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MH 2301 - Christian Spirituality in Health Care

Resources for MH 2301

Reading for Discussion & Exams

Reading for discussion can take some getting used to, but there are a few strategies that will help you as you prepare to make active contributions in class. Note: Great study tips can be found here. 

Before you start reading ask yourself: 
  • Why are we reading this? (Is there a specific topic that your professor has highlight in the syllabus? What have you read previously and how might this add to your knowledge?)
  • What do I think this text might be about? (Look at the context of the text: Who is the author? What is the title? What year was it published?) 
Begin reading: 
  • Start with a preliminary skim. What key ideas do you notice in the introduction? How is the text organized? What kind of language is being used? 
Next, read carefully for understanding:
  • Underline key ideas 
  • Box or circle words or phrases you want to remember.
  • Put a question mark near unfamiliar ideas 
  • Don’t be afraid to write your thoughts in the margins or on a separate sheet of paper—this can be great fodder for your reflections! 
After you are finished reading: 
  • Try to summarize the text in your own words, this can help solidify the ideas and prepare you to speak up in class
  • Talk about what you learned casually with a classmate 
  • Free-write and see what comes up for you after reading, this doesn't have to be something you share with anyone, but it can help you start to reflect and explore before meeting with your class
  • Check out the tips on the next page to help with your discussion questions and reflection essays


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