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BUS 3315: Research Paper

This guide contains resources and information to direct students in locating information needed for writing the research paper required in BUS 3315.

Library resources

Begin the process: Research question

To begin the research process, a focused research question is the first step.  Be sure your question is neither too broad where you are getting too much information or information that is not needed nor too narrow so that you don't get enough information.

Check out these examples:

  • What are persuasion techniques or strategies that micro-influencers use?
  • What are the persuasion strategies that are most effective to promote climate action?
  • What are the persuasion strategies that are most effective to promote sustainable consumption?
  • How do cultural differences impact the effectiveness of sustainability campaigns led by micro-influencers?
  • What are the documented impacts of micro-influencer marketing on consumer attitudes toward sustainable products?
  • What are the barriers and challenges micro-influencers face when promoting sustainability?
  • What evidence is there that UGC enhances the reach and/or impact of sustainability campaigns led by influencers?

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