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ENG 5304 Methodology/Bibliography

Designed to help you navigate the research tools and methods for graduate literary research

Language, Literature, and Criticism

The list below represents several useful resources that will aid you in various areas of your studies and research.

Literary Theory
Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

The library includes many reference works to help you learn about new topics - including encyclopedias of national literature (British, American), genre (essay, poetry, drama), people, etc.  To find an encyclopedia or dictionary on your topic, do an advanced search in OneSearch and choose "Subject" from the drop down list and put "encyclopedias" or "dictionaries" in that search box.  Then put your topic in a keyword search box.  



The Oxford Bibliography series, selections of which are listed below and in the box to the right, introduce you to the current research in the topic covered.

Each larger volume is subdivided into more topical sections containing a brief essay on the current state of research followed by a bibliography of current essential research. 

Bibliographies of the scholarly resources about an author or genre are a valuable source of information - often beyond the bibliography itself. To locate these, check OneSearch for your author/creator or genre followed by the term bibliography in field Subject:

example of a bibliography search

Selected Reference Sources for Related Subjects and Disciplines

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