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FDM 2352 History of Radio and Television

Research guide for FDM 2352 History of Radio & Television

Historical Biographical Resources

You can use OneSearch to find biographical sources on historical figures in radio and television.  You can do a keyword search for the name of the person, but a more focused way to search for biographical sources is to choose "Library Catalog" at the top of the search page, choose  "Subject" from the drop down list, and then put the name of the person in the search box in this format "LastName, FirstName" (ex. "Edison, Thomas").  The results will be all the materials we have in the library that are categorized with that person's subject heading.

You can use the following databases to find encyclopedia articles or biographical dictionary articles on your historical figure.

Historical Journal Articles


2FC Radio transmitting mast erection: Willoughby, Sydney

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702