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Library Services for Baylor Retirees: Home

Guide to resources and services available to Baylor retirees


Resources available to staff and faculty retirees

  • The key to accessing library resources is to keep your Baylor ID and password active.
  • Physical materials are available for checkout.
  • Retirees can use InterLibrary Loan services to borrow items from another library.
  • Special / rare collections are available by appointment, including sessions for small groups.
  • Online resources (databases, e-journals, e-books) are available, including off-campus access.
  • Laptop computer checkout is available at the TechPoint desk located at the service desk on 1st floor, Moody Library.
  • The Media Lab on Moody Garden level is available for you to create video or audio recordings.


If you find some information about a book or article that will help you in your research, but the Baylor Libraries don't own it - don't panic!  We have a department in the library (called InterLibrary Services) which provides a program called OsoFast through which you can request books and articles from other libraries. And it doesn't cost you anything!



If we don't have access to the full-text of an article either in print or online, click on the BUInfoLinks button located in the article record.  From there, click on "Request this article from OsoFast."  Log in with your Bear ID and password and submit your request. 

Make sure to get your requests for materials in early.  While it depends on where the original materials are located, articles are generally received in electronic form 3-4 days after they are requested. Books and other physical materials are received within 4 days to 2 weeks after they are requested.


Spaces available to staff and faculty retirees

  • All of our libraries welcome our retired faculty whether you need to research, write, or meet with groups.
  • There are small study groups in the Graduate Research Center on the second floor of Poage Library that are available for you to reserve.
  • The libraries offer many quiet nooks for you to work with quick access to our library for research or resource support.

KIC Scanner

Need a copy of an article, a book page or picture?  Try the library's KIC scanners.  All you need is your item to scan and your USB drive.  Save a copy or print from your own computer.  It's fast and easy. You can access items on your flash drive on any library computer and then use pawprints to print.  KIC scanners are located on Moody 1st floor, Moody Garden level and Jones 1st floor.


Library KIC Scanner

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702