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Here is a helpful starting place for research in Communication Studies

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Where to search for books

Call Numbers for Communication Studies

To browse for books on Communication Studies, use these call number ranges on different topics or subjects within the discipline.


P87-96  Communication, Mass Media
P94.7 Interpersonal Communication
P95-95.6 Oral communication, Speech
P99-99.4 Semiotics. Signs, and symbols
P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication
P301-301.5 Style, Composition, Rhetoric
P302-  302.87 Discourse analysis

Oratory, Elocution, etc.


Applied Psychology

HD 30.3

Communication in Management and Industry

HD 42

Conflict Management


Organizational behavior, change and effectivenss, Corporate culture


Business communication


Communication in Medicine

Communication Subject Headings

Searching the catalog by keyword can often be overwhelming, returning you with a list of way more than you might need.  To focus your results, try searching by subject heading.  Unlike keywords, subject headings are more structured.  Here is a list (with links to the catalog) of some common subject headings in Communication Studies.  The links will lead you to lists of books and other resources categorized by these subject headings.  You can also find subject headings broken down into more detail (e.g. Rhetoric - English Language, Rhetoric - Moral and Ethical Aspects, Rhetoric - Political Aspects - United States - History)

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