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Manuscript: A book or document written by hand rather than typed or printed
Scroll: A roll of parchment or paper
Codex: An ancient manuscript in book form
Folio: Term used for an individual page of parchment
Parchment: The skin of a sheep or goat that has been prepared for use as a support for writing
Vellum: The skin of a cow that has been prepared for use as a support for writing
Illumination: Decoration unique to book design, in which a page is decorated with gold, silver, or colored designs
Marginalia: Notes in the margins of a text
Rubric: From the Latin for “red.” A title, heading, or direction in a manuscript, often written in red ink
Historiated initial: An enlarged letter at the beginning of a paragraph that contains a picture
Illuminator: A person who illuminates a manuscript
Scribe: A person who copies manuscript texts
Book of Hours: A book containing the prayers to be said at specific hours of the day
Psalter: A copy of the biblical Psalms, especially for liturgical use
Choir Book: A manuscript used by choirs in churches during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Usually the book is large enough for the entire choir to read from one text