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ENG 3351: British Literature 19th century - Present

Library resources to help you find sources for the Critical Introduction project

Brief Biographies

Options for finding biographical information:

Book-length Biographies

You can also find background/biographical information in OneSearch by performing a subject search.

You can do a keyword search for the name of the person, but a more focused way to search for biographical sources is to choose "Library Catalog" at the top of the search page, choose  "Subject" from the drop down list, and then put the name of the person in the search box in this format "LastName, FirstName" (ex. "Dickens, Charles") and then choose "Subject" on the next line and put in the term "Biography".  

You may need to look at the subject headings that come up for your author, such as "Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 -- Biography" to further refine your search. 

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