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Understanding Art/Photography Call Numbers: N-VISUAL ARTS

A Helpful guide to the magic behind call numbers for library materials in the arts



Subclass N

N1-(9211)  Visual arts

N1-58  General

N61-72  Theory.  Philosophy.  Aesthetics of the visual arts

N81-390   Study and teaching.  Research

N400-3990  Art museums, galleries, etc.

N4390-5098   Exhibitions 

N5198-5299   Private collections and collectors

N5300-7418   History

N7420-7525.8   General works

N7560-8266  Special subjects of art

N8350-8356  Art as a profession.  Artists

N8510-8553  Art studios, materials, etc.

N8554-8585  Examination and conservation of works of art

N8600-8675  Economics of art

N8700-9165  Art and the state.  Public art

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