Offers indexing and abstracts for journals in all academic subjects.
Provides access to full-text business journals and scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
Provides indexing and abstracts for the core journals in the fields of communication studies, journalism and mass communication as well as non-core journals in additional fields which extend the resource to include the growing interdisciplinary nature of the field.
Indexes scholarly publications in environmental science including ecosystem ecology,environmental law, environmental technology, marine and freshwater science, renewable energy resources and more
Indexes scholarly, government, and general-interest titles covering human impact to the environment.
Indexes full-text articles on sustainability and corporate social responsibility including articles from agriculture, biotechnology, economics, environmental health, law, and policy.
Provides citations and abstracts of peer-reviewed works in 254 disciplines. Includes links to references, citations, and related works and has extensive author profiles.
To begin the research process, a focused research question is the first step. Be sure your question is neither too broad where you are getting too much information or information that is not needed nor too narrow so that you don't get enough information.
Check out these examples:
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