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Religion Graduate Student Orientation Tutorial : BU Info Links

Leveraging the power of BU Info Links

The button is designed to enable you to readily cross-check titles located in other databases with BU Libraries holdings.

This feature allows you to:

  • initiate title and serial numbers searches for desired items
  • determine full text availability
  • access full text (where available)
  • initiate interlibrary loan requests

Ich bin ein Interlibrary Loaner

Scenario: You are doing preliminary research for a paper you hope to present on Chistian responses to Hinduism.

Searching the WorldCat database, you discover a promising title: Song Divine: Christian commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita, by Catherine Cornille. 

From experience, you know that WorldCat is a union catalog and contains more item records than just BU Libraries holdings. So you must next determine whether or not BU Libraries holds a copy of this title.

  • Locate the BU InfoLinks button BUInfoLinks (beneath the publication details field) in the record and click it.
  • You will be navigated to a page entitled "Additional Resources." It will indicate the publication details for Song Divine and provide a list of itemized options.
  • Under the second heading, "Available at Baylor," click the "Search by Title at Baylor Libraries" link. The resulting BearCat title search will indicate whether or not we hold a copy of this title. 

If we do not, you can request the purchase of a copy through the "Suggest a Purchase" service. This is an especially useful option for titles you expect to require for lengthy duration and items you anticipate will be utilized by other Baylor researchers.

But if time is a factor, Interlibrary Loan is the preferred option. The item can usually be obtained more rapidly than if it is purchased.

Click the link provided to learn how to file an interlibary loan request through BU InfoLinks.

Subject Guide

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Ezra Choe
Jones 119
(254) 710-6702

University Libraries

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