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FYS 1399 - Trends in Healthcare: Integrative Essays, Tools & Workshops

Resources you'll need to come down running for this class by using quality resources from the Baylor Libraries.

Zotero for Research Management

If you don't like to keep track of your references for papers and struggle with putting them in as citations or bibliographies, have I got a tool for you!  Zotero.  It will keep track of your sources, capture available PDFs, and insert them as citations and bibliographies in your papers.  Check out our Zotero guide link below and sign up for one of the upcoming Zotero workshops listed in the Workshops box to the right.

Useful Library Workshops

You are seeing first hand the changes that college brings in terms of expectations for you as a student and researcher.  The Libraries has a number of very useful workshops in various areas that I'd recommend you think about registering for.  They are linked below.

Integrative Essays????

Some of you may be a little uncertain on what this "integrative essay" format is.  I've gathered some links to useful descriptions and guides from other universities that I hope will help you.

You may have heard the quote "[my job] is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Education is like that.  So, foremost, an integrative essay is not soley your opinion. It should be your educating opinion - recording a process you are going through.  Yet you need to be objective (not pour out your emotions).  Note that Dr. Hoy has gradually increased the points assigned to these essays so you have a chance to learn this style of writing.  I hope these resources linked below will aid in that process!

University Libraries

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