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MUS 4280 Senior Seminar/Paper


The Arts and Special Collections Research Center offers a significant number of resources - FOR YOU!

  • over 116,000 print music scores
  • approx. 54,000 print books
  • over 64,000 CDs and LPs

In addition to these print resources, the libraries host thousands of e-books and e-journals; and over 800 databases.  

Below are a few core resources to help get you started.

Reference sources


Articles & Databases

Journal articles and databases are key resources for you as you build knowledge on your topic. Journal articles are accessed through OneSearch or in specific databases. Databases include a wide range of sources including e-journals, e-books, primary source materials, and streaming audio & video.

Here are some places to start:

Scores & Recordings

Print scores and analog recordings can be found in OneSearch.  We continue to build online musical score and streaming audio/video resources.

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702