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FDM 5356 Seminar in Media Aesthetics and Criticism

Research Databases


Use these resources to find articles and book chapters about the filmmakers.

Society for Cinema & Media Studies: Respected Journals

[242/365] Yonin no samurai

These lists link to the journals at their publisher sites.  It is possible that if you click through to them while on campus, you may be granted access - it depends on whether we subscribe and whether the publisher site auto-detects your IP address.  If, however, you are having trouble getting access to the articles, you can do the following:

1) Search for the journal's title in OneSearch, where you will be able to see whether we have subscribed and find info about either online or print access.

2) If we don't have either online or print access to the journal, you can request the article you are looking for through Osofast, our inter-library loan service.

3) When in doubt or despair, email your librarian - Ellen Filgo - together we'll figure something out!

Streaming Video


Streaming video resources available at Baylor

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702