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Applied Tutorial: Fuzzy Text Matching: Home

Learn how to mine text from JSTOR articles to measure attitudes towards civil rights in research focusing on Baptists.

Workshop Description

Learn how to mine text from JSTOR articles to measure attitudes towards civil rights in research focusing on Baptists. Participants in this hands-on workshop will learn how to analyze the text surrounding various ethnicities to measure the valence (pleasantness), arousal (intensity of emotion), and dominance (degree of control) inherent in words. Participants will also learn how to use Zotero to download JSTOR articles. No prior experience with digital humanities, text analysis, Zotero, or JSTOR use is required.

Open to the entire Baylor community.

Workshop Materials

Data Sources Used

Applications Used

JSTOR Instruction Procedures

Sample Visualization

Example of one visualization type that workshop participants will create. This uses the publicly available Charts | Google Developers javascript classes to render the visualization.

Background Readings

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