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HP 5379: Research Methods in Health, Human Performance, and Recreation

Journal Selection

a picture of the JCR homepage


In this course, you must identify a journal in your field to evaluate in the context of finding the right journals to publish your work in. One of the best tools to use is the database: Journal Citation Report. You can navigate to this database by going to the library's databases a-z list and then searching for "Journal Citation Report" (JCR).

This database provides information for journal evaluation using citation data including total citations, impact factor (with and without self-citations), and other measurement tools. You are also able to see what journal might be more suitable for open access publishing. 

Search JCR

You can search JCR using the known title of a journal or it can be browsed by category. Browsing can be particularly helpful if you are trying to find journals that are relevant to your field. First, navigate to categories at the top of the homepage. Then, scroll down to find categories that are relevant to your field. You will see broader categories first, then more narrow subcategories. For example, you might scroll down to click on "Clinical Medicine," and then "Sports Science," to find a relevant journal. 

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