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MH 1331 Introduction to Medical Humanities

Introduction to OneSearch

To find books and articles that were written by your prominent figure, use Advanced OneSearch.

In OneSearch you can: 

  • Do an Author/Creator search for your figure with the format "last name, first name" to find resources written by your prominent figure.
  • Switch to a title search with your prominent figure's name to find materials that are about your prominent figure. 
  • Specify your search by combining an author search and a keyword search.

A screenshot of the library OneSearch interface with the previously described search strategy shown


How to search on a topic in OneSearch

If you are researching a topic for your biographical assignment, you can search OneSearch in much the same way. This is also a chance for you to utilize boolean operators. 

a picture of a search in OneSearch that uses OR to tie together synonyms

Interviews (Newspaper search)

National Biographies (Deceased Individuals)

Reference Resources

University Libraries

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