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Alumni Resources

Resources provided to Baylor University alumni including a mix of Baylor Libraries content, open source items, and web-accessible assets.

Baylor Digital Collections

Start your search of the Baylor Digital Collections for items including Baylor archival materials, Texas history, the study of church and state, anti-Christian activities in Soviet Russia and much more!

Locate Items in the Baylor Libraries Catalog with OneSearch

OneSearch is the Baylor Libraries' powerful search tool that allows you to discover items in our print, digital, and online holdings. You'll find it at the top of the Baylor Libraries website:

Once you enter your search term in the white box labeled "Search by Keyword," be sure to check the box that says "Open Access" on the results page. This will ensure you get free access to materials discoverable through OneSearch. 

Once you've checked the Open Access box, you can use the bars on the side of the results page to narrow your results even further, including the option to limit to open access only (freely available on the Internet), or to limit by date, material type, subject, and more.

Lifelong Learning

Baylor's Lifelong Learning is a primarily volunteer-led membership-based organization that offers an array of learning opportunities and experiences. Each fall and spring semester, member-designed courses and special events entice intellectually curious adults to explore a wide range of interests. If you are looking for a comfortable venue for friendship, leadership opportunities, and stimulating learning, come join us.

Learn more about Lifelong Learning

University Libraries

One Bear Place #97148
Waco, TX 76798-7148

(254) 710-6702