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To browse for books on Communication Studies, use these call number ranges on different topics or subjects within the discipline.
P87-96 | Communication, Mass Media |
P94.7 | Interpersonal Communication |
P95-95.6 | Oral communication, Speech |
P99-99.4 | Semiotics. Signs, and symbols |
P99.5-99.6 | Nonverbal communication |
P301-301.5 | Style, Composition, Rhetoric |
P302- 302.87 | Discourse analysis |
PN4001-4355 |
Oratory, Elocution, etc. |
BF636-637 |
Applied Psychology |
HD 30.3 |
Communication in Management and Industry |
HD 42 |
Conflict Management |
HD58.7-58.95 |
Organizational behavior, change and effectivenss, Corporate culture |
HF5717 |
Business communication |
R118 |
Communication in Medicine |
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