Under Account Activity please click Active Requests
You'll be able to see the highlights of your request on this screen, Status and Status Date are probably going to be of the most interest to you as you can see where in the process of being fulfilled your request is and when it was last updated. Remember for physical items a few days since the last update is entirely normal as it may presently be in the postal system or with a courier on it's way to us.
If you click on the Transaction Number of an individual request you will be able to see all the details and updates.
If you want to Cancel a request you do it from here. The Cancel button is at the top of the page. If the Cancel goes through you'll be back on the menu screen with the message below in blue.
You'll actually receive an email with a link to the article/book chapter once we've received and processed it. You can also access it from your account for 30 days after we post it. Under View Account Activity click on Received E-Docs.
To view the pdf click on View. You can save the pdf while viewing it or you can also save the pdf to your computer or flash drive by right clicking View and selecting "Save Link As...". Please remember to save the pdf somewhere if you're going to need it past the 30 days it will be kept on the Interlibrary Loan server.
Once you're on the menu screen please click on Books, Scores and Media. This is for requesting physical items.
First select why you're asking for this item. We'll still do our best to get the item even for leisure use but if for academic purposes we may consider adding it to our collection instead of just borrowing it.
Once you have the request form up you can type or paste either the 10 digit or 13 digit ISBN into the ISBN search box. Including the ISBN will help us make sure you get the specific edition or version you want. If you don't have an ISBN (and can't find one on Amazon or Worldcat) you can also type in the information manually. If you are requesting a media item in place of Author you can put the director, a key actor or someone else who was a major part of the production.
Once you hit Quicksearch and it populates the fields (or you manually input the information), go ahead and hit the Submit Request Button at the bottom. If you want it in a language other than English make sure to mention that in the Special Instructions Box. Please also make sure to select Yes for "Faculty or Distance Education" and if this item is to be put on Course Reserve make sure to select yes for that as well and put the course name, number and year in the box below that.
Once you submit the request it will take you back to the home screen and let you know what the transaction number is for that specific request. But you are also done! You can repeat the process to submit another request or you can log out. You'll get an email updating you on whether we've received the item or if we were unable to get it.
From the Menu screen select the second link under Place a New Request.
Next fill out as much information as possible on the request form and hit submit. If you want it in a language other than English make sure to mention that in the Special Instructions Box.
Once you hit Submit Request it will take you back to the Menu screen and also let you know the request went through and what the Transaction Number is.