You can search the various scholarly article databases I'm pointing you to most effectively if you do the following:
1. Narrow your topic down from the one Dr. Neilson has given you. For example, you might focus on a specific population, say, veterans.
2. Think about two specific questions you want to address in your four page paper:
a) What sacrifices have veterans made in X conflict that entitles them to specific care?
b) Do we owe veterans care in proportion to either their length of service or to the severity of their injury or do we owe them comprehensive health care?
3. Pick out the key words from these questions and search those together:
- veterans and Gulf War and health care
- veterans and agent orange and severity
The results you come to will be more focused and keep you more on target to make a solid argument than the broader class topic. You'll spend less time selecting good articles and more time reading and engaging in the scholarly discussion the articles are part of.
You'll use BearCat to find out if we own a book or a specific journal/magazine and our databases (guides to the articles published in journals, magazines and newspapers) to identify useful sources for assignments and papers. Where do you go from there? The items below link to explanations about how to locate items in the Libraries and how to get what we may not have.