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Biblical Studies Research

Best Databases for Biblical Studies

Database  Indexing Strength Example Jounals Indexed
ATLA Religion database with ATLASerials

Systematic Theology

Biblical Studies

Church History

Journal of Theological Studies

Catholic Biblical Quarterly

Journal of Early Christian Studies

New Testament Abstracts Biblical Studies - New Testament Journal of Biblical Literature
Old Testament Abstracts Biblical Studies - Old Testament Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Catholic periodical and literature index

Systematic Theology

Biblical Studies

Church History

Modern Theology

Catholic Biblical Quarterly

Catholic Historical Review
Religion and Philosophy Collection

Biblical Studies


Systematic Theology

Novum Testamentum


Journal of Empirical Theology

Religious and theological abstracts

Ministry Studies

Biblical Studies

Systematic Theology

Homiletic and Pastoral Review


Harvard Theological Review


ATLA Religion is the oldest and most comprehensive continuous theological database in existence. But it doesn't index all scholarly journals in Biblical studies and religion. Nor does it provide perpetual coverage of all journals it has once picked up.

So it is good to search a range of subject related databases to ensure that you are picking up everything relevant for your research. The table above lists the top databases for Biblical Studies and Religion.

Scholarly Journals

As a general rule, you should prefer scholarly journals over non-scholarly journals when you are searching for articles to support your research.

Scholarly journals use a vetting process known as "peer review" to ensure that what is published meets scholarly standards.

There are a number of features distinguishing scholarly journals from other types of serial publication. For a convenient summary, please consult the table in the following link: Difference Between Popular, Trade and Scholarly Journals.

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