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Art History

Art-related OERs



Reframing Art History, an open-access multimedia art history "textbook," gives you a guided journey through the living, breathing, meaningful side of art history. We’re less concerned with names and dates than with meaning and movement. With chapters developed by a group of more than 40 experts, it showcases art and history from the bottom up. (SmartHistory: The Center for Public Art History)

Pressbooks Directory is a free, searchable catalog that includes 5,815 open access books published by 160 organizations and networks using Pressbooks. It's easy to copy, revise, remix, and redistribute any openly licensed content found here using Pressbooks' publishing platform. Nearly all books are highly accessible, and many include interactive H5P learning activities to engage learners. To see the approximately 40 open access books on various aspects of art history, visit

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