Dictionary of biblical criticism and interpretation by edited by Stanley E. Porter.Call Number: Jones Ref BS440 .D496 2007
ISBN: 0415201004
This dictionary's statement of purpose is equally applicable to the Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation below: "...to provide a dictionary-length guide to major issues, approaches, and people that have been important in the development of biblical criticism and interpretation."1
This is the more current dictionary of biblical interpretation, however.
Entries fall into two categories: biographical and topical.
The biographical entries are circumscribed, with usually no more than a page-worth of text devoted to each exegete, with bibliographies. Treatment is highly selective and generally restricted to those of great historical prominence.
Topical entries are substantial (though treatment is concentrated) and can run to several pages.
Strongest in its explication of concepts and historical description of movements, its biographies are still worth consulting, if the scholar you are researching was a person of international or historical renown.
1. Stanley E. Porter, "Preface," Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation (New York: Routledge, 2007) vii.