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Visiting School Groups: Access to Library
Resources & Services

Internet Access

 Internet access - The Baylor Libraries provide internet access through our VERA (Visitor Electronic Resources Access) service. A visitor must present a government-issued photo ID and complete a VERA usage agreement. Guests under 18 years must have an adult complete the form and take responsibility for use of the account. Please stop by the Circulation Desk, Moody Library, 1st Floor to sign up for VERA service:

Visitor Printing - The Baylor Libraries provide printing for visitor. Visitors using VERA internet access computers can also access their personal web email accounts and use email as a way to store information. Visitors can also bring USB drives and scan what they need to these drives.

The Baylor Libraries now provide wireless access to visitors. Directions on how to gain access are found here.

Electronic Resources

Electronic resources - Contracts restrict access for some electronic resources to current Baylor students, faculty, and staff, but many electronic resources are available to visitors who are physically present in the Baylor Libraries. Printing is now available, most databases allow users to save information. Visiting researchers, may want to bring a USB drive.


Saving Information

Printing - Visiting schools that call ahead and schedule classroom instruction will have printing privileges while they are occupying the classroom. Students will not be able to print once they leave the classroom.

E-mail - While students are using the scheduled classroom, they will be able to download documents and articles and e-mail them to themselves.

USB Flashdrives - Students can download citations or full-text articles from databases or internet sites to flashdrives.

Kic Scanners - Public scanners are available in Moody and Jones Libraries. Materials can be scanned to a USB flashdrive. We encourage students to bring their own flashdrives to copy pages from books, articles, documents, and photographs. There is no charge for this service.

Photocopiers - Public photocopiers are available in Moody and Jones Libraries. The cost is $.10/copy. Please consult with the staff of the other campus libraries for photocopy policies and procedures.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702