary series aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Intended primarily to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, they are equally suitable for use by scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
Call Number: BS1655.53 .P48 2015
ISBN: 9780830825240
Publication Date: 2015-04-27
Haggai and Zechariah by Carroll StuhlmuellerThe collected proclamations ascribed to two little-known post-exilic prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, represent a bridge between the traditions of classical Israelite religion and the dramatic changes essential to the preservation of the fragile Restoration community. Carroll Stuhlmueller's section-by-section, verse-by-verse analysis and exposition focus on the prophetic word as addressed not only to Israel in this "time of small beginnings" but also to the Church today. His primary concern is the theological message of the prophets, yet ever with an eye toward their historical context, literary form, and cultural setting.
Call Number: BS1655.3 .S78 1988
ISBN: 0802803334
Publication Date: 1988-05-01
The Book of Zechariah by Mark J. BodaOver the centuries, the prophetic book of Zechariah has suffered from accusations of obscurity and has frustrated readers seeking to unlock its treasures. This work by Mark Boda provides insightful commentary on Zechariah, with great sensitivity to its historical, literary, and theological dimensions. Including a fresh translation of Zechariah from the original Hebrew, Boda delivers deep and thorough reflection on a too-often-neglected book of the Old Testament.
Call Number: BS1665.53 .B63 2016
ISBN: 9780802823755
Publication Date: 2016-01-25
Haggai, Zechariah 1-8 by Carol L. Meyers; Eric M. MeyersFrom the time it was promulgated in the 6th Century this has been one of the most influential documents of the West. The words of Benedict are a guide for work, prayer and study.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385144822
Publication Date: 1987-05-19
Zechariah 9-14 by Carol L. Meyers; Eric M. MeyersArchaeologist husband and wife team Carol and Eric Meyers team up to explore the Book of Zechariah, continuing their landmark integrated approach to the investigation of the biblical world. Carol Meyers is the author of Discovering Eve.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 0385144830
Publication Date: 1998-12-01
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi by Anthony R. PettersonThe post-exilic prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are set in times of great adversity. God's people are minnows in the vast Persian Empire, and the promises of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of Jerusalem seem far from their experience. These books, from beginning to end, restate God's intention to establish his glorious kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives of his people. For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was to rebuild the temple in view of God's return. For Malachi, the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness which had infected the people?s attitudes towards God, and how this needed to change in view of future judgment. God used each of these prophets to remind the people of the true King and to re-order their lives and their community in the light of the reality of his coming kingdom.In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony Petterson offers detailed commentary on these prophetic books, setting them in their wider biblical-theological context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic world and our own, and explains how these books contain a vital message for the church today, living in the gap between promise and reality.The Apollos Old Testament Commentary series aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Intended primarily to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, they are equally suitable for use by scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
Call Number: BS1655.53 .P48 2015
ISBN: 9780830825240
Publication Date: 2015-04-27
Haggai and Zechariah by Carroll StuhlmuellerThe collected proclamations ascribed to two little-known post-exilic prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, represent a bridge between the traditions of classical Israelite religion and the dramatic changes essential to the preservation of the fragile Restoration community. Carroll Stuhlmueller's section-by-section, verse-by-verse analysis and exposition focus on the prophetic word as addressed not only to Israel in this "time of small beginnings" but also to the Church today. His primary concern is the theological message of the prophets, yet ever with an eye toward their historical context, literary form, and cultural setting.
Call Number: BS1655.3 .S78 1988
ISBN: 0802803334
Publication Date: 1988-05-01
Zechariah by A. WoltersThe contribution of this commentary to the understanding of the book of Zechariah is mainly in four areas. The first is close attention to philological detail, with a special focus on textual criticism, lexical semantics, and literary wordplay. A second area of interest is in the history of interpretation of the book, and takes into account a wide range of exegetical material, from rabbinic and patristic times to the present. A third area of interest is in intertextuality. Many passages become fully intelligible only when they are understood as alluding to earlier Scripture. Finally, the commentary has an interest in Christian theological interpretation. The commentary is also remarkable in that it breaks with the traditional division of the book into two parts, and argues that it consists instead of three independent and quite different parts, each of which is attributable to the prophet after whom the book is named.
Call Number: BS1665.53 .W65 2014
ISBN: 9789042930704
Publication Date: 2014-07-07
Nahum--Malachi (ebook) by Elizabeth Rice AchtemeierElizabeth Achtemeier examines the often-neglected Minor Prophets and explains them as they reflect the church at worship and at work. She sets the Minor Prophets in their canonical context emphasizing the relationship between the message of these prophets and the New Testament. Unique in the use of brief quotations from great preachers' sermons on the prophets, Nahum-Malachi is enriched with the vast insightful store of homiletical interpretation available today.Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
ISBN: 0585315655
Publication Date: 1986-01-01
Malachi by Andrew E. HillAdmittedly, as the last book in the Old Testament, and a minor prophet at that, Malachi is often overlooked by Bible readers. Yet, Malachi's passionate proclamations and the significance of what he had to say to his people capture the attention of even the casual reader. The message of Malachi came at a time of cultural and religious rethinking for Israel (roughly 500 B.C.E), when God's people were scattered throughout the Near East, with most living in Mesopotamia under Persian rule. They could easily have disappeared from history had it not been for the prophetic call to repentance. In his fresh new translation, notes, and comments on this brief prophetic book, Andrew E. Hill explains why we should pay attention to Malachi as God's spokesperson. Hill places the book in its historical context to interpret the original meaning, as well as offer the modern reader insights into what it has to say to us today. With a wonderful insert filled with photographs, line art, and maps, he provides all the necessary details for the reader to understand and appreciate Malachi.
Call Number: BS192.2.A1 G3
ISBN: 9780300139778
Publication Date: 1998-04-14
The Books of Haggai and Malachi by Mignon R. JacobsIn this commentary on Haggai and Malachi, Mignon Jacobs offers clear and insightful interpretation of the text while highlighting themes that are especially relevant to contemporary concerns, such as honoring or dishonoring God, the responsibilities of leaders, questioning God, and hearing the prophetic word in challenging times. Engaging with the latest scholarship, Jacobs provides a thorough introduction to both prophets in which she addresses questions of authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology, followed by a new translation of the biblical text and a verse-by-verse commentary. With intertextual discussions about key aspects of the text and attention to competing perspectives, this commentary offers a rich new interpretation of Haggai and Malachi.
Call Number: BS1655.53 .J33 2017
ISBN: 9780802826251
Publication Date: 2017-11-28
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi by Anthony R. PettersonThe post-exilic prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are set in times of great adversity. God's people are minnows in the vast Persian Empire, and the promises of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of Jerusalem seem far from their experience. These books, from beginning to end, restate God's intention to establish his glorious kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives of his people. For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was to rebuild the temple in view of God's return. For Malachi, the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness which had infected the people?s attitudes towards God, and how this needed to change in view of future judgment. God used each of these prophets to remind the people of the true King and to re-order their lives and their community in the light of the reality of his coming kingdom.In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony Petterson offers detailed commentary on these prophetic books, setting them in their wider biblical-theological context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic world and our own, and explains how these books contain a vital message for the church today, living in the gap between promise and reality.The Apollos Old Testament Commentary series aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Intended primarily to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, they are equally suitable for use by scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
Call Number: BS1655.53 .P48 2015
ISBN: 9780830825240
Publication Date: 2015-04-27
The New Interpreter's Bible: Malachi (vol.7) by Leander E. Keck (Editor)General and Old Testament Articles; Genesis; Exodus; and Leviticus New Interpreter's#65533; Bible offers critically sound biblical interpretations for the 1990s and beyond. Guided by scholars, pastors, and laity representing diverse traditions, academic experience, and involvement in the Church, this entirely new collection of writings is specifically prepared to meet the needs of preachers, teachers, and all students of the Bible. Easy-to-use Format: * Full texts and critical notes: NIV and NRSV * Detailed, critical Commentary providing an exegetical "close-reading" of the biblical text * Reflections that present a detailed exposition of issues raised in the discussion and dealt with in the Commentary Key Features: The entire Bible (including the Apocrypha Deuterocanonical books) in twelve volumes * Introductions to each book that cover essential historical, sociocultural, literary, and theological issues An ecumenical roster of contributors Comprehensive, concise articles Numerous visual aids (illustrations, maps, charts, timelines) enhance use. Download The NIB Vol. 1 Errata Sheet
Call Number: BS491.2 .N484 1994
ISBN: 0687278147
Publication Date: 1994-09-01
Malachi by Dennis W. TuckerDesigned for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament features today's top Old Testament scholars and brings together commentary features rarely gathered together in one volume. With careful discourse analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text, the authors trace the flow of argument in each Old Testament book, showing that how a biblical author says something is just as important as what they say. Commentary on each passage follows a clear structure to help readers grasp the flow and meaning of the text: The Main Idea of the Passage: A one- or two-sentence summary of the key ideas the biblical author seeks to communicate. Literary Context: A brief discussion of the relationship of the specific text to the book as a whole and to its place within the broader argument. Translation and Exegetical Outline: Commentators provide their own translations of each text, formatted to highlight its discourse structure and accompanied by a coherent outline that reflects the flow and argument of the text. Structure and Literary Form: An overview of the literary structure and rhetorical style adopted by the biblical author, highlighting how these features contribute to the communication of the main idea of the passage. Explanation of the Text: A detailed commentary on the passage, paying particular attention to how the biblical authors select and arrange their materials and how they work with words, phrases, and syntax to communicate their messages. Canonical and Practical Significance: The commentary on each unit will conclude by building bridges between the world of the biblical author and other biblical authors and with reflections on the contribution made by this unit to the development of broader issues in biblical theology--particularly on how later Old Testament and New Testament authors have adapted and reused the motifs in question. The discussion also includes brief reflections on the significance of the message of the passage for readers today. The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series is the go-to resource for pastors and Bible teachers looking for deep but accessible study that equips them to connect the needs of Christians today with the biblical text.