To find books and articles that were written by your prominent figure, use Advanced OneSearch.
In OneSearch you can:
Contains an online catalog to the book, media, archival, journal, map, music, and special collections holdings of libraries across the United States and internationally.
Allows you to find books to request through OsoFast/InterLibraryLoan
If you are researching a topic for your biographical assignment, you can search OneSearch in much the same way. This is also a chance for you to utilize boolean operators.
Provides access to news publications from across the world, including major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles.
Provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines.
Provides access to resources for researching news, business, industry, and legal topics.
Discover biographies of more than 19,000 men and women — from all eras and walks of life — whose lives have shaped American history and culture.
Presents concise biographical articles on significant and representative persons in Australian history.
Covers Irish men and women from the earliest times until 2001, providing biographies and a sense of their influence on Irish history, culture, and life.
Provides access to authoritative content from subject encyclopedias and handbooks covering every major subject.
Provides online access to a significant number of books and reference works published by Gale.
Offers discipline-focused, online guides to the essential literature in subjects across the humanities and social sciences. Each subject module includes a full set of entries (written by scholars in the field) covering a range of topics from general overviews to highly-specialized themes.
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