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Buzzademia Brainstorm

Buzzademia is a term used to define scholarship in the internet vernacular. This guide will introduce you to thinking about creative assignments you can add to your course syllabus to engage students in meaningful work.

Tools You Can Use!

There are a variety of platforms, software, and tools that you can use in your classroom assignments that will help students to explore dynamic creative assignments that allow them the opportunity to apply what they learned in class to authentic assignments.


Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud provides access to all the creative software Adobe has launched including Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and more. This is a wonderful tool for graphic design and video production. Every computer in Moody library has the Adobe Creative Suite installed on it and students may request a limited-time license through ELC too. They also have access to CC Express with their Baylor ID, a lightweight mobile and cloud-based editing tool for dynamic image production in a streamlined package.


ArcGIS provides some of the best mapping software out there, and a lot of really creative work can be made through mapping projects that utilize the ArcGIS application.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning provides video instruction on a wide variety of topics from specific software and hardware skill development, to how to thrive in the modern workplace. Have a question for a specific technique you haven't tried before? There's probably a video on LinkedIn Learning that can help you figure it out. This is an especially great resource for learning the basics of a software that you can assign to students rather than taking up class time going over the basics.

Microsoft 365

While Microsoft 365 may be focused on its office suite and as productivity applications, there are a lot of interesting creative applications you can use through the programs provided by Microsoft 365. One of my most memorable interactions with a creative application of PowerPoint was a conference "poster session" that had a researcher presenting a fully interactive mockup of a Virtual Reality gallery space constructed entirely with PowerPoint. Creative digital projects indeed!


NVivo is great tool for analyzing qualitative data that could include coding online videos, podcasts, and other forms of media.


Baylor offers students their own WordPress that can allow the opportunity to explore web design, portfolio creation, and interactive media creation.




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