The primary database we use to find articles in Psychology is PsycINFO.
PsycINFO allows you to search and refine by standard facets
PsycINFO has a few special facets that you can search and refine by
PsycINFO has a thesaurus (click on the box Suggest Subject Terms) which is very useful in finding short definition of terms and related terms (including more general and more specific terms).
Keep in mind when searching for specific film titles that an article might not be about the film.
Provides citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations in psychology, behavioral science, and mental health.
The primary database we use to find articles in film is Film & Television Literature Index.
Film & Television Literature Index allows you to search and refine by standard facets
Film & Television Literature Index also allows you to refine by
which is helpful when you want to find reviews.
Keep in mind that most of the articles in Film & Television Literature Index are not peer-reviewed.
If you have trouble access articles or databases from off-campus, make sure you have logged into the Baylor University Libraries. Try putting in front of the URL which will prompt you for your BearID and password. For more information check out this page or the guide below