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Primary Sources at Baylor University Libraries: Online Primary Resources@Baylor

What's available in the way of primary sources at Baylor Libraries? How do I find them and use them? How do I find primary sources outside of the Baylor Library system?

Document Sources: United States (Colonial - Present)

Links to online document sources which you have access to through Baylor University Libraries' subscriptions.

Document Sources: Britain & Europe

Links to online document sources which you have access to through Baylor University Libraries' subscriptions.

Baylor Digital Archives

Baylor University Libraries has an active program to professionally digitize and make available a wide variety of documents, sheet music, recordings, and visual resources owned by the University and the Libraries.  Explore what you can use by looking at the list of available digital collections.  Since many of our collections remain to be digitized, please explore the additional links to our various libraries and special collections listed here:

Armstrong Browning Library

Poage Legislative Library

Texas Collection

University Archives

Many of these Libraries have materials in the BU Digital Collection.  Texas Collection also has some "teaser" videos on YouTube about parts of the collection that have not yet been digitized.  Check out the Texas Collection channel on YouTube.

Government & Political Sources

The resources below are grouped into boxes by type of material or by time period as follows:



Medieval & Early Modern

Newspapers and Periodicals


University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702