Provides full-text coverage to over 600 full-text journals, over 200 full-text books, and over 60 000 images in art and architecture from 1929-present. Combines content from Art Index/Art Index Retrospective and Art & Architecture Complete.
Provides access to mid 20th-century art history literature and contemporary criticism of art through periodicals, yearbooks, and select museum bulletins. Cumulates citations to Art Index volumes 1-32 (published between 1929 and 1984).
Offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, landscape architecture, and historic preservation.
Provides access to more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences.
Provides full-text coverage to over 600 full-text journals, over 200 full-text books, and over 60 000 images in art and architecture from 1929-present. Combines content from Art Index/Art Index Retrospective and Art & Architecture Complete.
Collection of documentaries and interviews illustrating the history, theory, and practice of art, design, and architecture. Includes biographies, profiles of contemporary artists and architects, surveys of art history, aesthetics, theory, criticism, and more, spanning from Greek and Roman forms to modern. Options to create, edit, and share playlists or clips. Alexander Street Press.
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